Thursday, May 9, 2024

Storms and other storms

this video is the wind on April 13th. No rain, no storm, just winds gusting to 50 for no known reason.  I forgot I created it, but it works well for todays post.

My life feels like this video. Blown this way and that way, and hither and yon!

With two of us Ancients, make that 3, since Beau is about to turn 11, and health issues, Bob has his, I have mine, Beau has his Mama and Daddy are both losing memory cells at a rapid pace, it doesn't take a lot to push me around and up and down. 

I am like a lit stick of dynamite, the red string is burning and every now and then I BURST and Blast and then another one lights and starts to burn. I  feel much like way back when I hit Menopause and Bob tried not to talk to me, and once dared to say it is NOT hot in here.. HA. 

Husbands, Insurance, Husbands, Healthcare, ummmm to be continued when I calm down!

Since Brians Home Forever says we must be Thankful on Thankful Thursday,
I am thankful the tree did not fall on me while I was taking photos with the cell phone ,I am thankful for, and I am thankful for a husband because if not him, who would I yell at?




  1. I'm sorry that you have to deal with so many things... I hope it eases up for you soon. Thank you for writing. ❤️

  2. Wow, that wind is making some NOISE!!! I hope things start to get better for you. My memory seems to be getting worse and worse too. It is hard, because I used to have a great memory.

  3. Get it out there. Saving it up for explosions ain't a good thing. (Maybe its helpful that Bob is deaf.) Your voice sounded very calm in that storm though. You could read those recorded drifting off to sleep type messages.

  4. That wind is really crazy. I'm sorry life is handing you so many frustrations. They always seem to come together instead of spreading out so you have time to regroup in between.
    I bet that Beau is thankful that you have Bob to yell at too. Otherwise you would have to yell at him to get your frustrations out.

  5. Glad the wind didn’t result in serious damage. As for the other issues I fear there’s little to be done. It’s called old age! And there are ever new ways to keep us limping along into senility!

  6. The wind was loud, I am glad no trees fell down.
    Life has many ups and downs, it would be nice if the downs were more spread out. It is easy to say try not to stress. Take care, have a happy day!

  7. My old 90-something year old Daddy used to say to me, "Oh Pammy, don't get old!" And I would smile and say, "But Daddy, what's my alternative?" and then he would think a minute and say, "Oh! I see what you mean." LOL. I find myself echoing his sentiments now quite often. Getting old isn't for sissies, that's for sure. Hubby and I have been making the rounds of doctors and tests, etc., and shelling out co-pays left and right. We may have to take out a loan just to pay the co-pays at this rate. But thankfully, like those trees blowing in the wind, we sway in the time of adversity, but we don't fall down. God keeps us able to stand in the midst of the storms when we keep our eyes on Him. Praying for you and Bob and your health issues. May God give you strength to stand in the midst of the storm, and a continued sense of humor to keep you smiling no matter what life throws at you. (((hugs))) and prayers. I do understand. It's been stormy here too, with no rain.

  8. Sandra, just being alive is something I am thankful for every day despite the fact that some days nothing seems to go right. Aging is a process all of us are going through and I orefer it to any alternatives. I am thankful for many things, including your creativity and mainiy cheerful posts.

  9. Oh, my, that wind is something else. I hope you can find a solution you can live with in regards to insurance.

  10. I'm thankful the tree didn't fall on you either. Sorry about the health stuff. It's just everywhere these days. I did find a good video the other day. I'm not on the computer, will email it to you later in the week. Headed off to Buffalo now. Huggs and love your way.

  11. Oh me oh my...
    That was a lot of swayinlg on thge video.
    Sending hugs for patience MS

  12. That’s what blogs can be used for! Vent and get it all out. We certainly can take it. It’s cheaper than a therapist!

  13. #*(&(*&#r%!!!!!
    Well, I hope my comment made it to your e-mail because I'm SO cross with Blogger's hiccups. It's picked the wrong day to mess with my mind ... or what's left of it.

  14. Sorry you have all these stress factors to deal with. Can only agree with Debby, besides yelling at husband and dog , keep venting by blog... Staying creative in the midst of chaos is probably more helpful than one might think!

  15. Hari Om
    Yeah I thought things were supposed to be easier in old age, but life keeps throwing curves... YAM xx

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I'm still giggling at the jokes ... I hope the day gets less exasperating as evening approaches. 💙

  18. Boy, when it "rains it pours"..I sure don't like those ups and downs. I guess its a good thing that Bob is pretty much deaf. We all have to choose our battles...
    We had tremendous winds yesterday ourselves. Still worked outside for 2 hours of bending over (like standing on my head) and pulling weeds. Making progress.
    Your car is "new" compared to ours. 1999 Honda Accord.. can not afford a newer one so we just keep putting band aids on it!!
    Hope your insurance thing will be better.
    Hope today is better for you. Aging isn't for sissies for sure.

  19. Where are our braincells going?
    Okay I am so sorry you are having to go through all of this right now.
    I hope you are physically feeling better.
    Glad you still have your since of humor.

  20. We have a lot of that wind here today, not too unusual in Kansas.

    We hold you and Bob and Beau in our paws and hearts and hope you can find peaceful days.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  21. Yes, that sure is a lot to deal with but those are good thankfuls and I'm glad the tree missed too. Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  22. I'm glad the tree didn't fall down. Let me tell you that each day, and several times a day, there is a new issue that is happening and I am about to explode. I can't take it! I hope things settle down for you.

  23. What a stressful time you are having. I hope things will settle down soon. Glad that tree stayed put!
