Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Freeform First Try..


Two weeks, one day, after biopsy that found Squamous Carcinoma AKA Volcano Cancer
You can see it is not healing well. You can also see the painful varicose veins and that the volcano is right on top of one of the biggest of them all.
Instructions were, to aleve pain, prop your feet up when sitting, 30 minutes twice a day, lay with feet above your heart, this mean bed, we own no recliner.
 Doc says exercise, heat/ice/bruise cream with chestnut because I can't stand to wear the hose. 

Some of you  might remember the ottoman that was moved to the curb last week. I got creative.

 Monday, I dragged the kitchen step stool tot my end of the sofa, piled STUFFuntil it was the right height, had bob measure the height. The hunt is on for a footstool. 

I placed my kindle reading pillow desk in my lap and the iPad fits perfectly. 

I started POKING icons that came in the device, to see what they do... WOOT! WOOT!
This one is called Freeform. I wrote my name and drew a heart with my finger, yet another WOOT!
and I dragged and dropped and drew and well, Played like I used to as a child. 
from 5 years old, I loved to Draw, color, cut, paste, read and write! all on one little screen. 
At my age I have reverted to a younger age and now am fast approaching childhood again.

I could not find a way to save my ART except to save as PDF and SHARE by link with whomever. I want to put it on my blog, not send someone a link.. I found Apple Support and they said get over it, this will not save as anything but PDF, just do a screen print. 

While playing I read a post from, Ann of SnapEditScrap that gave me the answer. Ann's  POST and she had made a drawing on paper and wanted it on her blog, so she simply aimed the cell at it and it became a jpeg...OY Vey! 

Yes, I know this is tacky and not true ART but why make a beautiful creation if  I can't post it. Now that I know I can add a sticker giraffe, and draw with the digital pen I ordered to Play with, you KNOW What is coming.


  1. That cancer looks scary and I am SO grateful YOU aren't afraid of going to the doctor! It may have saved your life! Prayers for you every morning and I love how you can always entertain yourself AND us - no matter what!

  2. Great! This is what I do, just take a snap of it and download it. Your poor leg!

  3. Taking a picture of it with your cell phone is a good idea, but I take screenshots all the time and save the results in photos. Anyway, thank you so much for sharing, and good luck with your legs! ❤️

  4. Hari OM
    Yes, I've been using the screenshot and cellphone images system since I got the Chromebook - second nature now. And I love that you love to play!!! YAM xx

  5. Your leg does look painful.
    That Freeform looks like it would be fun. I like drawing

  6. Hello,
    I have been taking photos with my cell rather than use my printer.
    I hope your leg recovers and you are following the doctors orders.
    Take care, have a great day!

  7. Your legs both look so painful...I will be glad for you to have the next dr visit over wth. use my phone camera so much for snapping pics I want to share. I love the drawings.

  8. That does look pretty nasty. Take care of it and follow the doctor’s instructions.

  9. Sure hope you can get some relief for the leg(s). When I gave up sugar/carbs, 90% of my varicose veins disappeared. Hmmmm .... wish I'd done that sooner. Got one that's a rascal and doesn't want to disappear. Maybe with time ...
    Sometimes all this electronic stuff is more trouble than it's worth. I'm glad someone has the patience for it. I just give up and go outside or make something I can touch before devices go sailing through the air. *giggle*

  10. I sure hope your leg feels better soon. I'm glad you are having fun with the new iPad!

  11. Thank goodness you have found a way to use your iPad so you can keep your feet eleveated.
    As for healing surgery I was told to wash it by hand once a day...let it dry for 10 minutes, apply aquapour with a Qtip then over with a bandage. Keep up this process until completely healed.
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Your iPad looks fun. Your leg looks painful and I sure hope you follow up with your doctor and continue to put your feet up! I hate to see people in pain. What about ice??

  13. I do screen capture with everything now a days....It does make things easier to share.,

    Keep those feet up!

  14. Praying for you and the cancer. You're very creative with all the imaging and such. SO is Ann, glad you were able to get it figured out.

  15. You are so creative! Or, I should say persistent. I'd have probably just said, "To heck with it" and accepted the first (non) answer.
    What's so cool is how much fun you're having. I wonder when we (adults) got so serious and forgot to have fun.

  16. I'm with Mevely...You have so much fun with your toys..I'm glad your are persistent. Praying your leg will heal completely. Don't like seeing you in pain.

  17. We are glad you are having fun with your new toy and hope it can help keep your off your feet and those legs elevated. Good luck with all your boo boos:(

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  18. Wow Sandra - that sure looks sore - the cancer area and your legs. You can't wear hose? Wouldn't that help with the varicose veins there? What is bruise cream with chestnut for?
    I pray you heal faster - but then you have to be cut again - when are they doing that?

  19. I'm glad you are having fun playing around again.
    So are you doing heat or ice? I know you have that good bruise cream. Did you buy a new one for this? Hope you start feeling better soon.
    Looks like you are having a fun time with the iPad.

  20. All forms of artistic expression are true art. You did great but oh your poor legs! Thank goodness for the iPad. Love that you can create such fun things while you’re laid up. Good to keep the mind busy at such times. Feel better soon!
