Sunday, May 5, 2024

Otto Jr is here

First Up today, is Bob's Ottoman had a baby, known as Otto Jr. and he was cheap, lightweight, can be moved by me, myself and I, and exactly the right height for my legs to be up in all the places I sit in the house. Its 3 inches shorter than the parent ottoman and 15 by 15 by 15 inches and the lid comes off for storage. I can be folded and put in a closet if I need to. It says it will hold up to 300 lbs. but who could get up off a 15 inch high box???? not me, maybe I could just fall off of it.

No need for Otto Jr. while propped up in bed with iPad resting on pillow cushion, and I snapped the dresser to show you the bandages I am still using on the wounds caused by the big fall.
The bottom photo is the dresser, which is 3 feet from the bed, the path of my fall. I did not notice all the stuff on the dresser so there you have it. My shoulder is my worst wounds on arm and bruises. I landed on the plastic box on the shoulder, and it hurts all up in the neck, and the bedside table and lamp on top of me. 



  1. What an awful fall! I have one of these storage ottomans! In fact, I have probably head at least four. Except mine won't fold up. Now you need to give us clues and let us guess what you will keep inside.

  2. That ottoman sounds like a great find! Again, I'm so sorry about your fall and hope you stop hurting soon. ❤️

  3. I had one of those storage ottomans until Gibbs decided that it was a fire hydrant that needed to be peed on.

  4. Who knew there’s still reproduction going on in your house? Otto, Jr looks like a fine offspring. Can hardly wait to see the sofaette!

  5. The junior ottoman was a great find.
    I hope you feel better soon!
    Take care, have a happy day!

  6. Great find on Otto Jr.
    Don't feel bad about tripping in familiar territory. I've done it lots of times. I can even trip on air, so, that's a new one. LOL
    Get well soon gal!

  7. Welcome Otto to the family and best of all he does not need to be feed...just purely there to service you.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Oh Sandra WHAT A FALL! I am glad you got this baby ottoman to help you! ♥

  9. I so wish that fall had not is like that no matter how careful we are, things happen. I will see Copper's ball, and will forget and trip over it. I cannot tell you at the times I have either almost stepped on it going forward and backwards. Now when I see it, I try to kick it to some out of the way place.

  10. Hi Sandra I'm so sorry you are still hurting from your fall. I like the baby ottoman, could do with buying one that height for myself.

  11. Otto, Jr. looks perfect! I'm so behind the times, I didn't think about them having a cavity for storage. Presently I'm using a big old wicker hamper in the sun room, but it hurts my ankles unless I remember to lay a king-size pillow atop.

    I hope you're feeling somewhat better?

  12. Dang, I hope our otto isn't prego! Take it easy and heal up soon please!

  13. Oh my. Sorry you are hurting. No Otto in our house as I trip over such items. Get better soon.

  14. Otto Jr looks and sounds perfect. I'm sorry that your upper arm, shoulder and neck hurt so much. Praying you will be yourself again soon.

  15. Oh boy, you had a doozy of a fall Sandra, so sorry my friend. Keep healing and hope you feel better real soon.

  16. First off, not to be officious, but this was just too funny not to mention, where you said "I can be folded and put in a closet if I need to." I know it was a typo, but really, it got me to chuckling and I couldn't help myself as I thought of you being folded and put in a closet if you need to be! LOL. Now, I am truly sorry about your fall, and I pray you are mending well, but I know it takes time. And your baby otto is so cute! I do hope you won't trip over it. But it is cute and I can tell it will serve a great purpose. I like that it is able to store things too.. Thank you for sharing baby otto with us. And thank you for the chuckle. Now, don't go fixing it. I want to see if anyone else notices! LOL. Take care my friend.

  17. Great find with that Otto Jr. But we are so sorry you are still feeling the pain from your fall. We hope you aren't planning to fold yourself up and stick yourself in the closet:)

    Feel better.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  18. I’m so sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you feel better now.
    that baby ottoman is a great find.
