Tuesday, June 18, 2024

I love Bottles (POO)


The shelf above is in our bedroom. It hold my favorites. As I wiped dust from them this week, I just happen to SNAP!  ha ha 

I have always loved glass bottles, the shapes, the sizes and the special ones are the very old ones. these were dug up from the old Savannah Georgia Dump. My friends husband would go out in the woods and dig up bottles, he gave me my first 4, the round bottom green in the middle and the two on either side and the oldest one was 1776,  but now resides with my son David. These are old medicine bottles. I got them in the mid 60's and moved them here in 1984. 

Over the years I have taken many photos of them. here are a few photos. 

I sat them in candle light and in the kitchen window

And also in the sunlight on the kitchen table. these photos were taken in 2013 but I started the bottle photos in 2002 when I got my first digital camera. Back then I did not know to label posts. 

I also HAD a collection of new bottles. I love bottles with handles, and tiny bottles. like these.

I fell in love with the tiny bottle. It came with ketchup in it, and was only 50 cents. The green top had jam, the other had maple syrup. I had about 10 of the non collectibles and in 2020 during the PURGE I tossed them in the recycle. Later I tired of what sits on my glass shelves and thought if only I had those cheap bottles I could put them in the NOOK..

just for fun, I typed in How to reuse old bottles. Wow. who knew. I have 12 of these old bottles and will keep them on the three shelves they live in.. Yet another post about POO, (perfectly ordinary objects)


  1. I love bottles! I have several collections like you. An entire drawer full of the little ones. My kitchen windowsill over the sink is lined up with maybe 12 in different shades of teal and blue. I keep meaning to do a post about them, so this will remind me, unless I forget too quickly. I never thought of googling how to use them, I will do that!

  2. A fun post! That's the trouble with "uncluttering". Sometimes you wish you hadn't.

  3. I like the way you have displayed your bottles and have taken photos over the years. Some catch the sunlight and others look good in the candlelight.

  4. we love bottles too! the mama found super big ones in blue in her junk store... one was 50 cents.. what a deal ;o)

  5. You have a lot of interesting bottles. I like the colored ones.

  6. I love old bottles, too, and little bottles!

  7. The colored bottles are pretty in the sunlight.
    You have a nice bottle collection.
    Take care, have a great day!

  8. Me too with the liking bottles. I have some that mean something to me personally like from our wedding, others I've scavenged from rivers when SCUBA diving, a few that were collected on our many travels, and yet more that we found on our property (they are old medicine bottles), and on and on. Bottles are neat. I also like glass items. I think glass is pretty. Fun post my friend! 💙

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The colored ones are my favorite!

  11. Glass bottles do have a certain appeal and I’m glad that you are enjoying your collection. I think that if you find the right one it can be quite valuable.

  12. We like bottles too and those are all very pretty!

  13. At least your bottles were of innocuous origin - F's all seem to have arrived in the house around a quantity of some alcoholic beverage (there is one small ink bottle of ancient but unknown parentage) or less commonly around olive oil - and the ones that get saved end up being the packaging for some sauce concoction or other that she makes and humans put on their food to make it less uninteresting. (Mr T voice). F voice: glass has such an appeal doesn't it, and some shapes just talk to us. I like the ones that have stoppers so that they are easy to reuse for sauce and various brews that I experiment with.

  14. What a super idea! I love those on your bedroom shelf the best ... probably because of their story (origins). My favorite is the brown, third from the left.

    Glass bottles are becoming so rare. I used to have an old Italian wine bottle with one of those candles that drips down and all around as it burns. Now I'm wondering whatever happened to it. Our favorite BBQ restaurant uses funky old candles (and old tin signs) in their decor. I'll have to keep my eyes open!

  15. MS I also love bottles. Save those that are unusual colors and shapes. Fun Blog post
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. I love bottles too - I had to get rid of them for downsizing. I did keep a couple of my aqua ones - a friend gave me.

  17. I also enjoy bottles...especially blue glass bottles. What a wonderful collection you have!

  18. In a world of plastics, I know I love to hang on to the glass bottles and jars too. Although the glass jars I use to store grease and then dispose of them when they get full. I do have some old bottles and canning jars, etc., and I keep them in my Hoosier Cupboard. Some day I will have to do a post on them. You have some lovely old bottles. They are worth keeping, at least for as long as you want them. I am getting to a point in time where I am trying to start letting go of things, but it is difficult. So much of what I have has either sentimental value or a story attached. But no one seems to care so much about the stories anymore, so why bother to keep them? My kids will just dispose of them eventually. Oh well...they aren't hurting anything by sitting here for a while longer I guess... Thank you for this interesting post. I enjoyed it, and was glad to see I'm not the only one...

  19. What a neat collection. I have an old medicine bottle I dug up from my flower bed. I laughed when I read what POO stands for!

  20. I'm right there with the rest of the bloggers. I truly love glass bottles. The more history in them the better.
    I really like your display of them too. love the tiny ones. I used to have some..I wonder what ever happened to them , hmmm

  21. I don't think I've ever seen glass bottles with handles before.

  22. 12 different people wanted you to make them the signature!! Well I am so happy you made me one without my asking!!

  23. I love them! What a great collection you have. The tiny bottles are cool too.
