Thursday, May 2, 2024

Breaking NEWS! on thankful Thursday


 Here's the Scoop!  Tuesday, I FELL and fell hard... I tripped over a box I pulled from under the bed to get paper work out of and left it there between the dresser and the bed. I also did not remember 2 hours later that I left it out.

(it looks like I will not be using Freeform to do art) he he he

I walked from computer to bed to measure while deciding if i needed king or California king for sheets (I still don't know) and both feet jammed under the box causing the forward projection of the sizeable body forward and on to one side, bending toes, and bent fingers under sizeable weight of said body and also smacking the ear on the dresser, knocking the table over causing the lamp and shade and table to land on the sizeable body laying upside down between he two pieces of furniture. 

It sounded and felt like a bomb went off, the dear husband watching the loud TV heard not one sound, causing the said body to pick up all the things and jack herself up using dresser and bed as a prop.

I stood up, walked down the hall with blood dripping from Ankle left leg, skin peel back left shin, 4 inches below biopsy site. 

Also 2 middle toes right foot, bent backwards

2 middle fingers right hand bent under

Right forearm and elbow with sizeable bleeding gashes and peeled back skin and a bruised shoulder.

NOTE: the good, the bad, the ugly. And for some of it we are thankful. No Permanent damage and no trip to ER.. No furniture or lamps harmed. The good part is that the reason this happened other than POOR MEMORY on my part, was the reason I pulled the box out and left it there.I needed the paperwork of his son Robby, 40 years of it under the bed.

Bob received a letter stating he was the beneficiary for an insurance policy on his son Robby, who passed away last Sept. The company ran a SS match on deaths last year and found Robby was deceased.

the out come is, after all the blood and mess, bob will received a check for $1182.00 in the mail some time in the next 10 days.

He has no idea who bought the policy or when, and no one else in the family is on that policy. We are also thankful we will not have to spend it on ER bills for the accident

the gashes are 2 inches by 1 inch and I spared you the gore..
I close all this with this question.
Did you know that when both elbows are hurt, and the right hand of a right handed person is hurt, it is REALLY HARD TO GET UP FROM THE SOFA! I have learned just how many places ELBOWS get propped, bumped, used to get up... OWIE


  1. It is hard for me to get up from the couch when I don't have any injuries! So I can only imagine how hard it is for you! I am thinking you were really lucky, though!!! No broken hip or head damage!!

  2. That's horrible! But I'm glad it wasn't a lot worse. Please take care. We love you. ❤️

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your injury. Take care Sandra.

  4. Oh No you poor soul. Glad you didn't need ER. Sad about Hubby not hearing. I have one like that but he has good hearing poor concentration. Hope you get better soon.

  5. Hari OM
    OMG, Sandra, I hope Bob appreciates the sacrifice!!! Heal well, my friend. YAM xx

  6. I think I felt the pain as you were describing it. I can't believe Bob didn't hear anything. Good thing you didn't break anything and were able to get yourself up.
    Speaking of falling, the new hearing aids I got can detect a fall and then it will send a text message to a person I've assigned.

  7. I cringe every time I think of is a miracle that something wasnt broken.

  8. There is a certain appeal to your art, Sandra. I am quite sure that if Picasso were to scrawl his name on it, it would sell for a lot higher sum than the amount to be received from the insurance policy. The good thing in all of this is that you were not seriously hurt. I can’t recall the number of times I have tripped on tree roots or other obstacles while out walking. So far no injuries, thankfully, but who knows what lies ahead! All the best - David

  9. I saw you left a comment on Dawn Treader's blog and thought I might pop in to visit you. I'm so sorry for your fall! We must remember that our minds have memorized our house and everything placed in our house. Now, if something has been moved or is different, we might not remember it.i am telling myself that as I type this!! Thankful you were not seriously hurt but might be idea to have doctor check you out anyway. Take care! Love from Kay in Georgia.

  10. Oh no! That REALLY hurt!!! I am SO sorry to hear about this, and can certainly feel your pain! So thankful nothing is broken except your pride, but owie, you will be stiff and sore for a while I am afraid! I am sorry to hear of the passing of your husband's son. But it is comforting to know that the insurance company pursued you and that you will receive that unexpected "gift". Kind of a "heaven-sent" gift. Thinking of you both today and praying for your recovery and comfort and peace.

