Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Point Pleasant -Condo's and Apartments

Point Pleasant has an eclectic mix of old and new homes, with apartment building above and condos below.

The building above and below was built in 1926 as apartments, now it is condos.
CLICK HERE to see one that recently sold, and to see the inside if interested. the units sell from 33,000 to 120,000 in this building.

This one is my favorite.  If you have time, pop over to Travel Tales and see this amazing Ancient Petrified Forest that is visible at low tide in Wales...be sure to enlarge the photos...


  1. These are lovely buildings. It's nice to see all the green, too!

  2. Wonderful shots and places and look ~ so that is what nice sunny warm days look like , I think I faintly remember lol

  3. Your favorite is my favorite too...gorgeous!...:)JP

  4. Good morning Mad Monkey!!
    What beautiful buildings. I love the tile roofs. That condo link was very pretty too but OMCs the Travel Tales I had no idea anything like that still existed. Thank you for sharing the link
    Hugs C

  5. I really like the style of the last two buildings you pictured. Point Pleasant is a wonderful place to walk and snap away.

  6. nice to have older buildings still being used for apartments and condos.

  7. Thanks for the home tours --and the side trip to Wales.

  8. Love to see these apartments and condos. Nice area. Interesting to look at the inside, too. Took the side trip to Wales. Very interesting!!!!

  9. Mediterranean style architecture is one of my favorites.

  10. I loved getting to see inside the condos!!

  11. $33-120,000...that's quite a range. Point Pleasant sounds so, well, pleasant! :)

  12. I would love to live in these lovely old buildings with their high ceilings and beautiful molding (I'm guessing).

  13. that was a nice tour...love the sunshine...makes me dream of summer

  14. Beautiful condos.. Someone did a good job of changing these from an old home into condos... I did look at the one which had sold --and wondered who would buy a 1B1B condo on 2nd floor??? Many elderly people sell their homes and move into condos like that --but I can't imagine any older person wanting those stairs... Hmmmmmm... Interesting. (Hubby and I will probably end up in a condo someday --when we can't do yardwork anymore.)


  15. Nice looking buildings - summery too! We have more snow - with no spring in sight yet. I went and looked at the Petrified Forest photos. That's totally amazing - like a whole other planet - mythical looking.

  16. The red tile roofs are so pretty!

  17. My son is looking to buy a condo. I do like the exterior design of these...almost Mediterranean with the tile roof.

  18. Very attractive. Thanks for linking to LinyLouMacs so I could see that amazing petrified forest!

  19. what a great looking building and I like the inside of it too. I could live there. That seems like a lot of money though at least compared to the prices in my area.

  20. This place is sure named right. Nothing like that around here.

  21. I do love that architecture by you.

  22. Very nice, love the condo. My son's condo in Los Angeles is under 1,000 sq. ft. and they paid $432,000. for it when prices were down a few years ago. It normally sold for $650,000. I know when we retire we are getting out of CA!!!

  23. Any of them look good to me right now...just to be away from the cold!

  24. I can almost feel the warmth of the sunlight on those pretty buildings.

  25. Beautiful.

    If I were a rich man...

  26. Very beautiful buildings and i love all the trees and greens around them. Looking very bright and nice

  27. these are beautiful buildings. the light looks absolutely gorgeous in those pictures.

  28. I was having trouble leaving comments on some blogs last night and looks like some, including on this post, didn't take. Trying again.

    My favorite is the same as yours, I love those Spanish tiles. I took a look at the condo that just sold and the view is great but it is so small.

  29. All great places to live in. I know you used to sell real estate, so I always like your stores about the places people live in.
