Sunday, May 26, 2024

Procreate Brushes, Ablstract


I love sparkles and this has them all.  I created above with 3 brushes

this is done with one brush but changing the size

this one was my first attempt and I just used one brush and changed colors of paint. 

All of these were created by painting with brushes in the Abstract brushes. I wanted to know what is there and soothed my soul by trying every brush. TWO HOURS

the digital pen is made light or dark by the amount of pressure applied and the size is controlled by two little sidebars and i get to choose the size.  If I don't like it, tap with 2 fingers and POOF its gone and try again

this one was the most fun, I went to every abstract brush and made a sample to help me remember what is there.
I need to watch videos to find out how to use them



  1. What fun! I hope you have a great weekend. ❤️

  2. The third one is gorgeous and awesome and my favorite. It is like shards of geometric stained glass!!!!

  3. Oh wow, these are fun and fascinating. The first and third could be framed art prints. Makes me wish I had an iPad so I could play. I wonder if I could do something like this with brushes in PSE

  4. You are definitely keeping your brain alive and active. These are great and I'm afraid i lack the devotion to spend the time to learn them. I do something for 15 minutes and then move on. Good on you. TM

  5. Fun images, The first one is my favorite.
    Have a safe and happy Memorial Day.

  6. It all looks like so much fun!

  7. Hari Om
    I second TMs comment! YAM xx

  8. I do love the bubbles...
    I hope your leg is feeling ok and Bob's injuries are healing
    Hugs cecilia

  9. You are an artist and you have fun doing it too!

  10. You are TOO an artist! The third image looks just like the pattern of a skirt I wore in high school. (lol)
    My take-away is what you said, "soothed my soul." That's priceless, you know. Me? I'd probably get all stressed and discombobulated by the infinite possibilities.

    Please keep creating and sharing.

  11. I think it is all amazing and very pretty. I am also amazed at your genius to do all this - I feel it is a foreign language to me!
    Have a blessed Memorial Day.

  12. They came out lovely. That first one is pretty amazing!

  13. Love how you soothe your soul and learn new things..
    You are an artist and keep on doing what makes you feel good.
    Continued prayers for healing of you and Bob and enjoy your Memorial Day off.

  14. Love them!!! Your creativity has no limits and that is what a true artist is all about! If I had to pick, all the bubbles would be it but honestly, each picture is a winner. Still sending hugs and prayers!

  15. these are all cool! love them ♥️

  16. I hope you and Bob feel better now. big hugs!
