Friday, May 31, 2024

Royal Poinciana Tree

We found this Poinciana Tree on our Sunday morning drive with Beau hanging out the window. It should be flowers only and much brighter ran, due to drought, it is not. It is still beautiful. They are common here in Florida

 below is a photo from Edison Ford Winter Estates in Fort Myers Florida.

I wanted you to see the beautiful flowers up close

Joining Nature Friday with Rosy and Sunny at The LLB Life


  1. The Royal Poinciana tree looks beautiful. I like the avenue of trees and the wide grassy areas. The close up of the flame- coloured flowers and fern-like leaves from the link shows spectacular nature on Nature Friday. It looks like a lovely neighbourhood with lots of shade - that's important. Have a good day Sandra.

  2. What a pretty tree. Those flowers are gorgeous.

  3. It is a beautiful tree, I love seeing the flowers up close.
    Take care, have a great weekend.

  4. It is a beautiful, vibrant tree and starts my day off well. I hope there were birds singing in it!

  5. Beautiful Poinciana. I remember seeing some big ones in when we lived in Florida. I've wanted a Rain Tree for many years. They grow well here in SE Georgia, can get quite huge, and have lovely flowers too. 💙

  6. Goodness me it is absolutely gorgeous and purrfectly shaped.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Imagine a whole street of them out in flower - what a riot!

  8. WOW!! So very beautiful. What a vibrant red, in the sun it almost looks orange!

  9. I'm so glad you took the closeup! And I even enlarged it more to geta good look. Something we do not have anywhere here. It is gorgeous, and looks so tropical.

  10. Wow, what a difference! I must be really unobservant, because I don't remember seeing them when I lived there.

    When I was a little girl visiting Florida, the Edison house was one of my favorite places to go. That and the nearby (?) shell factory.

  11. You live in such a pretty neighborhood. Love the blooms, they are a beautiful color!

  12. It is still beautiful - but I know you would love more rain there.

  13. That is a gorgeous tree! Wow! I don't think we have those here in our part of Florida, at least I've never seen one! Thank you for sharing it with us! Now I know what that looks like!

  14. It's still beautiful. I hope you get some rain soon!

  15. Beautiful tree. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen one.
