Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Aloe! I have a tip for you

Aloe there! I have two tips for you. The aloe plant below works really well on cuts and scrapes and itchy things. Break off one of the limbs, open and put the slime all over the cut, forms a skin that dries and keeps it healthy..
I pulled out the pitcher above from top shelf, which has not been touched in years, and inside I found 8 plastic cups! those cups are from Christmas 2006. the tip is, store things like that inside things with lids to have more space to store... Just remembered I took cubes of watermelon out to three roofers who put the roof on in 2022. they were so hot and sitting in the shade tree to cool off, I had just cut a watermelon and cubed it to put in fridge.. The cups were perfect.



  1. I sure do stack things like this! If I had an Aloe and it was growing nicely, I could not bear to cut pieces off of it!

  2. I'm glad you have that aloe plant. I hope it helps. You wrote in Ann's post that your shoulder is bothering you, I hope that heals soon. ❤️

  3. Hari Om
    I had an aloe in my OZ garden... here one has to buy the prepared ointment at expense! YAM xx

  4. I had an aloe plant for years that I got from a girl I worked with. It grew really well until it outgrew the pot and I tried separating it and repotting. I don't' know about the two I gave away but the one I kept for myself ending up dead.

  5. Hello,
    I heard that aloe is great for scrapes and sores.
    Is your aloe growing outside, here we would need to keep it indoors.
    Take care, have a great day!

  6. Sometimes I forget how practical aloe is. Good advice.
    Storing items in bigger containers is a good idea too. Thanks.
    Have a great day!
    Blessings. 💙

  7. An aloe plant should be in every house! I don’t think we stack things too much, and now we are more likely to get rid of it if we haven’t used it for a long time. Kudos to you for taking the water melon to the roofers. I can only imagine how much they appreciated your kindness.

  8. I had an aloe plant given to me. Aloe is a useful plant for healing cuts. Have a good day!

  9. When Roger had that rash all over, aloe saved him from going insane.

  10. Nice info MS...I do so love the the Aloe plant. I don't have any but I do have a bottle of Aloe first aid ointment
    from Walmart
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. I sure didn't know that but we don't have any aloe in our Fridge, at least I don't think so!

  12. I agree aloe is great on skin and Aldo as a drink. Storage is tricky in senior years as now labels are needed as reminder.Hope your pains are noe improving. By the way I found the supplement MSN really great for healing my huge tummy scar and helping to make varicose veins disappear as well as making dark spots fade.

  13. I have many huge Aloe Vera plants in my garden. It’s also edible!

  14. Those roofers must have thought you were an angel in disguise!
    The next time I feel like getting down on the kitchen floor to reach the (unused) pitcher, I'm going to remember that tip. Like Russian nesting dolls!

    My mother used to grow aloe at her home in Port Charlotte and treat her cuts/minor burns. That's not something I've thought about in years!

  15. I know about aloe but have never used it.
    And I do the same thing - stacking and saving - then I forget - and have finds later too!
    How are you doing?

  16. Thanks for the great tips here. I keep reading how good aloe is for the healing process. I bet those fellas really appreciated that watermelon! You are an angel thinking of them like that. Fitting things inside each other is a good way to go in saving space. Hope you're doing better?

  17. What great tips! I need to start another aloe plant, I used to have one and lost it in one of our moves.

  18. I recently noticed a big planter full of aloe plants growing outside our little country cafe' that we go to often. I guess they have them there in case the cooks get burnt! Great Idea! Of course I store things inside of things, and then I wonder where I put them. Whatever I put in my lower cabinets often get forgotten about because I can't get to them without practically killing myself getting down and back up again. I see all these modern new home renovation shows doing away with upper cabinets and having only open shelves and nothing on them except a few dishes, etc. (that get dusty!!!). Where do they put everything? A nice pantry would be the ideal idea, where everything can be seen without stooping and crawling and calling for help to get back up. I hope you are feeling better these days. I hope the aloe is helping you. Take care my friend.

  19. When we were vacationing in Hawaii a few years ago we bought someAloe gel that was wonderful for our sunburns. Being so fair is a recipe for pain without the aloe.
    Hope you are feeling better with each passing day.
    Most of my things are down too low in the cabinets or too darn high..hard for me either way!!!

  20. Aloe can be very cooling and soothing on sunburn too.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  21. I agree with you, Sandra, stacking and fitting things together is the way to go especially when living in an apt where storage space is more limited. The problem sometimes is to remember what was stacked inside something else.

  22. We have like 2 huge aloe plants and about 7 smaller ones. I wish it worked on bruises. That's something about the cups!
