Friday, April 26, 2024

Tree Tunnel on Nature Friday

Bring on the Oxygen! and Shade and Beauty

 This is a street near by our home. It is a mile walk to these homes, but Beau and I would not make the mile back.. 

Joining Rosy for nature Friday over at The LLB Life

Here you go Rosy, what could be better than a posy for Rosy on Nature Friday than a very tall and beautiful Tree? and sunshine for Sunny


  1. I think the word for this would be LUSH.

  2. WOW, this last tree!!! It reminds me of those big ones in Africa.

  3. I especially love that first picture! I love trees. ❤️

  4. This looks like a nice street. I love all the trees.

  5. Lovely to see some more of your neighbourhood with all those big old trees! Looks like a nice street for a walk if one is able to :)

  6. That was a long way to walk, if you had to. I assume you drove around the area to show us. It looks a pleasant neighbourhood with interesting houses to look at and lots of shade under the trees.

  7. I.have got to remember to look at these on computer!

  8. Seems like it would be a great walk. Maybe you could do it one way and have your husband pick you up.

  9. Gorgeous trees adorned with Spanish moss and loved the blue skies and painted homes
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Gorgeous trees. They make me feel calm.
    Great choices for Nature Friday.
    feeling pretty puny still. Hacking cough but sore throat is better.
    Glad I am staying home and just vegging.

  11. That last tree is a humdinger! So interesting! I love trees, and especially tree lined streets and homes surrounded by beautiful trees. I tend to be a tree hugger and hate to see them brought down, but I know sometimes it is a necessity. Still, living here in Florida we need all the shade we can get! Just so lightning doesn't strike them or hurricanes blow them down, right? Have a lovely weekend. I enjoyed this.

  12. Hi Sandra :=)
    That tunnel of trees or archway looks beautiful. Like you I could probably make it one way on foot but not the way back. Lovely neighbourhood!

  13. Lovely! The canopies made by the trees looks like such a relaxing neighborhood -- no stress permitted.
    That last one reminds me of an elephant's leg. Is it a banyan?

  14. Ww - that last tree is quite impressive in size!!! We would love the big trees during our walks as we don't have much shade in our immediate area. The trees just aren't big enough. Hopefully the trees we DO have won't get blwn away with the storms this weekend.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. It's nice to see so many big trees thriving!!!

  16. I do like most of the houses on the street. But I love that tree.

  17. Love all those trees and houses 3 5 and 6 I like :)

  18. Love that tree lined street. Thanks for sharing the houses too.
