Sunday, July 7, 2024

Curb Side Find Part Three


The Pony Tail Palm found on the curb, now has 6 siblings. I yanked a piece of pothos that was traveling accross the sidewalk, went to the back yard fern and pothos and whild florida jungle plants and yanke 5 long ropes of varigated pothos.

This is what happens in Florida if you are old and can't keep up with yard work, there is a stump under that hump and I happen to love ferns and wild things, so I love it.. I did not plant it, it just grew there and now with 2 weeks of rain, wow is the jungle growing.

It took me 1 hour of sweating to plant all the plants. This is what Beau and I see every morning when we leave for his walk, except we leave at daybreak, 6:15 to miss walking in the sun.
Now there are 7 pots there and I don't forget to water them because I see it every day. Yes, you have seen the photo of me and Beau before, I just popped in in and covered the garbage can to show you where we walk at the starting line of our daily walks.

You can see the trunk of our beloved oak tree and the staghorn hanging from a limb and of course a garbage can.. I mean who doesn't have one???

Soon there will be many beautiful flowers here, in fact all the yellow moss rose had blooms by noon of the same day but i was to hot to take photos. I love this stump, we saved 500 dollars by leaving it there.


  1. It looks lovely sitting there on the sunny stump. A lot of people around here use their stumps as planters or tables. They can hold all kinds of cool things!

  2. I'm so glad you left the stump there!

  3. It looks nothing short of enchanting and I am sure it will continue to provide much pleasure. Well done!

  4. I love that stump, your spot if jungle with all the ferns, too.

  5. Sandra that display was 100% worth sweating for an hour.
    It is lovely and such a perfect location too. Clapping!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. I love the stump and your potted plants. I love the ferns too.
    Cute photos with you and Beau. Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. Great shadow shot!
    I do love that stump stage. Wishing now our tree guys hadn't left ours so low to the ground, or we paid last year to have the 'witches tree' stump ground.

    I hope you keep sharing your tales from the jungle -- so I might be guilted into doing something.

  8. The arrangement of pots and plants on the stump looks great and will probably soon be a little jungle in itself :)

  9. Very pretty and now you can get stumped each and every day!

  10. Love your "wild Things". That Oak stump is the perfect display place for the plants. Can't wait to see all the blooms and cascading pathos.
    You really sound like you are feeling better.
    I am so missing posting on blogger and FB. Trying to be good and getting all of our "mess" straightened out...Progress every day.
    I have to admit that the stress has gotten to us a bit, but I am expecting that light at the end of the tunnel soon.

  11. Wow, it looks awesome! Those plants look great on the trunk. I was just thinking about your moss roses when I was looking at the tree trunk.

  12. The tree stump makes a great plant stand. How cool that you could go in your backyard and find all those other plants to add to the ponytail palm.

  13. Nice work. You will have to show us regular shots of the progress of the pots.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  14. It is a very pretty thing to do that with a stump! What a great idea.

  15. When our big pines are cut we had them leave those huge stumps. They do make good pot holders.
    It's nice to see you up and walking around again. Warms my heart that you're doing better.
    I'm so grateful it's started raining again here but I am so done with Summer. Now, watch, come cold weather, I'll be unhappy about that too. LOL 💙

  16. Looks great! I have been seeing a lot of stumps getting a second life thanks to the inventive ways people having been using them, pretty plants and so on. I am also glad to see you are walking around again.
