Friday, May 10, 2024

Stormy Day TWO


it is not helping and I paid 10 dollars for it 2 weeks ago

continued from Prior Post, Storm Day ,Bullet Points

1. Progressive Insurance notifies they will not renew our homeowners.
2. I call our brokers, the voice says Permanently as does the bright red Permanently Closed on their website.
3. I make a mistake! Comparing quotes online. OY VEY!
4. The dam burst and my cell lights up, with tweets and rings, calls and texts. Bob yells what is wrong with your phone. (he has no phone and hates mine with a passion)
5. I complete one quote form and receive a quote and it is: #4267.00 for year, half the coverage we have that cost 2500.00.  Our house is small and old, 1350 sq ft, and we have had 1 small claim in 35 years in this house. All the time I am filling out info my phone continues and bob keeps yelling until I mute it.

I am pacing, and fretting and having a hissy fit! Bob just keeps saying, we will just not have insurance. (that is another story)
My cell stutters and shakes and I get a text

This is Yada Yada health, your referral has been approved. Please proceed with scheduling your appointment by calling (Dr.Blah Blah at 999-999-999. Please call us if you have any questions at
999-999-8888 Reply STOP to opt out

A. Its my health plan
B. I have nothing pending
C. I call the Dr Office and it is a Cardiologist in MIAMI, 500 miles from me.
I call the 2nd number, Ms Heavy Accent says her name, no idea what it was, and she answers with my health plan name. I question the text and she says your referral is approved. Oy Vey! I know that, i don't have a cardiologist and don't need a referral. She chatters i say repeat that please, and she finally ask for my name and birthday puts me on hold and comes back and says this is to notify you of your referral to Dr. Derm Doc. I say, that is already approved, it a cancer removal. this says the wrong city and a heart doctor. She said you are fine, this is just a notification. I think that i what he said.
I hang up  and go on the patient portal and see the referral is already there and I am safe. 
I hope the heart patient in Miami doesn't die before he/she finds out its OK.

Later that night, I wake up at 2 am, from a nightmare, it concern my deceased best friend that dies last August, a doctor that is putting a needle in my stomach in a theater seat, because I need insulin and I can't go back to sleep.
I leave the bed, take my glasses and kindle and get on the sofa, to read. I find it hard to concentrate because I am PLANNING what to say to MY Doctor office. this is snaffu #3
I also ponder what if my surgery is NOT approved and it is fake and on and on and on.
I glance at the clock and Bob is an hour past his time he gets up, and I think what if he died and I wasn't in bed to know it. Just about that time, he comes down the hall and says "What are you doing? I have been awake for an hour laying still to keep from waking you up. (he takes his hearing aids out and is stone deaf at night) I say, you know I get up at 3, why didn't you sit up and look to see if I was in bed? He says  I did not want to wake you up!
Might I say a 3rd OY VEY?
I sent an email to the doctors office, because I could NOT stand to work my way through the phones.

Sorry, I tried to make it short and I just can't. 
PS I put out a plea on FB for help with Insurance Referrals and got 3 answers and was going to tell that story but I am out of space and time
the storm continues and I may or may not tell The Rest of the story, and the first Broker is a doozy...
At least I know all the insurance brokers are not
Permanently closed. YET


  1. Good grief!! So you lost the homeowners because they went out of business? What a mess! Well, that is sweet of Bob to not want to wake you.

  2. That sucks about insurance. Ours has gone up but it hasn't been cancelled. Insurance companies are in trouble because of climate weirding...too many potential claims. I hope you find something.

  3. Oh my word. No wonder your stressed. All of this would have put me over the edge too. I hate that it all has to happen at once.
    How frustrating with the insurance. Personally I think insurance is the biggest scam there is out there but you have to have it. I changed my homeowners last year because they kept raising my rates. You would cry if I told you how much I thought was too much. I switched mine to Progressive because that's where my car insurance is.

  4. I forgot to say, please tell the rest of the story. I hope you were able to find affordable insurance.

  5. Hello,
    I wonder how you can sleep at all.
    Our home insurance has gone up too, I would not go without the house insurance. Progressive is a big company, I am sure they are not out of business, maybe just in Florida? I hope you find a company and price you are happy with. Take care, have a great day!

  6. A case of - if you don’t laugh you'll cry….and who would blame you if you did cry. None of that is a laughing matter and I’m really hoping you can sort out at least one of the ‘problems’

    Nationwide ‘Bad weather’ (fires floods storms) over a couple of years has raised everyone’s home insurance and there’s always the rigmarole of jumping through countless hoops to claim and for many being denied payment usually because of that age old insurance company definition of storm versus flood

  7. Wow, that is just too much stuff happening at once! I know my sister is afraid to file a claim on their State Farm home insurance because then they will be cancelled. I said, then what is insurance for if we can't file a claim when we need it? Why are we paying all that money if we can't use it with confidence that they will take care of us when needed? I think I heard that State Farm is going out of the homeowner's business in Florida. I'm not sure what the name of our company is, it's changed a couple of times. I just pray we don't have to use it because I have a feeling the same thing will happen to us. Praying for you in your situation and hoping you will find the correct answer in all of the above. May God give you His peace in the midst of the "storm". And I pray no real storms show up on your door before this is resolved!!! (((hugs))) and prayers.

  8. My head is spinning just from reading all this...I hope you can find a solution soon before your head explodes.

  9. So, how is your day going? Boy does that suck not having insurance. I never answer my cell phone unless it's a number I already have in my contacts list. Otherwise, if the choose to leave a message I may or may not call them back when I feel like it.

  10. Gosh they sure didn't give you lots of notice on your home owners. That is a scary thought not to have coverage...
    So crazy about all those random and useless and it is scary that many people can access you in seconds
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Oh vey, Oh vey, Oh vey!!!
    That's so frightening about the homeowners. I'm going to ask Debbie who she has and will DM you. I'd be like Bob, considering doing without -- except our mortgage company wouldn't allow that. (Darned if you do, darned if you don't.)

    Back when I lived in Arizona, I went to refill a long-standing Rx and learned it was ready for pick-up -- in Port Charlotte, Florida. I suspect AI's been given too much free rein, God help us.

  12. Yikes...this is all so scary and crazy.
    Gotta have the insurance but no one wants to have you..don't know what the future holds...
    I was up at 3 AM today too...not for the same reasons.
    Dave and I were too worn out to sleep well.
    Going to Lynne's today and its going to be hot.90F..too hot to be outside..I can't win...

  13. I am so sorry to read all that is going on in your life right now. I think that maybe we are heading for nervous breakdowns. I will be praying that everything gets worked out soon. (((HUGS)))

  14. Oh boy, this is awful! So sorry you are having to deal with all this stress Sandra.

  15. First I am glad your insurance on your cancer was approved.
    I am so frustrated with computers and AI in business. I want a real person and I want one that speaks English.
    My parents used to tell me - there are people in hell wanting ice water. lol


  16. Good gravy this is a lot to unpack. Also, very sorry that your best friend passed last August. For my phone, I don't allow doctor texts at all. Just, nope. Not for me. PS: How are you getting on with your new ipad? Is it fun?
