Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Oddest Thing Happened


Above is a photo of the way the bird bath looked since 2006 when Baby and Cooper knocked it over and broke the concrete birdbath in half. 
I had no photo of it except this one that I used on a post on this post on Fourpawsetc of the screech owls  that came and sat on it and flew to other places while I talked to him. No that is not the odd thing and neither is the dogs breaking the birdbath the odd thing. 

Nor is the fact that Bob said as he sat the bowl on the plastic pot and has said again and again  since 2006 he was going to repair it. 
the odd thing is not that I tried to break it in pieces with a hammer, so I could take the pieces to the curb. 
Yet another thing that is not the oddest thing that happened, is  Bob' first wife bought the birdbath in 1970 in St Petersburg. We moved the 100 pound thing here in 1989 .

Finally, we are to the Oddest Thing That Happened. During the night of the Rain Storm the bowl made of concrete, fell apart. It broke into 4 equal pieces, like  a pie sliced in quarters. There was nothing that fell on it, no signs of lighting strike, and it looks like Thor took his Hammer and smacked in in the center and Boom!
The only sensible thing I can think of is those darn raccoons. Yes, but HOW?

was it NATURE? or Coons? or Something else? that is the question


  1. REALLY ODD!! Hard to think it was raccoons since it was so heavy! A mystery for sure.

  2. Yes, that is a mystery that it broke so evenly. There's no way of figuring it out.

  3. Hari Om
    There will be an answer in physics... But let's just appreciate the mysterious beauty! YAM xx

  4. Maybe it was Bob putting and end to it once and for all so he doesn’t have to promise to repair it.

  5. Yes, that is odd. A true mystery. I wonder what could have made it break the way it did and fall so perfectly off that pot.

  6. Maybe you can get rid of it now...I dont suppose we will ever know the why/how it broke like this.

  7. I'm thinking some sort of erosion or tension having gone on for a long time and just finally reaching the breaking point... But physics is not really my thing... Hope it will make it easier for you to get rid of it.

  8. Hmmm, that is odd! Perhaps those are the seams for when it was first molded at the cement place and they finally gave out from something messing with it or simply gravity and age? Just guessing. That is a mystery. Let us know if it ever makes sense. At least it will be easier to dispose of. Here's hoping the rest of your weekend is less mysterious. 💙

  9. That is a mystery, unless you or Bob are sleep walking and went outside with a hammer. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  10. Dang aliens! I told them not to land on that little platform!

  11. Great segue -- like unwrapping a gift box inside another gift box, etc.
    Like Sparky, I'm guessing those 4 pieces were fired separately then seamed/cemented together ... until old age caused them to give up. I can relate!

    MS I say the birdbath lived a long and productive life...
    Now it is time to give it a rest. A family of racoons could have done with the help of Nature.
    Happy Hot Saturday
    Hugs cecilia

  13. Nature can really do some strange things. I kind of lean toward the 4 seams theory...I think it will go on as an unsolved mystery.
    Maybe its Bob's first wife doing a "last blast from the past"
    Sorry I just couldn't resist. No disrespect..

  14. That is very odd. You wouldn't think that the rain alone would do that. This was a very interesting story. So are you taking it to the curb?

  15. A mystery for sure, but if we know you, Detective Madsnapper will solve it

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  16. I think it died of old age...those are probably stress fractures that finally gave up the ghost and let go, with all of the years of heat and then cold, etc., it just finally let go. If it's been around since 1970, that's 54 years, which is a very old age in bird bath years. I say give it a good burial, or break it up into smaller pieces and use them to cement together to make a pretty tile to set the new bird bath upon and give it a new lease on life. I'm sure you will think of something. It really is interesting and mysterious, but I'd say it's also miraculous it stayed together this long!
