Friday, June 14, 2024

Lethal Weapons?

Would you consider a bottle/jar/container of Vegan Mayo a lethal weapon? This is my latest POO (perfectly ordinary objects) that has caused me an injury. Last week I bought his odd looking container because they did not have it in my usual jar. I had no idea that after the STRUGGLE to get the plastic off and figure out how to use this, by simply closing the odd top I ended up with a pinch bruise on the palm of my hand. It joined the 2 bruises on the same left arm caused by reaching into the back side of the under cabinet for a pan. The other arm has two bruises, one from bob's dresser corner, one from my bathroom door. Who put that there?


Since I turned 70 almost 10 years ago, my kitchen has become the scene of scores of injuries by POO.

These photos are just a few of 100's of photos of my kitchen. I do love the kitchen and have for 35 years. 

Listed injuries are burns, from bobs iron frying pan, the toaster oven, the sharp corners of the cabinets, and even closed the drawer on a finger

the light switch in the fridge gets me at least a couple of times a month, cuts and bruises, the sliding glass door has cause blood blisters from closing it on my fingers, I even got a bruise on my hip from bumping into the rounded corner of the kitchen table a few weeks ago

I have been burned by reaching in the oven, reaching in the toaster oven, tripped on the rugs

last but certainly not least and also not All Of My Injury by POO is below.
left is hair spray, right is eye glass cleaner. I have sprayed myself in the eye with hairspray,
and once finished off my hair by spraying eye glass cleaner on it, wetting said hair and also getting
the spray in my eye.


  1. This is a very impressive list. However, I still think I have you beat. I start with the accidents within five minutes of getting up; before I am even dressed. I know this is no surprise to you, since we are both so much alike. The other day, still in my nightgown not five minutes after getting up, I spilled a pint of water in the kitchen. All over the floor, bar, inside and outside cabinets. It drowned things in the drawers even though all the drawers were closed! Now I have been to the doctor today because I have been in awful pain unable to walk. Almost had to call 911 this morning. It started all of a sudden. One minute I was fine, the next in awful pain and could not walk. She thinks it is a soft tissue injury. She found a bruise and says it is a big contusion inside. WHA? How could I have such an awful accident and NOT KNOW IT??? Just wait till you get to that point.

  2. Wow to both of you! Andy and I are always getting bruises from bumping into things, but our kitchen is really small and I cook only using the microwave and Instant Pot. They shut themselves off so I don't have to worry about burning things. I don't use hairspray. I do sometimes cut myself opening cans. Years ago I had to get a water detector to sound an obnoxious alarm when I left the water on and the sink plugged up. It saved us from flooding the kitchen. I don't do that one any more, thank goodness.

    Please let us know how your contusion goes, Ginny! That is scary.

  3. I have no stories to match these..except the house tries sometime. .lol

  4. Hari Om
    I know when I am tired I'm prone to dropping things or knocking myself against things. Sometimes bruising just appears and I have no idea why. But generally speaking the POO of my life keep themselves to themselves...YAM xx

  5. Tripping over nothing seems to be my thing lately. I also get bruises and wonder where they came from because I can't recall running into anything.

  6. I tend to bruise easily and bump into things, really I think they are jumping out at me when I walk by. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend!

  7. I can’t recall any particular skirmishes with POOS and if I can’t remember them they couldn’t have amounted to much.

  8. Sorry to read about the latest kitchen misadventure, Sandra. Lately, my issue has been trying to unscrew the tops of containers, many of which almost require a pair of pliers to unscrew or uncap. Manufacturers use industrial machinery to cap them and expect consumers to easily uncap…what were they thinking, or not?

  9. Golly, that's sad that perfectly ordinary objects have a vendetta against y'all. Hopefully I don't jinx myself but so far I'm not that accident prone. There was my Big Trip in the courthouse on May 8th but I consider that a freak accident. Be safe. 💙

  10. Lots and lots of products are tough to open and certainly aren't senior friendly. I've sliced my finger open more than onces with a sharp kitchen knife.

