Monday, May 6, 2024

Coming to you from iPad!

Above is screenshot and writing with digital pen on it after I finally looked up SAFARI and asked for help with it and found of all things, A Manual from Apple, it's easy to read, find things, answers questions and I love the manual.
😉should have started there.... if struggling to do something builds brain cells, I must have a million more

I wrote this with the digital pen on the freeform app iPad and found I have forgotten how to print or write cursive and have scheduled a practice session with myself to sit and write on paper

I wanted to try to create a blog post on iPad, and downloaded blogger app and got so upset with it I deleted that puppy, before I threw the iPad in the pool 

Who Knew? I don't need the app, Safari lets me do it just like Chrome lets me do it.  Steep learning curve on Safari.

I created this POST in blogger on my iPad by talking to it and typing some and by adding photos just like I do on my desktop we shall see what we shall see! IT IS A ROYAL PAIN because it is so slow but I did it and if I fall down and break something I can blog from bed👍👍👍😊😊😊💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️❤️

 I think Apple felt me struggling and offered the manual for download. he he he


  1. Good grief! Well, I never did have good handwriting. And no, I do not believe you threw the iPad in the pool.

  2. What a great post! You should have plenty of blog fodder. I've written and published posts on my iPad. It seems to take longer but part of that is probably because I don't do it very often.

    You don't have to use Safari as your web browser:

    I use DuckDuckGo because it doesn't track me. And I also have FireFox.

    Please continue exploring and sharing! ❤️

  3. Hari Om
    it's helping to keep the little grey cells active - that's a good thing. I believe... 😁 YAM xx

  4. If you are serious about practicing cursive I recommend a pen and paper. I actually find it quite pleasant.,

  5. I used to get penmanship awards when I was in school. These days I tend to get sloppy when writing especially if it's just a note for myself. I have found that pen and paper is way easier to write on than electronic devices though. Long time ago I had a pen to use in PSE. My writing was never as good with that.

  6. Hello,
    I am glad you found a way to use your ipad for the blog post.
    I used to be good at cursive, I still use it sometimes.
    Take care, have a wonderful week!

  7. Glad you found the manual! My writing is horrible...

  8. We were taught italic handwriting at school. My ‘a’ never satisfied my teacher. I must have written thousands of those little a’s! I had a thing about the ‘a’. Definitely a mental block. Thoroughly enjoyed this post of yours.

  9. OH DOGS MS if anyone could figure out the secrets of iPads it is you. Well done. Im very proud of you
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. I've never yet tried a digital pen with a thin tip. I do still write various "notes to self" by hand on paper, though - and also postcards and short letters to send by snail mail. I have long since abandoned cursive writing like I learned it in school though, using more of a mix between printing and cursive.

  11. Wow, you are one persistent lady!!!
    I would have thrown the thing in the pool LONG AGO...
    I'm with you on cursive. I don't do it much but i wrote a very long handwritten letter to my friend the other day. It had some very personal things in it that I didn't want out on the web.
    I thought my hand was going to fall off by the time I was done. The writing was pretty good at the start but by the end it really did look like "old Lady" handwriting...Oh yah, I am that Old Lady!!
    Good for you finding the manual...that's part of my problem..I really hate reading directions...haha

  12. Well done. It's been donkey's years since I've written in cursive even though I still write checks. Guess I should practice my handwriting too. It's nice to be able to read and write in code since young'ins don't know how to do either. LOL
    Get well soon.
    Blessings. 💙

  13. Great going Sandra! I love the way you are pushing yourself out of your comfort zone!

  14. So I'm not the only one who struggles with cursive? I don't know if it's because I use it so rarely, or b/c my left hand has begun shaking. (Just like Grandma W.; I'm going to ask my PCP when I see her this week.)

    I'm pretty envious of your determination to conquer the iPad. Because I try to avoid instruction manuals at all costs, I'd probably have given up after the first hour.

  15. Glad you found the guide. I still write checks, cards, etc. I don't like my cursive much anymore but I still do it. You amaze me with all that you do.

  16. Mom thinks she could do a post on the iPad but she still hasn't figured out why she can comment on some and not others,

    BTW, we do not recommend tossing the iPad in the pool:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  17. Sandra, a good way to practice cursive handwriting is by writing cards, notes and letters which i have been doing the past few months for the Letters Against Isolation project. I still enjoy handwriting cards and short notes to friends, so will not have to worry about forgetting cursive. Glad you were able to find the answers and while I have an iPad, I do not use it for blogging, only to read and comment on the blog posts of others.

  18. I could not carry on without iPad or iPhone was it gives some assistance to my vision issues. So much fun to keep learning. Siri also helps. Still working on dictation and voice to text etc.
