Saturday, April 27, 2024

To Smell or Not to Smell


Most of you know I have Scent Sensitivities and if a person with perfume on comes near, or someone lights a scented candle, or a Dumbo waiter has so much cologne on, I have been known to complain. I also complained recently because Dawn has a new scent and blah blah blah.
today I am lodging a new complaint.

The new jar of Vicks Vapor Rub came to my door in the free to me by health insurance order.
The jar it is replacing is about 5 years old. I use it when I have a cough and sometimes on the bottom of my nose to help me breathe when allergies are keeping me awake. This was learned from My dad who was born in 1913.
the NEW Vick's  has no scent! ingredients the same, looks the same, not the same. Since it was generic, I bought the Brand Name Vicks, and it has no scent either.

Yes, there are matches in my AI creations of Vicks Vapor Rub, because I have loved matches my entire life, and learned a use for matches other than fire, again from my dad.
The smell of a match when struck, that delightful to me smell of Sulphur, covers bad odors. 
In fact, he kept matches in our bathroom's and for all my decades of life, I too have used matches for odor removal and simply put LOVE the smell. 
THEY have removed the smell.
If anyone know where to buy matches that still smoke and stink, please advise. 
Yes, these are images from Bing Designer because I rather play with AI than take a photo of the Real Stuff here in my house. 


  1. I’m afraid I haven’t used matches in years. Andy has used them this winter to start fires in the wood stove up on the land and he didn’t notice any smell. He will check tomorrow. He says the matches are different from the old kind…you have to strike them on the box. I will let you know what he says.

  2. So the regular old Vicks has a strong smell, didn't that bother you? And I am guessing you really love this new one!

  3. I'm confused as to how the unscented Vicks can work if there is no smell. I always though it was the scent of it that you breathe in and it clears your sinuses.
    And while we are on the subject of scent I'm curious as to why people want everything unscented but load themselves up with perfume that gags everyone around them. There are 2 employees and a few customers that are so highly scented I can not stand to be around them.

  4. It is significant that so many businesses request that people don’t wear scents these days.

  5. We got a bunch of long matches on clearance at Target. They still stink. Duraflame. Hope you find the ones you want. Happy Weekend,

  6. I miss the smell of the matches...though I have not had occasion to need one here.

  7. Hari OM
    I have never thought of matches having a smell - I use them to light lamps and candles. YAM xx

  8. Well Dang it makes no sense that Vicks now has no scent...
    what good is it?
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. I, too, wonder how on earth Vicks de-scented itself and (claims) it still works. Unlike Tom who acts like I'm trying to poison him, I actually enjoy that particular aroma.

    And matches, too! I was so disappointed to learn they did away with the good ones. Back in the 80's one of my coworkers showed me the tip of taking a box along to the bathroom. It (the ladies room) was incredibly tiny and little 'escaped' if you know what I mean.

  10. Diamond Matches are my go-to for all things that need to be burned. I use them frequently. They seem OK to me. We live way out in the country and burn all our evidence ... eh ... yard & house debris. They don't call me Sparky for nuttin'! LOL

  11. Vicks should smell like Vicks! But I am sensitive too and don't burn scented candles.

  12. The soap aisle and candle aisle at stores really kill me.
    I am confused by the no scent Vicks..I thought that was part of the purpose of using Vicks. Love the AI photos.
    Feeling better today and going with Dave to do a few errands.
    Still coughing but so much better.

  13. Not sure about matches - but I know what you mean.
    So do you like the new Vick's or not?

  14. That's interesting, matches with no smell. I know someone in this house (not me) who hates the Sulphur smell of matches.

  15. Mom too loves the smell of sulphur but can't remember when she last lit a match. Our Dad is very scent sensitive so we never have those nice-smelling candles burning. She too wonders how Vicks works too without the menthol smell.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. Hmmm,what good is Vaporub without the vapos?

  17. Hubby uses matches in the you know where room. They do work. I don't need them in my you know where room. LOL. But I do need Vicks Vaporub, and I keep it beside my bed for the same purpose you stated. Mine still has a vapor. I can't imagine it without it. What good would it be? I am also very "Scentsitive" word for being sensitive to scents, all like you mentioned. Must be something that happens with age. I get headaches from strong scents and even nausea. Candles, perfume, room deodorizers, etc. detergents, soaps, you name it. I'm very particular about that as well. We have a lot in common! I enjoyed your post, but I won't be buying the unscented vicks. I hope they have one that is still the original somewhere???

  18. Seriously, the Vick's has no smell. Isn't that the purpose of it?

  19. Hmmm...I haven't bought Vick in awhile but what I have still has a scent. Also I have a bunch of old matches for that very reason, they cover up stinky smells.
