Friday, August 16, 2024

Visit to Orthopedics Doctor


We sat down to wait for the brown door to open and call us back. I took 4 photos.
Below is the other wall

I love the furniture in this building. Bob would not sit facing me on my favorite of the sofas. We only had to wait five minutes, and the tech came to get us and said we will take X-rays first, I sat in front of this brown door, bob was inside, he had 6 x-rays, and we went to the exam room. to see all the glory of this sofa CLICK ON IT.. but only if you want to

Suprise! I have no story, The Doctor said Bob's x-rays are perfect, the 3-year-old knees he put in are perfect and no arthritis. Simply Put, Bob's walking pain is Age related. Gave him a 5-day package of steroids to see if it helps and sent us on our way...  Good news is also Bad News. Take Tylenol and walk as much as you can. the other Good news is the copay for visit was only 20.00 and all else is covered by insurance, and the RX was only 5.. 


  1. The waiting room is really pretty, I have never seen one like it. Looks like the couch even has a built-in end table. What I am thinking is an x-ray will only show bone. They did not take an M.R.I., which would show tendon or ligament or other soft tissue damage.

  2. we send lots of potp to Bob and we hope the meds can help... the sitting furniture is super! I love it!!! it is a fab eyecatcher..

  3. What a nice waiting room that is. Good news that the x-rays were good. I have to agree with Ginny though. An x-ray wouldn't show everything. I hope the steroid pack helps him.

  4. I am not sure I have ever paid attention to the waiting room at a doctor’s office or clinic. The one thing I do recall is that there is often truly awful art on the walls. Other than that, not much at all.

  5. Hari Om
    We'll take the good news and leave the rest! It is indeed an attractive wait room. YAM xx

  6. I am glad it is nothing...but at the same time wish there woukd have been some simple fix.

  7. Hello,
    It is good that Bob had good news from his test results. I hope the medicine helps with Bob able to walk more. The waiting room is nice. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  8. Hello Sandra :)
    The waiting room is very pleasant, and I hope that Bob'medication helps to ease the pain.

  9. What a lovely waiting room. Now you and BOB know the knees are good the remainder is up to him. Motion is Lotion to the joints.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Like police investigative work, it's good to have answers. Like Cecilia said, the rest is up to Bob. I'm thinking blues and browns must be the 'in' thing at medical facilities. Our VA's seating has a similar design but whoa ... that curvy sectional's messing with my mind. Like something out of the Jetsons's (cartoon)!

  11. I really do like the waiting room - the curved sofa kind of keeps you from sitting right next to someone.
    I am mixed about Bob's issues - I am glad nothing is wrong - but I wish there was something he could do - WALK. I will give you one thing I learned as my mom aged - IF YOU DON'T USE IT YOU WILL LOSE IT - it was the beginning of the end. Walk Bob!

  12. That's a very nice waiting room and hooray for knees that are okay!!!

  13. I guess my two cents worth is very similar to what others have said. Bob 's knees are the good news. If he doesn't try to walk every day its going to be worse. I know its the same with me. Being sedentery makes me ache more. Praying the meds help. At least he wanted to go and see the doctor..that to me was a shock and reason enough to get in there.
    another subject. I'm glad you liked the sweet dog in my photo.
    Riley is 14 years old. Has no teeth, weighs 4 pounds and thinks she is as big as Beau!..Look out world..haha..

  14. It's nice waiting room. Good news the x-rays don't show any damage. Hopefully that will give some reassurance that training by walking is good even if not pain-free.

  15. We are glad Bob got good news about his knee...and hope the meds take care of the pain.

    I really like the color of the waiting room, it's much more welcoming than the memory test waiting room!

  16. That does look like a lovely office. I do like the furniture. I'm glad his x-rays were good. I have a little bit of pain in my left knee. My knee replacement was about 8 years ago. I know I certainly have not been getting enough exercise lately.

  17. I love how much you enjoy taking photos!!! Does he eat a lot of sugar? That can bring on pain and so can dairy for some.

  18. Your photos are always so nicely done. Mine tend to be blurry now. Probably because I shake a bit.
    Cool furniture. I have to stick with "traditional" looking ones because our home is so small but if it was bigger, that would be one I would consider.
    Glad that Bob doesn't have anything devastating. I like Happy Whisk's suggestion, yeah, give up the sugar/carb's, throw in walking with you? But you already know that. I know all that's helped me not ache 'cause I've done the steroids and cortisone stuff as well. They helped but it's not a permanent fix. Sending prayers! 💙

  19. Good news on the knees, but we sure hope the steroids help. Mom walks a lot too, trying to keep those joints going, but some days, oh those joints hurt:(

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  20. That is swanky furniture! Good news about the copay. Good news on Bob’s knees. Joints still hurt I know.

  21. I’m so sorry about the pain. I hope they can do something to help.

  22. I’m so sorry about the pain. I hope they can do something to help.