  11. Dang! Good thing you're tough. I pray you'll heal quickly. Do rest as much as possible.
    So sorry to hear about the passing of Hubby's son. How sad. That must be heartbreaking for him.
    Prayers all around.

  12. My goodness, how very scary for you, but I'm glad that it wasn't worse. I hope the hurt and pain goes away super soon. Hugs from all of us.

  13. Sounds like an awful fall, you are lucky you did not have to go to the hospital. Sending healing prayers for you and so sorry for the loss of Bob's son Robby! Take care, have a great day!

  14. Falling is so scary...I am sorry it happened but very thankful it was not outside on concrete. I bet you are sore though. YAY on the surprise insurance money.
    Healing hugs Cecilia

  15. Gosh, when we were kids we fell because we were engaging in an activity - now as we get older our falls consists of carelessly tripping over things. I thin your bed must have cushioned you more than you think. You could have very well hit your head or broke a bone; tear a rotator cuff or damaged a knee or hip.
    When my 94 yr FIL was living at the Veterans Home, they would put a Star on their door after a fall. They called them falling stars. That would indicate to staff that this person needs to be watched and helped for a week or so. ⭐️ Relax and take it easy for a few days!

  16. I'm so sorry this happened to you! (Imagining the look on Bob's face when you walked in the room.) Reminds me of the time I got up in the middle of the night to do you-know-what and tripped over the doggie stairs. Only by the grace of God, I didn't split my head open on my father's old Navy trunk.
    I need to find me some of those oversize bandages. Tom has the last one on his elbow now. Of late, anytime he barely bumps into something in his shop the skin just peels back and bleeds.

    I love Pam's mention of the 'Heaven-sent gift.' Is Bob going to do something special with it in memory of Robby?

  17. So sorry you fell and hurt yourself even more... Glad you didn't break anything though! But I do know it doesn't take much to affect our ability to do lots of things - having lived with pain problems from my neck and down through my right arm for many years + sometimes my left knee giving me trouble as well...

  18. really know how to do things in a BIG sorry for so much pain in so many places . Glad you didn't damage the cancer spot and that it can continue to heal.
    Interesting turn of events to get the insurance from Bob's son. One time SS did something right and did their research.
    Hang in there my friend. At least you made your fall entertaining to us as readers but boy I felt your every pain.

  19. Oh Sandra, I am so glad you don't have any broken bones and didn't have to go to the ER, but WOW, that looks very ouchy!
    I say you just sit on that couch as long as yu need to!
    Rosy and Sunny

  20. Yikes, Sandra, what a nasty tunble that really left its marks on you and not in good ways, Glad to read that no ER visit was needed and hope you will rest up anbd takle it easy the next few days. Relax on the couch and enjoy a good book or show..

  21. First of all let me say thank God you didn't break anything.
    I have done that myself - tripped over things I left out. It is so easy to do - right?
    Your arm looks so bad - I am sorry.
    I am not glad Bob's son passed, but I am glad you got a little money you were not expecting.
    Sorry Bob didn't hear you!

  22. And Mom says she hopes you are heeding her advice about taking it easy. And do be careful.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  23. Oh my Goodness! I am so sorry you hurt yourself and sorry I only found out after I read someones comment on your tree post asking if you were better after your fall, so I came to look for this post. You were so lucky, however sore your scrapes and bruises may have been or perhaps still are, that you didn't break anything or have to go to the emergency hospital. When I think about my poor deceased friend who fell and banged her head on the bathroom floor and a week later she passed away, it makes me all the more thankful that you are OK.
    Take care

  24. What a fall you had. I am thankful that you didn't need to go to the ER. You definitely look banged up. Glad your toes and fingers are okay. It is sad about his son passing away but that is a nice gift he left to Bob.

  25. Oh no!!! So sorry to read all this. I hope you heal quickly. These falls are scary. Sorry about Bob’s son, thoughtful to remember his Dad in such a way. Take good care of yourself, feel better soon.

  26. I'm over here at your place 'catching up' and MAN! You have had some things going on!!! I'm so grateful you were not more seriously hurt - although you ARE hurt!!! You may need one of those things that you can tell "I fell and I can't get up!!"
    Maybe get an air horn to signal for Bob!!!
