Saturday, August 17, 2024

Hello, my name is Sandra, and I am


Hello, my name is Sandra, and I am a librocubicularist! In plain English I am a person who reads in Bed.. that I am a librocubicularist, drives my husband crazy...

 I do it every night. He goes to bed early, like 7:16 o 7: 30. Way to early for me and I prefer reading over watching TV and since I can't go to sleep then; I go to bed with my kindle and put it on low-light and read until I am sleepy. 

Are you a librocubicularist? I could live in a library, just put a mattress on the floor, connect to provided wi-fi and read all I wanted to. might not work since I love to talk like I love to write. Which is the same thing to me.  Do you read in bed?

I found this word on An English Girl who Rambles and had to give to all of you. The word was invented in 1919

This what I found in Wiktionary has to say about the word.. 

librocubicularist: English Etymology

From Latin liber (“book”) + Latin cubiculum (“bedroom”), from cubō (“lie down”). Noun

librocubicularist (plural librocubicularist) (rare) A person who reads in bed. 

References they believe the word was invented by  the author of the book, The Haunted Bookshop by Christopher Morley (Grosset & Dunlap, 1919)

Trivial Pursuit Game-Genus Edition 1981


  1. This is all news to me!! Except I do know that you like to read in bed. I used to love reading in bed. On my side, propped up on my elbow. Till my rotator cuff broke.

  2. Ooo, I am glad you investigated its origins :) I still like to read in bed.

  3. Hari Om
    Fab word! Not one I can lay claim to, though. Even in younger years when devouring books, I never could properly read in bed. Propped up on a sofa with a blanket over my legs? Now that's my thing! YAM xx

  4. Both Larry and I used to read in bed all the time when we were young...not now. If we sit too still for too long...he usually falls asleep and I just get up and find something to
    I hate having to use "readers" in bed...
    Happy weekend!

  5. I read, and am commenting about, this post in bed. ❤️

  6. I do read in bed - every night. My wife does too. On average she closes her book a little before I do, but I would say that we average about a half hour. She generally reads on her iPad, I always from a real book. At present she is reading a novel by Willa Cather and I am re-reading Elizabeth Kolbert’s “The Sixth Extinction.” Generally we are in bed by about 9:30 pm. There - you have it all!

  7. I'm afraid that I could never be a librocubicularist because I can't even pronounce the word. I've never been big on reading in bed though. When I have tried in the past, I got maybe one or two pages and then couldn't keep my eyes open.

  8. Yes, I read in bed. N iui TV's long as I used to, but have read in bed since I was a child...a young child.

  9. A new word for me. Yes, I do read in bed. If I can not sleep my kindle reader is handy and ready to read. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  10. Bed is/was usually my favourite place for reading. Nowadays I mostly read by listening to audio books, though - especially at night. I just had to download that book to my Kindle too (The haunted bookshop) - never heard of it, or Christopher Morley... (Cost next to nothing as it's so old)

  11. Steve used to read in bed but I had to ask him to stop or I'd move into the guest bedroom. All that flipping pages, the light being on, etc. was driving me nuts. He very kindly quit. I am an avid reader but not laying down. It's too uncomfortable. Once I'm in bed, I'm done. The A/C is set at 69*, the little fan is on, lights are off, then it's off to la la land with no interruptions until it's time for my morning coffee. 💙

  12. Whenever I try reading I instantly fall asleep so I try not to read until I'm actually ready to sleep.

  13. I have lots of trouble sleeping. One thing I''ve been told is to limited
    use of devices about 2 hours before bed time and if I can't sleep to move out of the bed to another location. Thus I don't read my kindle when I can't sleep. I go in the family room to look at magazines. Tuesday of next week I'm posting a funny story I read in Reader's digest last night
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. Growing up, yes. I used to be a what-cha-ma-call-it. For some reason, that all went by the way. Probably because I always removed my contact lens before sleep and didn't have a pair of readers. IF I were to get one of those large study pillows like college kids use, I might try becoming a librocubic-thing again. My furry bedmates don't give a fig if the light's on or not.

  15. I used to read in bed but my husband is a very light sleeper so now it’s a treat when he goes off hiking for a night or two - then I can get all cozy in my bed and read. 📖

  16. I was a voracious reader when I was younger. As a kid I always read in bed, sometimes under the covers with a flashlight. I as a child haunted the library and had a very eclectic taste in subjects.
    Now its too hard to read in bed and since the computer I get books but don't seem to get around to reading them.
    I MUST get back to it!!!

  17. I've never heard that word before. I do not read in bed. I actually don't read but I want to start but for now I have enough reading blogs each day. I'm glad you read in bed. Mark turns off the TV and reads before bed but he is in the family room. I usually go to bed before him.

  18. That is a new word for me. I used to read a lot when I was younger - I do now - everyday - but only about a half hour or so. So does that word mean they have to be read in bed - nowhere else?

  19. Thanks, Sandra, for explaining this word and yes I also read in bed, but only on a Kindle as I will usually fall asleep. Also, the e-reader I use is lighter to hold and has its own backlighting so I can turn off the nightstand light or leave it on low while Grenville sleeps.

  20. Hi Sandra, :)
    A new word that I have never heard of before. It's fascinating to read about it's origins. I read in bed for about half an hour,or until I feel sleepy.

  21. NO, I do not read in bed nor watch tv or use electronics when I go to bed. I actually like to sleep with it nice and quiet and dark. HOWEVER, my husband reads in bed, watches tv, plays on his iPad etc. Does not make me a happy camper! We try to compromise with him staying down stairs to watch tv and only using his other stuff for a 1/2 hour in bed.
