Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Sunrise

Dawn 6:30.......Florida..... Barefoot my ready..... 
(soapbox moment, darn time change,now it is Dawn 7:30)

4 AM conversation 

Sandra: Still no lights in the garage?

Bob: No, I don't think so, I can see the stars...


The night before, bob went out to lock up the garage at bedtime and the over head lights would not come on. He was out there so long, I went to see if someone kidnapped him. He was trying to Check and Repair. we got up the next morning, he took the dogs out at 4, and disappeared into the garage for 5 minutes. Came to bed and I said... Still no lights in the garage?

That same night at bedtime THEY said a storm was coming, Weather Alert
What Bob meant
If I can see the stars there is no storm out there, nor is it coming.

Now if we could only figure out what he heard me say.
I mean does lights in the garage sound remotely like Weather alert or Storm coming?


  1. Blimey! You two are early risers no wonder your conversation doesn't make sense at that time in the morning. But the photos are good. Wee Willie Winkie in his night gown carried a candle not a camera.

  2. Loveley skies. Pre-storm clouds or did the storm not come at all?

  3. Sandra, Glad you were up early for the sunrise, although I did set the alarm as I had to set up the corned beef in the crockpot. Cooking on Low requires almost 10 hours. We are bringing dinner to friends later today. We are back in bed and may stay awake fir sunrise...or not.

  4. Whatever! It is a beautiful sunrise. Honestly, if I miss the sun coming up, I feel as if I've missed too much of the day.


  5. Such beautiful sky shots - nicely done!!

  6. Great pix, Sandra!!!Hmmm...sounds like selective hearing to me...LOL!!!...:)JP

  7. Ha!ha! Sounds SO familiar!!! Beautiful sunrise!

  8. That's gorgeous Sandra !
    Oh and it sounded so warm and lovely when you said "barefoot in my nightgown " because I am still waiting on a warm morning here ~ some day . lol

  9. good thing you two know how to understand each other. :) love the shots!

  10. Red in the morning, sailor's warning. You have wind coming according to the lore.

    We have beautiful rain.

  11. Sounds like some of my conversations with the Hubby. I think its amazing how we can translate some of the garble we say.
    Gorgeous sunrise too.
    Getting ready for church but just had to drop by and say good morning.

  12. Pretty pics. I'm always glad to be BEHIND the camera in some of the outfits I wear around here!

    Laughing about your conversation, or lack thereof!

  13. LOL LOL LOL you two might need a translator or B's hearing aides need new batteries.

    Absolutely gorgeous sunrise
    Hugs C

  14. He just has his own special language!

  15. At least he heard you say something. Wade was saying something to me the other day and he was mumbling so bad that I just gave up on trying to figure out what he said and walked away.

  16. I am always amazed at the wee hours in the morning that you two are either up and about or talking. Beautiful shots!

  17. Beautiful sky pictures you've caught there. You two are just too funny. We had a very nice and sunny morning here, we even had breakfast out in the garden. But now it's back to being cloudy again lol One thing I've learned during my years living here in Ireland, never waste a sunny day. Hope you're having a great weekend!

  18. Beautiful sunrise photos... I hate the time change also... Takes some real adjustment for sure!!!!

    Funny conversation between you and Bob... Sounds like some that George and I have at times.... ha ha


  19. Gosh so that is what I am missing not getting up at the CRACK OF DAWN!

  20. Lately I haven't been awake to enjoy sunrises. Thanks for sharing yours!

  21. Beautiful sunrise shots, Sandra. We are early risers too, but also early to bed.
    Travelling to and from Italy with a time difference has done odd things to my body clock since we got back to the UK.

  22. I am a great believer in that the longer you live together the more you understand :) Great photos Sandra, love to see the sunrise.

  23. pretty on the conversations....Men...gotta love em...

  24. thanks for the chuckle; Dave always said we all speak English and it's still a wonder any of us know what we're talking about.

  25. There is no way Jeff & I would be having ANY conversation that early in the morning unless the house was on fire! BEAUTIFUL sunrise!

  26. Well worth the time spent out there.

  27. I've been staying up too late to see the sun rise lately. Your captures are beautiful and well worth the barefooted trip outside to snap them.
    LOL at the conversation! Those men. :)

  28. Ha! Isn't it great our better halves know us by heart and we speak the same language! Love it. Beautiful sunrise too

  29. You think there might be a communication problem at 4am? Be that as it may, the sunrise picture are beautiful.

  30. Gorgeous sunrise.
    At 4am we wouldn't even try for a conversation, we know we wouldn't make any sense at all.

    So did you get a storm?

  31. Gorgeous sunrise and fantastic shots sweet Sandra. Those kind of conversations are pretty much the norm around here. lol Hugs

  32. Beautiful sky....I'm always grabbing my camera to take photos of the sky. I just got the morning moon!

  33. This is so like me and Roger!
