Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Yolks on Bob


Bob breakfast! the dozen eggs I bought last week, all 12 had double yokes. He only used on egg  a day. I said double the yolk, double the cholesterol. the heart patient said, that's the part I love best, he made a sandwich with an English muffin. And took his cholesterol pill like a good boy.
I ordered more of the Mighty Mint, peppermint insect and pet spray. The stuff works great for spiders and ants, they don't like the taste or smell. I am posting because this time the order include that 5 x 5 inch microfiber and it is the softest one ever and it cleans my eye glasses like magic. I got one of my blue ones out and cut it into 4 pieces and put one in each room, just breathe hot breath on glasses and swipe clean.


  1. This is a very good tip! I may need to get it if I see any tiny critters this summer. Amazing, all the eggs were double!!!

  2. P.S. Will it keep them away, or will it kill them if you spray it on them?

  3. Wow, the whole carton of eggs had double yolks. That's pretty amazing. I rarely see an egg that has double.
    I might have to try that spray. It's going to be that time of year here for the ants to show up.

  4. I haven’t seen a double-yolked egg in years and you get a whole carton of them! The odds against that happening must be astronomical.

  5. I use the mint spray too, It is one scent that I do not mind.
    My hubby has eggs every morning. Take care, have a wonderful day!

  6. We eat a lot of eggs. Been getting a lot of double yolks too. Been there, done that with the cholesterol myth with Steve's triple bypass in 2018. Good thing it has nothing to do with heart disease.
    Blessings. 💙

  7. Lucky eggs! I'm with Bob ... the yolk's the best part!
    Thanks for the tip on the plant based pest control. We have a service that comes once each quarter, but I'm seeing a LOT of huge black ants outside.

  8. I wonder if the mighty mint would work on carpenter bees! You would be amazed at how many daughter has killed...

  9. What a pretty double yolk egg. Bob cracked it perfectly.
    As we have spoken before of my dad and Bob being brothers from other mothers...Daddy's thought if you took a pill you could eat as you pleased
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Hello Sandra. :=)
    WOW! A box full of double yoked eggs must be some kind of record. I have never even seen one.If they had been left to hatch they would have been twins! ;) I have heard that peppermint keeps spiders and ants away, as they don't like the smell.Let us know if it works.

  11. Lucky Bob!!!

    I use peppermint oil on our patio furniture and it does a great job keeping the spiders away.

  12. I may need to get some of the oil too. The creepy crawlies are coming out in force now that its getting hotter.
    Once in a while we get double yolks too but never an entire, English muffin sandwich sounds so yummy to me. I really love english muffins with butter and orange marmalade..ok, now I am drooling.

  13. 12 Double yolks?? That is impressive. That must have been one fertile chicken:)

    We may have to check out that pest spray too. Our Dad hates bugs!!

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. Those microfibre cloths are a revelation for those of us who are constantly wiping our own greasy finger prints off our specs. There is one at every desk I use and a packet under the kitchen sink. Just think of all ths other useless glasses wipes we have tried over the years😟🤣!

  15. That's pretty amazing...double yolks in every egg? Wonder where those chickens came from? That is funny. Bob's breakfast sounds and looks good enough to eat.
    I never heard of the peppermint bug spray stuff. Does it work for roaches? Just wondering.
    Yes, microfiber cloth does do a great job on glasses. I think I need to follow your lead and put some in every room. My t shirts aren't always clean enough to clean my glasses! LOL. Have a lovely day.

  16. I'm glad the store didn't know that, they surely would have charged you double for that dozen!

  17. I haven’t had a double yolked egg in a very long time. Those microfiber cloths are great. I need to buy that oil soon. Always enjoy those English Muffins. I need to put them on the shopping list.

  18. All the eggs had double yolks. I have seen a couple in my lifetime, but not many. I like egg whites better. I'm weird.

  19. I'm always cleaning my glasses so I will have to look into this!!!

  20. Wow, I don't think I've ever come across two yokes in an egg. I'm going to have to check out those products. Do you get them from Amazon? Amber has issues with spiders. That's great that you got that towel too.
