Monday, March 31, 2014

Time for Tidbits/Trivia

We got almost 5 inches of rain in the past few days, pool was full to the top, so Poolman Bob, previously called Bobby Appleseed. also recently dubbed Squirrel Whisperer by Squirrel Queen, is flushing off the pool deck.

Today at lunch we had just come home from a shopping spree and Bob got a new necklace. He has now LOST 4 necklaces. 
He said "do I look like a used car salesman?"
and we started giggling and could not stop...
We were remembering an overheard conversation in Wal-Mart.

Years ago, we were standing at the counter to get a new watch battery. 

A young mother with a boy about 4 years old, stood holding his hand causing his eyes to be  level with all the shiny men's rings in the counter.
 he says "Mom, can I have that ring?" 
"NO! I am not having my kid walking around looking like a used car salesman"

Isn't it odd how something so silly and simple sticks with us? the child is probably in college by now and still we giggle.

It's Spring THEY are HERE


  1. Good Morning,
    Looks like you might have been taking photos!!! lol
    John and I heard a kid in Walmart tell his mom, "don't forget the miiillllkkk" one time and we still laugh about the way he pronounced milk!

  2. This post reminded me of my Dad. He considered any man who wore deodorant, jewellery,a watch or after shave a sop, he didn't even have a wedding ring. I'm not sure what he made of Tom when I took him home as Tom loves it all, he smells nice and would have watches all up his arm if it was proper. lol
    Love the fluffy white flower, is it a dandelion?

  3. This post reminded me of my Dad. He considered any man who wore deodorant, jewellery,a watch or after shave a sop, he didn't even have a wedding ring. I'm not sure what he made of Tom when I took him home as Tom loves it all, he smells nice and would have watches all up his arm if it was proper. lol
    Love the fluffy white flower, is it a dandelion?

  4. Hey, Sandra....we met at man at the bar the other night down here in Aruba...he looks just like Bob!!! His name is Tom and he's from Maine...retired state policeman who now is a lobster fisherman! Any relation??? Such a nice guy!...:)JP

  5. LOLOLOL Tell Bob Madi and I said he looks like a Pool man know a used car salesman!!! That was too funny

    Spring has sprung in FL. We expect a warm week FINALLY no rain
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. Isn't it funny what you remember people say that tickle the funny bone? My funny memory is the first time I met a friend's daughter who was selling Girl Scout cookies on my doorstep. When I complimented her on how well she had been doing with her sales, she said quite seriously that her mum had advised her to suck up to people and they would buy more. I guess it worked, I bought several boxes of cookies. Now we just had an invite to her wedding :)

  7. Visiting your blog always makes me smile - Love your sense of humor, and oh, your spring flowers - lovely! We had only 17 degrees this morning. Spring will maybe arrive by April 20th. lol.

  8. My guess is you were hiding and taking pictures of Bob.

  9. Funny ---the things we remember... Love it.

    We got alot of rain on Saturday too.. BUT--that was kinda nice since we needed rain and since that gave us a nice day INSIDE relaxing!!!! ha

    Maybe Spring is finally coming to our area this week... I hope so since it has been a LONG winter and a crazy one!!!!


  10. Cute story! My uncle was a used car salesman until he was 70 something and I don't recall him ever wearing jewelry. lol! He made a pretty good living off that little used car lot of his. It was amazing how many cars he could cram into that lot.

  11. My FIL loved gold chains...Hubby doesn't wear any type of jewelry...

    Great photos....Hi Bob!

  12. Its usually the silly and unimportant things we remember and laugh about.LOL

  13. Bob probably feels half-naked without his necklace. Oh wait - he IS half naked. LOL!

  14. What are these cute little flowers? The car salesman story...I know it will now stick with me forever, it is just plain GOOD!!! She sounds like a really fun mom! We got more snow yesterday, Phil stayed home from church.

  15. Bob looks like he's enjoying the job.
    That's funny about the mom saying she doesn't want her son looking like a used car salesman. I didn't realize they were the only men who wore

  16. That's a funny story! We have stuff like that we remember and laugh about,too. I think it's means you have a history together!

  17. That was funny about the used car salesman. I had not associated them with lots of jewelry but I guess it fits.

    Bob is racking up a lot of nicknames. Of course he is a jack of all trades.

  18. These private homes are fun aren't they. My husband and I have a few of those things we think are funny and no one else would know what on earth were laughing about. Keep up the laughing... And snapping those gorgeous photos!

  19. I think I'm glad Poolman Bob doesn't look like a used car salesman. Since Bob doesn't like having his picture taken, you're lucky you didn't get a bucket full of water while you were snapping away.

  20. Loved the pictures of your POOLMAN BOB!!!! I take pics of Louis Dean and tell him that he's my pet!! We always take pictures of our pets!!

  21. Good morning, lovely that the spring is here. Great pictures. You two are too funny he he. 2 days til our sweden trip to see grandson and family. Have a great day

  22. Love the story about the ring, the kid and the used car salesman!!

  23. refreshing pictures and love to hear how the two of you laugh together.

  24. I've never heard that one about a car salesman....LOL! Love the flowers, excellent photos.....

  25. What were you doubt you were wearing your "mad snapper" hat and getting those terrific pictures. That was a lot of rain. We are finally seeing signs of spring here too. Hugs
