Thursday, August 29, 2024

Ready for hurricane season


I have this cabinet and another one with foods that can be eaten with no cooking or cooked over a canned heat or a small pot on a grill.
Salt free Soda Crackers for me, Ritz for Bob 
Peanut Butter, Natural for me and Jif for Bob and Beau the dog
Canned meat/tuna/chicken (one can spam, one corn beef, we don't eat that, but it would do if we had to. I donate that to the food bank.
2 cans Sterno you can cook with (maybe there is a hurricane outside)
2 bags egg noodles for Bob and Beau
5 bags rice pasta (I love on rice pasta)
the other cabinet has cans of, beets, carrots, soups, kidney beans, black beans, red beans, baked beans, fruits and rice, applesauce, canned fruits, oatmeal and pasta can be boiled over a fire.
also we have flour and cornmeal that can be mixed and cooked on the grill if needed.
 The house is never without 2 weeks of survival foods and water
Come November and the end of Hurricane Season, I start using all of it and don't replace it until April. 

How much food do you have in your house? what do you keep handy for emergencies?
 How long could you survive without a trip to the store.

Today I am thankful I am able to keep cabinets full of survival foods. 


  1. GREAT idea, and also the way you are handling it! We have so much food stored up that almost our entire third bedroom is full of shelves of it, as there was there is no more room in the kitchen. Plus a huge rack on the back of the kitchen door. I started this when Covid was bad and you could not get a lot of foods. So I began stocking up whenever I could find them. Now I am obsessed with it, in case food may not be available again,

  2. we hope the hurricanes will not visit your area.... I have to admit, I'm a kind of prepper... I have lots of water and instant food and we always have a BIG BIG BIG bag of dry dog food... with all the emergency plans of the govt. I never read bout having meals for pets ready in emergency cases, so we probably have to help ourselves...

  3. Well done for being so organised. Our cyclone season will be here soon. I have tins of food and pasta and rice. I don't know what we would do without power though.

  4. Most of the world hasn't had to think about such stores but with climate chanfe and all. We always have loads because I grow and preserve, but we would have to eat the contents of the freezer fairly fast (or keep the neighbours fed over 3 or 4 days) if we got a prolonged power cut.

  5. I'm pretty sure I would not survive long on what's in my cupboard. I go there looking for something to eat and can never find anything. That's not to say there's nothing there, it's just nothing I want to eat.

  6. Hari OM
    I tend to have lots of cans/packets on hand for the 'just if in case' moments... at least, in the Hutch, I do. Now with van life, storage is a little more of a callenge - but I can (and have) gone for ten days without needing to visit a grocery store and could probably stretch it two weeks is needed. There's no reason why, for the winter season here, when getting stuck might be an issue, that I couldn't load extra stores into the passenger seat of the drive cab... YAM xx

  7. We would not survive for long, we do not keep that much extra food in our pantry. We should keep more canned tuna and I would like canned fruit. Take care, enjoy your day!

  8. We are not well prepared for emergencies, despite knowing that we should be, and from time to time making plans that never seem to come to fruition. I suspect that if we lived in an area where hurricanes are expected annually that might change our perspective. I think part of our rationale (excuse?) is that we are dedicated to eating fresh, and visit the stores most days, so our supply of canned goods is virtually non-existent. We should stock some items and give them to the food bank if they are unused approaching the best before date.

  9. We would not survive long..I do have spam, and chicken and usually several cans of beans...and rice.

  10. I can imagine the hurricane season would be frightening so I'm glad that you're well prepared with tinned and other items so you can make a quick, nutritious meal. It's difficult to shop as we rely on lifts. You've shared an important point about stocking up canned goods. Take care.

  11. Hello Sandra :)
    There are some canned and pkt foods in my pantry for emergencies which I started to accumulate when COVID was a threat, but I always have tinned sardines Tuna and Mackerel in stock anyway, but there is not much left of the other stuff now. Well done with your storage preparation, when you do something you really go all the way.

  12. I am curious, do you have a generator? I see them advertised all the time. It is great that you are so prepared. We don't need an emergency cupboard as such, but we always seem to have a lot of food that would last us for two or three weeks if we had to. We rotate through them. Basically what you have.

  13. I hope that doesn't happen to either one of us. However, I have lots of food. I think we would survive. However, we don't have anything to really cook on.

