Thursday, May 30, 2024

#1, The Mad One


Can you find the heart in my pot of little potatoes?

I found I could mark the heart by using Google Photos where our photos go, in the

I was on the throne, he he he, with cell in hand, paging through the photos in the pin wheel and suddenly I saw something new. It said, Pen, Highlighter, Text and Voila, I snipped a screen shot, after writing WOW and wanted you to know it's there. It is only there on my android phone.
If you find it please

they keep adding new stuff every day! and for that I am thankful. I am thankful for all of you who look at all of my nonsense

Coming to you from #1 MadSnapper, MadDoodler, MadBloviator, MadStuffFinder

#1, the Mad One is thankful

. Joining Brians Home Forever  on


  1. I do have an android phone. But I thought yours is an iPhone. The heart potato is too cute to eat!

  2. Hari Om
    I've had this for ages... years, even... I've been signing all my photos with it all this time. Though it is true that updates keep happening with silly things like sparkles or rainbows. YAM xx

  3. The heart potato is cute, great find!
    I do enjoy your doodles, but I do not have an android phone.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  4. I spotted the heart potato right off.
    I looked at my google photos and I didn't see the pen. Unless you meant when you go to edit a photo and the pen that is under markup.

  5. Yes, I can write on pics or I can type on pics...not sure what all....I am so boring compared to you.

  6. Making new discoveries - gaining new knowledge - that's great.
    Something that pleases us the most.
    Really from the heart! :-) And yes, I saw it in the first photo... your pretty heart potato.
    Lots of love to you.

  7. Like Yam I had found the pen thing a while back but my efforts at using it have been less successful than yours. I clearly don't write well with the end of my finger. I end up with something that looks like it has been written with a thumbnail dipped in tar ....,',cut%20and%20stop%20the%20bleeding.

    Good luck with that one

  8. Yeay, I found it! Your tutorials are such fun.
    I agree with Ginny ... the heart potato is too cute to eat!

  9. I did spy the 'tater heart!! Amazing I've never seen a heart tater. Hugs Cecilia

  10. Saw the tater heart! I have a Google Photos account. Now I'm gonna pop over there and see if I can find the icons. Bet I don't figure it out though since I'm such a luddite. lol 💙

  11. You are so much fun Sandra... loved your doodles and creativity.
    Keep on MadBloviating...

  12. The heart-shaped potato stands out quite well and I spotted it right away.

  13. That is one very special potato:). A semi tipped over on the highway near us and spilled a load of potatoes. Imagine the fun they had picking all those taters up. There were a lot of jokes on the radio about mashed potatoes:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. Yes, you do always fin the fun stuff!!! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  15. I saw the heart too. I don't have an android phone, but I love reading about what you can do with them. ❤️

  16. That heart potato is so cute! I do not consider anything nonsense that you put out. A lot of fun things is what you put out, and a big thank you from me.

  17. I hope this goes through. I am reading these from my phone. Decided not to take my computer. Was on Myra's post and it had me as anonymous. Here is says my name.