  11. OUCH I feel the pinch.
    All the new child proof tops are also senior proof.
    Recently I bought dill strip pickles. They are still in a glass jar AMAZING. They have a clear plastic strip around the top. That came off easily but neither of us could break the seal on the lid. Luckily Harris Teeter is 1/2 block from home. I hopped in the car drove to HT, went directly to the customer service. Glory be there was a young strong whippersnapper at the desk. He OF COURSE GOT IT OFF IN -a nano second. Weirdest accident in the shower was with a bottle of antibacterial Dial Body wash (that I had to use after MOHS surgery). We have a shelf in the shower for soap, shampoo. I put the bottle on the shelf and dag blasted bottle fell on my big toe. I HAD A WHOPPER OF A BRUISE. Bottle was full fell about 4' right on my toe
    Hugs Cecilia
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. and those bruises just won't go away. It takes forever.

  13. I get bruises from bumping against things. I call them my Old Lady skin bruises..not pretty and it takes forever for them to go away.
    I don't think I am as accident prone as you seem to be but things sure can jump out and bang me now and them.
    On my way to Lynne's for early morning stint. At least it won't be too hot yet and maybe we will go outside. I never know how she's going to be..time will tell.

  14. No doubt it's happened that I've burned myself etc, or bumped my toes into something, or whatever. Sometimes I get bruises I don't know where they came from. Nothing recent or major that I remember just now though. But then I've not yet turned 70... ;)

  15. Oh my sista from another momma! All the time Tom's pointing to a scab or bruise on my self and asking, "WHAT did you do (now)?" Trouble is, half the time I can't remember. Except the walls keep jumping in my way and the tables are bullies. I've begun wearing shoes in the house again, only to save my toes. We no longer have area rugs in the kitchen because I keep tripping over them.

    Love these images of your kitchen ... so sparkly and clean.

  16. I had to laugh when you asked about my lethal weapon...I thin kit's just the house in you, it seems like I am injured at least once a day from something!

  17. I don't have any kitchen rugs for that reason. I trip over nothing, and especially over rugs. I do have some in my bathroom and bedroom and I am constantly tripping over them, so they may be gone next. We have narrow doors in our closet and bathrooms, (think manufactured home) and we are both always bumping into the sides of them and especially into the door jamb and getting bruises. Opening jars is becoming much harder, and I even have a tool that opens jars, but it is getting harder for me to use as well. I often slice my fingers with the potato peeler when I am trying to peel a carrot or a potato. That hurts and bleeds all over the place. Yeah, it's the danger of getting older...everything jumps out to get us. Take care my friend. I am sorry for your latest boo boo.

  18. Oh my goodness - I love how clean and neat and shiny your kitchen is. I wish mine would shine more.

    As far as POO's go - the whole world - anywhere you go - are full of them! In or out of your house.

  19. Oh you do make me laugh. I a have done many of the things you mention. Today i put my hand on the hotplate. It was turned off but still very hot so now I have burnt fingers.I sometimes try to wash my hands with moisturiser instead of handwash because the containers look similar and stand next to each other in the bathroom. Stay safe!

  20. On caps, I remember a number of years ago when a bottled water company made a big deal out of making their caps thinner to save plastic. Of course, they didn't make the bottled water cheaper to pass the savings on to the customer! The thinner caps made opening the bottles harder. And, recently and this time without fanfare, I think they made them thinner again! If they get any thinner, they might as well go the route of juice boxes and make them so you just stab them with a straw.

    As for injuries, I still have a faint scar from a tuna can injury. For a long time, I had scars on both hands from the incident but I can't see anything on the one hand anymore. I think I was in my 30s at the time.

  21. Goodness you've had your share of injuries in that kitchen. I've always been a bit accident prone and recently went to the doctor to find out why I've been getting bruised so much lately (well duh, it's just old age setting in) and I'm only 68! One time I sprained my wrist lifting a full sized bottle of Windex. I did that when I was in my 40's so I can only imagine how much worse it will get.

  22. That IS a curious looking container. Glad you figured it out, but sorry about the bruises. Mom says she is her own lethal weapon, always moving too fast or just being clumsy..

    Woos - Misty and Timber
