Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Venting about Ice Cubes!


Yes, we have no ice maker. I have lived 79.9 years, and only 10 of those years were with an icemaker in the fridge. NO icemaker in the 40 years in Florida.
Yes, I know you are thinking, so what, who cares, what is this post about.
The Man of the House, also known as Bob, drives me crazy when he empties the ice trays. It takes 5 to fill this container.  When he twists/turns and dumps cubes he stands in the open door, with cold air fleeing from the freezer to crack them into the container. I have now started to do it myself because I can't stand him doing it the Wrong Way. I sit the container on the counter, quickly dump 5 trays and sit it back and when I fill the ice trays and put them back, I DO NOT cover the floor in water. It is better now that I PUT MY FOOT DOWN and I Stack the trays as they are meant to be stacked. For years he insisted they would not freeze properly unless all five were flat on the rack. I stacked them, he did not.  IBS and MadSnapper won the war, I had to have more space to keep my frozen French Bread
We can't get ice maker in the freezer because in 1972 there were no icemakers, and when the idiots remodeled this house in 1985 they chose not to put the tubing in behind the cabinets. the water supply is across the room, and would have to be run through 
4 cabinet walls, and behind the stove, and 3 more cabinet walls to get to the fridge.


  1. Good for you! We have never had an ice maker and I don't want one. They break a lot, are just another thing to have to fix and spend money on, and at times they leak. I'm sure there are many that work well, but since I have never had one, I don't miss it. Your big bin of ice looks real good!

  2. Good for you for winning that battle. We've never had an ice maker and we don't even make ice cubes. In summer I keep a few jars of water chilling in the refrigerator. But it's usually not as hot here as it is in Florida.

  3. we have no longer an ice maker in our fridge... da phenny had a bad surprise as he pushed the thingy and only water came out... our dad said this new fridge has a self-penalization system for naughty pups now, but we disagree....

  4. Hari OM
    ...I dislike ice, and even in OZ, I avoided it. I did freeze bananas and water melon for Jade - SHE loved the icy things. But I get your point about the door being kept open and the slapdash decanting; glad you won your battle! YAM xx

  5. I don't have an ice maker either. I make them the old fashioned way. I actually don't even use ice cubes that often so a lot of times when I go to get ice the ones that are in there have disintegrated.

  6. We do no have an ice maker, never had one either.
    We do have a large bag of ice left over in the freezer from when I needed ice packs for my nose and hand. Take care, have a happy day!

  7. We do not have an ice maker, nor ever shall. As for making ice cubes and emptying the tray, I have never considered this to be a task designed to engender such controversy. My wife and I do it the same way, so we are both doing it right or both doing it wrong. The floor never becomes wet, however, and we do stack the trays (we have two). We use so little ice that sometimes the cubes get stale and we empty the tray into the sink , wash it out and start again. I can tell you that sometimes we have a gin and tonic on the patio in the shade of our magnificent Sugar Maple, and today looks like such a day. The ice cubes will be put to good use!

  8. We have had an ice maker for most of the last 25 yrs or so. I hate being without one cause if we dont have one. Riger uses a ton of ice. Ours started leaking inside the freezer and we had to quit using it before we moved and I think I made 3 trays of ice almost every single day. The days I didnt were few and far between.

  9. Oh, what a visual! I'm loving every frame.
    I've been guilty of taking our ice maker for granted -- until it acts out. Last time that happened I ran to Dollar General -- but not spotting any ice cube trays I asked one of the employees. Without batting an eye, she went to the back and came out with half a dozen trays, each with snap-on lids. (I'd never heard of such a thing!)

    Remember those old metal trays with a pull-up release that sounded like bones breaking? That, and having to defrost the freezer compartment? Ugh, I still remember my mother setting pans of boiling water inside and the resulting strange 'aroma.'
    (Sorry for veering off subject!)

  10. I adore my ice maker.
    Neither of us were raised with ice makers, dish washers or central a/c or frost free freezers
    Fast forward to our first apartment after we were married.
    I has central a/c and a dishwasher. I was in hog heaven.
    That apt set the stage for us. Next move was to our first house, central a/c, dish washer,and frost free freezer with an ice maker.. we never looked back
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. The piece in the small print at the end really grabbed my attention. It had never crossed my mind that ice makers need a water supply - of course they do, but I had not thought about 'plumbed in' fridges/freezers. I wonder if that is something I should think about when I design a house.🤔 I have always made ice the ice tray way - we use so little in this climate.

  12. I take my ice maker for granted...I don't use a ton of ice...but I do put it in my water bottle when I fill it up.

    We do NOT have an ice maker in CeCe, so I usually just fill the ice from the ice maker into baggies and we use that.

  13. We have an ice maker, always have and we've never had a problem with any of them. The fridge might have died but the ice maker still worked. We only drink water here plus one cup of tea in the mornings so ice is important to us.

  14. I guess I am one of the few that has an ice maker. Never had one before moving to this home 17 years ago. I really do love it and the frost free freezer too. No more sloppy messes...yay!
    Old fashion ice cube trays with lids as Myra said, would be a great answer to keeping the cubes fresh and stackable.
    Finally worked in the yard a tiny bit yesterday. No bad results to my back. Maybe I'm finally on the way to recovery. Going to do a bit more today and post some more things on eBay.. The excitement never ends...

  15. Good for you taking over and doing it the right way. Ice makers are nice to have although I don't use ice very often.

  16. You won the battle - and you are able to make your own ice cubes in your own way and in your own time. Our ice maker was leaking - but we did google it and saw how to fix it - so now we have ice again.

  17. No fridge ice maker in our apt either, Sandra, because the refrigerators are the basic ones. I don't even believe they come with ice cube trays now, but thankfully we had 2 of our own which travelled here from VA. Friends who do have a fridge with an ice cube maker told us it broke so they make them the old fashioned way now.

  18. This made me giggle. Our new fangled refrigerator has an ice maker but it's crap. I refuse to use it and thus make our own. Steve (also aka Man Of The House) uses the new fangled one and complains. I just laugh and laugh and laugh ... then go make our own.
    Y'all stay cool. I need to make more ice now ... 💙

  19. I keep tiny ice packs in the freezer, in case some medical issue arises. Ice can help with almost everything.
