Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Siri Seriously


Above is a snip only, not the video. if you want to watch it, Click HERE... 

I have a story about Seri and Me the MadSnapper and asked Google what Seri looks like and found this video.

I talk to all of my devices except my kindle reader. Samsung Cell, iPhone, desktop, chromebook and my beloved new iPad.  Some of you know I am having memory issues. Sometimes when I talk, I start and then stop talking trying to remember what i was about to say. It drives Bob crazy, then he aske me what? and most of the time I never remember, because his question breaks the focus.

With iPad on my desk cushion, I said, Seri! and hesitated, 2 seconds of silence and she said "uh huhhh???"

she drug it out and sang it to me... I burst out laughing and Bob said what are you laughing at? I said, Seri and before i could say she said uh huh she said, yes?  

on other devices I say Hey google, I want to say her name, to me she is 
GG, Google girl.

the question I ask the most is Siri,  cast of what ever movie I am watching because i can't remember the name of the actors and I want to know.

What is the silliest question you have asked your phone ?  Two days ago I asked how far is it from Gaza to South Africa and she gave me a map with  the flight patterns and over 4000 miles...as crow flys and 6000 by auto and 140 hours to drive there... 


  1. We ask quite a bit. But Of course I cannot remember many of the questions now.

  2. I'm still in the dark ages, I have never used it!

  3. This technology is amazing. I often say thank you and she replies sure thing or my pleasure. The fact that she answers back just tickles me. Just the tip of the iceberg. I often ask what the temperature is outside.

  4. Hari Om
    Not a part of technology that I use. But I am pleased for you that it helps you and brings a giggle or two. YAM xx

  5. I mostly ask questions at work. We'll be talking about one thing or another and if I don't know the answer I always say let me ask google. Can't recall what the last thing was that I asked.

  6. Hello,
    I am behind the times, I have never talked to Siri.
    Your post reminds me of Siri on a Big Bang Theory show.
    Take care, have a great day!

  7. Like YAM above, not something I do at all.

  8. I never talk to my phone or device...but the silliest question I have to type is'what day is today?'

  9. I'm not good with technology. We had to purchase a new television. I've noticed it comes with a button you can press to ask a question. At the moment I'm learning how to use a new kind of recording box set up after it was installed by the company's engineer. I'm anxious that I will press a wrong button by mistake. I'm pleased that you get out and about and get a break from your home environment. It's raining today here in my world. Have a good day Sandra.

  10. There are no Siris or Alexas or any other kind of eavesdroppers in our house (possible exception for Roland rat - but we think we have excluded him now too). Silly questions? well we type those in every day and then can't even remember that we have asked them, they were so unimportant in the grand scheme of things. That's the thing about the internet, you can wonder about something and have info on it in a flash. Once upon a time you'd forgotten your 'wonder' by the time you made it to a library.

  11. MS I hope you don't faint when I tell you I have never ever NO never talked to Siri. Every so often I mistakenly hit the microphone icon on my iPad..it types exactly what I say...which is surprising since many of the voice things don't understand my accent.
    Hugs and I hope your leg is healing nicely

  12. Inadvertently or not, I love how you entertain yourself! I've never had a Siri, but love asking Google Girl all sorts of random questions. Alexa, too.

    Off the top of my head ... the funniest thing, Tom kept getting Alexa's name wrong. I walked in the room where he was yelling at her ("Alexis!"), then telling me there was something wrong with 'her.' Another time he asked who she was going to vote for; she said, "Unfortunately, we don't have any polling places here."

  13. Guess I'm still in the Dark Ages too 'cause I don't use any of that.
    Hope your day is easy and enjoyable. 💙

  14. I never talk to my phone or anything else. When I need to know the cast I just Google it on my phone. You always amaze me with all that you do!

  15. I usually type my Google questions because I'm so used to that - I only sometimes remember that can click the microphone and talk instead when I'm on the phone or tablet. (Not using any Apple devices, I have never chatted with Siri.)

  16. I have never talked to Siri. like Debby, I’m always amazed by your abilities and capabilities of many things. big hugs

  17. About the only thing I use Google for is spelling a word and then I google songs (words and melodies) to sing with Lynne. That's from my iphone mini.
    My computer is too archaic to do most things. I don't have a mic. on it.

  18. Mom doesn't use Siri very much but our Dad is always talking to her. He gets angry with her because she doesn't always give him the answer he wants. Mom tries to tell him he needs to ask the right question first:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  19. My husband talks to Siri all the time...She never understands me LOL

  20. Siri is pretty - wonder how she got picked to do it?

    Kelly and I both have google devices by our bed. I say Hey google - turn on 104.7 the fish radio and guess what - hers turns on too from across the upstairs. So I get it in stereo and then I turn it off in stereo. It is okay unless she is home - like now in the summer - if you get what I mean.

  21. None of that is used on any of my devices. Siri and the others are ALWAYS listening and recording everything you say, whether you are using the device or not. That's how they learn what you like and how to answer. I don't want any recordings of some of the things I say.

  22. Hi Sandra :=) I'm always amazed by what you find to do, and entertain yourself with the new technology available. I have never used any of it, and probably never will. Pedro went out with a friend today so I'm catching up with my visits.
    I hope your leg is better!
