Saturday, May 4, 2024

Saturday Symmetrical Spoon Art by MS


my spoon pic

Spoon Art using PicMonkey by the Mad One, AKA MadSnapper

Sit Back, have a cup of Tea and enjoy! 
My feet they are a swellin,
that's what I am tellin
I did a LOT of playin
Yes, that's what I'm sayin.
At least its not more houses and trees,
I know that brought you'all to your knees!
Start prayin, is what I'm sayin
because I am not done playin!!!

If it means anything to you, I did find spoon art for sale on Etsy, This is one I like a lot.
Click Here to see it if you need more browsing of spoon art


  1. Pics four and five are my favorites, the ones with all the color and lots of teal! The Etsy one looks like they really dabbed the paint on the flatware thick! Funny, today is when our church ladies are having their yearly tea!

  2. Hurray for playing! I love it. ❤️

  3. Hello,
    Your spoon art looks fun! I love all the different colors.
    Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  4. The feet swelling does not sound good...but the playing looked fun.

  5. Who knew one could have that much fun with spoons... ;)

  6. Love it! Your spoons are definitely a work of art. The Smithsonian might come knocking at your door :) Hope that swelling goes down real soon. Sounds very uncomfortable and good to know you are taking it easy.

  7. These are very cool. The third edit down is my favorite. I just love the colors in it.

  8. Hari OM
    Play away, m'dear, for these are great fun, each and every one! YAM xx

  9. I see forks in with those spoons. They really need to quit forkin' around. LOLOLOL
    I'll let myself out.
    The poem was cute too.
    Hope you're feeling better gal. Keep resting. I'm doing that today as well.
    Blessings. 💙

  10. Who knew you could actually make spoons look pretty ?!?!

  11. MS bravo on the spoon symmetery and art
    I hope your feets and legs are feeling better.
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. You made some beautiful spoon art pictures!! Did you figure out how to save your work?

  13. Once again you are amazing - would never have thought to use spoons as art!
    Hope you are feeling better - somewhat.

  14. Playing is good for the soul and mind:). We love all the spoon art and our favorites are the first set. Mom loves the pastels.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  15. Fun stuff Sandra. I do like the tan and black one best..3rd one down.
    You sure can make lemonade out of lemons...
    Stuck inside today..its raining , its pouring.... and cold 52F Snow and chain controls in our Sierras just 2 hours away from us.
    Hope you will get some relief for your legs and feet. All those ouchies need to be gone.

  16. You do have way too much fun! LOL. the Spoon Art is pretty nifty! What a lot of fun to do that. I am sorry about your feet /legs hurting. You took quite a tumble the other day, so I hope you are okay. Praying all will soon be well. Keep the fun pics coming. Have a lovely weekend.

  17. These are so cute! I'm partial to the gold/black look, but gosh. That last one would make me want to pick up the one on the right and lick it clean. Ha!

  18. I really enjoyed the spoon photos. So glad you enjoy working on things like this.

  19. Play and have fun Sandra, your spoon art looks great. I never would have guessed it could look so good.
    Take it easy and get that swelling down.
