Monday, June 17, 2024

Copy Cat, Copy Cat! Again 3


Most of you know that Ann of AnnsSnapEditScrap loves to doodle, above are last week's doodles. click on the link to read how doodling can extend your lifetime. I am the MadCopycat that uses her doodles for inspiration to make art in my iPad, using Procreate.

My contribution is below..

Procreate is so much fun. Even if my ART looks like a 5 year old did it, this is my newest hobby and per the INTERNET Hobbies are part of what makes life fun. Some of them come with a major bonus: They just might lengthen your life. Research shows that some hobbies have such a significant influence on your well-being— they can add years — or even decades — to your life.
What are your hobbies? Tell me about them. Mine are photography, edits with software, creating blog posts out of thin air about NOTHING, making people laugh, sharing daily LIFE.. as in journal of what happens here on the old homestead..


  1. I love the cat; it's hilarious! Hmmm, hobbies. I guess mine are photography, blogging, finding new recipes.

  2. My biggest hobbies right now are blogging everyday and commenting on blogs and learning some Spanish. Thank you for blogging and sharing your talents and your life with us. ❤️

  3. I like your could calk.this Ann's Shadow Post. My hobbies are sewing and quilting, a bit of blogging, a bit of reading, and the one I miss is going for drives and taking photos.

  4. Hari Om
    Lovely recreations from the prompt! As for hobbies, today's post on my blog tells of the most dominant one for me... Other than blogging... And crochet, and photography... YAM xx

  5. My hobbies are being involved with nature, walking in nature, reading about nature, spending time with naturalists……you get the picture. A good dinner and a glass of wine rank highly too.

  6. Oh I like these. I really like the first one and I think the cat is really cute. You already know my hobbies but it's anything crafty or art related. Drawing, crafts, photography

  7. Hello,
    I love both your doodles and Ann's, they are cute.
    My hobbies are birdwatching, hiking, reading, photography and blogging.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  8. The doodles are cute. They bring you enjoyment, like me and my 2 wheelin'. That's all that matters. Keep on keepin' on! 💙

  9. Love your doodling! That cat is too Cute!

  10. WELL Done MS
    I love your doodling and say keep showing us.
    My hobbies are reading, walking, crocheting, quilting
    and cooking
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. You are doing great with your doodles. If you lived up North you would be a Yankee Doodle Dandy! My hobbies are cats and playing music on my countless instruments in my music room.

  12. I like the doodles! Everyone needs at least one hobby. Mine lately are genealogy and writing.

  13. My hobbies are similar but include traveling and glamping in CeCe.

  14. You ought to live a long time then!

    My hobbies are of course the blog. I read a lot every morning. Ride my bike. Feed and watch my birds. I go to Bible Study weekly. Lunch with friends. :)

  15. I like the pictures you did. I don't have a hobby but I definitely need to find one. I keep asking Mark to play scrabble with me so I can keep my brain healthy.

  16. We think your art is terrific. Our Mom has no artistic ability. In fact, her mother used to kiddingly tell her to hide her artwork on the way home from school.

    We think one of our hobbies is watching to see what Madsnapper will create next:)

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  17. That cat?!
    OMG, MS ... he/she belongs on a magazine cover. I love the first sun, too. Mostly, your lack of inhibitions to 'color outside the lines.' I really wish I were that free.

    Outside of reading and blogging, right now my favorite hobbies are spoiling the girls, eating and being Tom's private (unpaid) chauffeur.

  18. I just love the expression on your cat - now that is insightful and definitely way above the level of a 5 year old. Your first sun pic is great - I'd put it on a wall.

  19. Great job with your art work. It's neat that Ann is inspiring you.That cat looks very sinister too. I like to do cards as you already know, plus I enjoy baking and gardening and reading.
