Monday, August 19, 2024

Dear Walmart, About the Remodel


The cockamamie drawing above is the Pharmacy at Wal-Mart Saturday morning shopping. 

Needed, 5 items from this department.  When they did the remodel they created an App, numbered the end caps, ( NOT ALL OF THEM) made smaller spaces, put less merchandise out and created a MESS!

Poking the App I asked where to find 2 items, one was on 29 the other 34. You can see the 34 but I could not. I asked a girl stocking shelves where was 34? she spoke no English. She waved a a woman who met me in the middle and she said oh its on 34. 

I walked to 28, and the 28 you see is a WALL, you can't see over it. The makeup and lotions are locked in side that box you see, with a narrow entrance. I have yet to see anyone at the HELP desk at the door.

She said oh that is on 34, I said I see NO 34, she said Oh, 34 is the whole back wall!  there was no number posted.

I was looking for a tiny bottle, I glared at the whole wall behind SIX aisles, and then found the woman again and told her the item could not be found. She said OH FOLLOW ME... and we walked to the 28and right where you see the word Theft, she stood on tiptoe and Pointed down behind the wall and said we moved it THERE... which is NOT 34 and also HAS NO NUMBER.


To whom it probably doesn't concern, your useless numbers and app made my dog drive his dad crazy because I did not get home at the right time to take him for his walk. He never barks when i come home. Today he was running in circles and barking when he heard me drive in.

all This was Due to the idiot you must have hired to draw your remodel plan and also the one that approved them... Now that I think about it, I am thinking they did not speak English and neither did the creator of your app. How did the woman placing stock on the back wall no where to put the merchandise? that is what I am now pondering. WHY GIVE US NUMBERS IF WE CAN"T SEE THEM. 


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm hoping now that this does not happen to our Wal- art! Do you have one of those little Wal-Marts that only sell groceries and pharmacy? I forget the name of it, but it's really nice and fast. And their pharmacy is much nicer than the big Wal-Mart superstore. They have more meds and things and they are smaller and it is faster.

  2. that must be like hansel and gretel in the fairy tale.. maybe to place bread crumbs is an idea?

  3. Sounds complicated and frustrating, and I bet you're not the only customer having trouble with that new system... The pharmacy I use the most is not all that big. No app, and there's also usually some member of staff out on the floor to guide customers to what they're looking for...

  4. Time to find a different store. If you complain, get frustrated and keep returning anyway, they have no incentive to mend their ways. I have purchased but one item - ever - in a Walmart store and my life carries on perfectly well without them. Yours can too!

  5. I noticed they moved things around a lot at our Walmart.
    I have never used the app, I will go and ask a worker for help.
    Poor Beau, he was worried he missed his walk.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great week ahead.

  6. Hari Om
    Crikey, that sounds like the Amazon stocking system... but without the robots to go find... YAM xx

  7. Oh my word, another remodel. I sure hope they don't do that here. That's crazy that they would do something like that. That's crazy too that they have someone working who can't speak the language. I mean I'm sure there are plenty of customers who speak her language but in an english speaking state you should know how to speak the language especially if you're going to work there.

  8. I would find their contact info on line and em as cant hurt and you might get some kind of coupon off.

  9. Yes, to Rose's comment! THIS is exactly why I (almost) refuse to do in-store shopping at WM. Pretty sure it was something you needed right then? Most likely I'd have walked out, sat in my car, put it in my WM app and returned a couple hours later to have them bring it out to my car. With a smile on their face. Best thing since sliced bread.

  10. I can so relate. Been there, done that in Wallmart!! No one speaks English, the numbers can't be found, and I waste more time looking for stuff than I would like to buy than it's worth.. I also posted a blog rant about my supermarket experience this week and needing to download an app and scroll 30 digital coupons to download the one's I want to get the deal. I was already a member. So frustrating. It might be easier to shop online anymore.

  11. That really makes me happy that I never set food in WalMart!

  12. I see it coming here too. A lot of items are locked up - it would take you a half hour to get someone to open it. So forget that.
    They closed all the medical offices they had.
    I have mixed feelings - because I know they are doing it because of theft. It is a sad situation that people are stealing.
    It effects us all.

  13. My walmart is doing a major reorganization...well I call it lack of organization. Why in the world and they are putting in 7' shelves too. I guess they are for extra stock but they are not very good at moving stock down to a normal eye level for shoppers.

    Hugs Cecilia

  14. I guess I can rant too... The "big" re-model is done by people who never do the shopping for themselves. Nothing is in logical places. I was looking for a can of Manwhich sauce. Went to where it always is...nada...went around and around the aisles finally found a guy who actually spoke English. He had never heard of the product but entered it in his computer thingy and directed me to the bottom shelf 2 aisles over.. I would have never found it on my own. Sigh.. makes me crazy but the prices are so much better than Safeway so I go there for my one stop shopping. Seriously thinking about on line order and letting them put it in my trunk for me. Not going to do fresh items though. I have seen how the people just grab something and put in in the customer's cart. They have no idea whether its good, spoiled or bad.
    Ok enough of that. I guess we are caught between a rock and a hard place.

  15. Our Walmart is putting more things behind glass everyday, with long waits to retrieve them...It has become so annoying that I go to Target to get a lot of my make up and toiletries...

  16. Oh my! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I hate when stores change things. I noticed so many new sections at our grocery store that are all behind locked glass cases now. Detergent is one of them. I don't buy that there but who the heck is stealing it and good luck finding someone to unlock them.

  17. Gosh, that's a bummer! I had quit shopping there during the scamdemic. Our Walmart's also ship via FedEx and their delivery to our area, well, to be polite, is unreliable and untrustworthy. What happened to you gives me yet another reason to shop at Walmart ever again. Maybe you could do the grocery delivery thing? Or order it and then go pick it up. Anyway, hope that improves for you and everyone else. That would be aggravating. 💙

  18. Mom hasn't seen those theft walls yet, but they are probably there. She thinks when they did the remodel here there are just TOO many aisle numbers and they don't really seem to be in any logical order. Oh well, it must be a ploy to make you walk around more and see more and thus buy more.

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  19. Yeah, they did this at our Walmart some time ago. Thankfully, most of the items in that little crazy area are not something I need very often. We don't have a lot of good choices here for affordable shopping (is there any such thing anymore???),so we usually go to Walmart once a week or week and 1/2 to get the "big stuff" I don't want to pay higher prices for at our local grocery store. I do get delivery once in a while of non perishable items. Let's face it, shopping isn't fun anymore. When you reach a certain age, and also when you live on a fixed income, there's just no joy in shopping anymore. I never was very good at it anyway. Bah Humbug!

  20. I use WM Pharmacy for my prescriptions, which I pick up at the drive through. I buy groceries at Save Mart and everything else at Amazon. I get dizzy every time I try to shop at WM and I'm never sure if there will be a person checking me out. I'm too old to do the self check out stuff. And after reading your post, I'm glad I haven't encountered people like that in our stores. Small Town stores, I guess are better and kinder.

  21. Okay, so I will ask the same question as before, how was your blood pressure after that trip? That was quite a doozy trying to find what you needed.

  22. What a hot mess. Sorry you had that to deal with. I stopped going to Wally's years ago and I hope to never need to return. The place has turned to pure dog dookie IMO.