  14. Sandra what a perfect Thankful Post for hurricane season.
    Sounds like everyone has a good selection too
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. We have survival foods in buckets that are stacked in our back storage/craft room. About 3 mos worth and we have cans of protein foods, tuna, salmon, beef and pork. My husband believes we could hold out 6 mos comfortably and longer if we conserved.
    The survival food has a 25 year shelf life. What we don’t use is great for backpacking meals. We also have a water purification system for emergencies. We could use pond water and turn it into delicious drinking water if we had to.
    It’s one of those things you hope you never have to use.

  16. We always lived out in the country. We had an orchard, garden, chickens and stock. Because of age we now live in town. We still stock up much like you do. We used to have a generator. We use battery operated camp lights during a power outage. We just bought from Costco a new type camp lantern. It takes batteries, has a solar charger and a port to charge your phone! Safe for everyone to carry about in the dark! My DH is a retired fireman.
    Very reasonably priced. There are night lights that are motion activated, work with batteries when power out and charge your phone! When we had a well we kept 1 gallon water bottles under the bathroom cupboards. To flush toilets. Still do. I mark them non-drinkable as their date of use expires. We don't get your type of storms. We get earthquakes & Pacific winter storms! Do enjoy your blog!

  17. It's always so wise to be prepared and I hope the rest of the hurricane season fizzles out. We have about a weeks worth of supplies here just in case.

  18. You are so wise to be prepared the way you are. I can't even imagine having to think about those types of storms.
    I think we could survive for about 2 weeks from our cupboards. Cooking would be a problem without power though. Have to get a hand held can opener for the tuna, etc. I only have an electric one. Always have water on hand and battery lanterns at the ready. Our garage doors are by electical power. Really almost too hard for Dave to lift it manually. Now that could be a problem for escaping fire etc.

  19. Perfect! I keep saying Tom's in denial, but truth be told, I'm plain oblivious to the threats.
    I'm guessing what we'd consume (if forced) would last us a couple of weeks.
    Every now and then I get on a clean-out kick, but that's been months now. Starting this weekend, I'm going to pull everything out of the non-perishable cupboard and do an inventory. I like the way you've segregated everything.

  20. The supplies you have are awesome. Our pantry is usually full of things that we could eat during an emergency. Everyone needs to be prepared no matter where you live. Praying you never need to use them in an emergency.

  21. You are good and stocked. We're currently eating everything down and reduced the pantry over the years to less, less, less and less. Last week or two ago, I found a good deal on something we use and bought a bunch. That's almost gone now. We don't want to take stuff with us when we move so we'll continue to own less and less dry goods.

  22. We also keep 2 weeks worth of food, learned from living in the earthquake state of California. Always good to be prepared!

  23. I must say you are well prepared. Had to laugh at the comment about how long could I survive without a trip to the store. Not very long I'd venture. We only live about 8 blocks from a grocery store so I'm there practically every day of the week. Sometimes more then once a day!

  24. Thankfully we just bought a large case of bottled water last week, and yesterday we got a "boil water" notice on our door because of something not working in our community water system. So we were prepared with bottled water to drink, but of course could also boil water if necessary. We do keep canned veggies, beans, rice, tuna, spam, and a can of Dinty Moore Beef Stew. We have packets of grits and oatmeal that can be cooked with water over a fire/grill. We do have a coleman camp stove, (but I'm not sure about the fuel? Where is it??) We have a regular gas grill and a small firepit too, so we have ways to cook if needed. We could last maybe a couple of weeks on current stock of food, but any longer than that and we'd be going fishing and hunting. LOL. Our pond is not really a good fishing hole that we can tell. It's too shallow and mucky, but there are fish in there, just not very big. Oh, there are turtles! Hmmm, not sure I want turtle soup. Anyway, we'd survive for a while, but by then I'd hope things were getting back to normal. We do have a generator too, but it requires gas to run it. thanks for making me think about this. We tend to be spoiled and think it could never happen to us...

  25. So glad you are so well prepared. We hope you don't have any emergency need for the supplies and can enjoy them more when the hurricane season is done

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  26. Water is my obssession. I keep boxes of 500 ml mineral water. These small bottles are easy to carry and hold. I also like canned fruit mixes, in big tins with an opener.
    Preparedness is not only about food. I keep in my shelter bag (we have wars sometimes) a hand-fan, in case there's power outage and we need some air.
