Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Dan's Front Porch


I got this photo in a text; this is my son's front porch. I thought, that must have been some wind. WRONG!

The message said, Mom, everynight, my really old neighbor comes over and we sit on the porch in these two chairs. I am home waiting on the AC repair man to come, AC not cooling, this is 3rd time here. I decided to clean the chairs on the porch. The chair I sit in every night has a spider nest in it and this is a brown widow that I found. They are all dead now, and I sprayed with insecticide.

Brown Widows are dangerous. The habitat of the brown widow spider has expanded to much of the southwestern U.S. and appears to be growing. Keep your eyes peeled if you live in that region. You can't get much further southwestern U.S. as Florida... 
the brown widow is 1st cousin to the black widow. The females are dangerous. the males, the babies and the juveniles will not bite. we have no idea which this one is, He said there were maybe 2 dozen in the nest, but I think, since he is a chip off his mother, ME, he fears them all and may have exaggerated a tad.
Now I am afraid to go in the garage to get the clothes out of the dryer.....


  1. I can only imagine what may have happened if he had not been so observant and had not seen it!!! I would have sold the house and moved to another state....just sayin'...

  2. if you see a running girl, it is our mama please send her home... at brown widow she jumped up and ran for her life... good that your son found the dangerous spider(wo)man...

  3. Hari Om
    This expat Aussie, who lived with several different sorts of potentially dangerous spiders and other insects, commends Dan on his observation and diligence in cleaning. I can also reassure that the spiders, like any critter, just wanna get on with their own lives and will not bother you if you do not bother them... Sitting them might be considered botheration! Fetching the laundry is unlikely to be hazardous. YAM xx

  4. Wow, good thing he decided to clean the chairs and found that. I think I would be afraid to ever sit in that chair again.

  5. Fear of spiders is greatly exaggerated, but that doesn’t help over-reaction. As YAM says, it’s perfectly possible to live and let live. We harm them far more than they harm us….far, far more.,

  6. Hello
    I am glad Dan noticed the spider nest on the chair. The Brown Widow sounds dangerous. Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. I had not heard of the brown widow...inquiring minds want to remember to google and see more pics.

  8. Good to know this. Thanks for sharing and I will share with neighbors too. 💙

  9. Since setting fire to one's house (er, porch) is out of the question, I'd likely run for the fire extinguisher that lives under the kitchen sink. Creeps me out just looking, but I'm going to show this image to our pest control guy who comes out quarterly. He's likely to know if they've made a presence known here in Alabama ... and is good natured enough not to laugh at me.

  10. I have a fear of spiders and would probably never go on the porch again!

  11. HOLY MOLY I don't like B U G but SPIDERS scare me to death.
    Every day I go to the car I run thru a portion of a web. It is a long anchor I guess. It is attached to the car door handle from the tree. Of course once I run thru it I am certain spiders are crawling all over me.
    Thank goodness neither Dan or his neighbor were bitten.
    I agree with Terry I might never go on the porch again either.
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Oh my goodness - that would scare me to death. That is when I would call Rick to come get them. Gosh it was good he saw it before he sat down.

  13. Oh my goodness! I am SO glad he discovered these nests/eggs before they discovered HIM! WOW!!! That was a close one! That reminds me I got bitten by a little black and white fuzzy spider last week inside a garden glove that had been sitting in the shed for a long time. I jumped and screamed and ran for the ammonia to stop the sting, and then washed it good and put antibiotic ointment on it, and watched to make sure it didn't start swelling...oh, and I took off my wedding ring as it was on that finger...anyway, long story short, no further issues! Praise God! I meant to write about that in my post and forgot. Now I remember, I may add that to my thankful post tomorrow. Thankful for your son and his friend that they are OK! Now, how often have you been doing your laundry and not been bitten by a spider? I wouldn't get all goofy about it. Just look around before you put your hands in anything unusual...

  14. Wow, what an intense experience! I’m glad your son was able to spot and handle the brown widow spiders before they became a bigger problem. It sounds like you both had quite the surprise with those creepy crawlers. It's good to hear that the spider nest is gone and that the insecticide took care of the issue. Definitely a reminder to keep an eye out for these critters, especially in the southwestern U.S. Thanks for sharing this dramatic story—sounds like you both could use a relaxing evening on that porch after all this!

    Hey there! I enjoyed reading your post. By the way, I recently wrote about how many senior citizens still follow outdated aspirin advice. Check it out here: Would love to hear your thoughts!

  15. We live much farther north — but climate change is making new habitats for insects that need a warmer home, so who knows when similar spiders etc. will arrive here. Certain trees are already being destroyed here by the opportunistic pests from farther south. The changing world makes things very uncertain.
    best, mae at

  16. Ugh!! I really don't like spiders. We do have black widows around here. Be careful. Glad your son could get rid of the nest and that everything is now dead.
    Hope he continues to sit on the porch with his "old friend".

  17. Oh my! I don't do spiders. Glad he found it before it got to him.

  18. I spray peppermint pil/water on all my patio furniture, and that seems to keep the spiders away...thank goodness!

  19. Oh dear, that could have been so much worse. Spiders give nasty bites. And now Mom says she has to wear insect repellent when we walk because of the evil mosquitoes!!! Things just keep getting harder and harder.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  20. I do love to take photos of spiders. They are neat looking.

  21. That’s so scary! As if we didn’t have plenty of other things to worry about. ❤️

  22. I like dan's porch and how nice he sits with his neighbor for a chat every night. I have never heard of a brown widow before. They sound scary. We have heard about people coming across a Brown Recluse every now and again. I found a Black Widow in our garage once but it must be 30 years since the last time. I haven't found anything other than a regular spider around here, but am always wary.

  23. Omg...big spider nest and big spider. I find them fascinating but I don't think dangerous ones need to stay around. For a fun video watch this poor guy on the Bachelorette show:
