Monday, July 8, 2024

Done and Done, Tuff Old Lady

I am On the Job with my watering can empty Clorine bottle, and the found-on curb Palms are beautiful 

The Mexican heather is growing quickly, and the moss rose/purslane are blooming their pretty selves out daily.

I had to sit and rest for an hour after fighting with a bag of soil and a few plants, bending and stooping and lifting pots about, but I did it . I felt every bone and muscle in my body the next day but

I AM an old cracked pot myself
Each year I plant Moss Rose, or Rose Moss, or purslane/portulaca this is

 remember the cracked pot? the one living on the stump for years and years? It is now in 40 pieces and in the bottom of these pots to help with drainage. I buy every summer and they bloom for months. 

they come in peppermint, orange variegated, pink and yellow, my favorite together, white. I have had all these colors. I buy what they have. they only had yellow this year. They are cheap flowers and are my favorites. they make me feel joy when I look at them. Below are a few of the photos from the link.

they root like crazy and will fill a pot in not time from a few pieces like this one. no need to put in water, just break off pieces and stick in the mud. They only bloom if they get lots of sun


  1. Yes, I remember that cracked pot! I'm glad it's still useful, and I love all of your plants. ❤️

  2. So gorgeous!! And I see you also got the little decorative green pot. You are cute as a button with your little watering can!

  3. Hari OM
    And those flowers are bringing smiles over here, over all those miles!!! YAM xx

  4. Your moss roses look beautiful! I do remember the cracked pot, good idea to re-cycle the cracked pot. Your group of plants on the stump all look lovely. You did a great job. Take care, have a great day and a wonderful week!

  5. Congratulations on getting it all done. I am sure the aches and pains were worth it and after they have eased the flowers will be there to bring good cheer.

  6. Wow, all your hard work has really paid off. It looks fantastic. What a joy to walk out and see all those blooming flowers. I do remember the cracked pot.

  7. Well done. Just goes to show ya that even a crack(ed) pot has it's uses. *giggling* Stay cool. 💙

  8. You have a new titel MAD Snapper with a very green thumb
    What pretty out of doors pots
    Hugs Cecili

  9. I so love that cracked pot (it looks like something in a modern art exhibit) ... and now? Even broken, it's helping the others thrive.
    Anything this shade of yellow makes me smile all over. I can't wear yellow, but it may be my favorite color.

    Did your avatar get a new cut and color?

  10. Those plants are very happy to have you taking care of them!

  11. Whoah Sandra, your hard work definitely paid off....what a beautiful sight your old tree trunk is!

  12. I remember your cracked pot and the moss roses, and you're doing a good job with replacing them :)

  13. I often see wild purslane growing here and there in my yard, but the flowers are very tiny. I never thought of trying to actually grow it in a pot! I am not very green thumbish, and in the summer time it's all I can do to keep myself watered! LOL. Love the pictures of the flowers and the palm all planted and happy! Thank you for making us smile today!! Now try to stay someplace cool and think about how lovely they are. LOL.

  14. I love plants that are easy to grow and can tolerate heat!
    I think puttering and potting around with flowers is good for our hearts and mind! I go out most mornings and later in the evenings after the sun goes down and potter around. A little bit here and a little bit there adds up! Today I planted some forget me not flower seeds - most likely from Nita's celebration of life.....I think about her every single day and probably always will until I join her in heaven....

  15. This is kind of a new hobby for you - I don't remember you loving flowers. I do remember that cracked pot! Your flowers are beautiful. Proud of you.

  16. You have been busy!!! I always love seeing your moss roses. Reminds me of my childhood.

  17. The cracked pot is recycling with pride. The moss roses are beautiful and so is that arrangement on top of the stump. The single bloom on your shelf is very pretty!
