Friday, February 14, 2025

The Bee Tree on Nature Friday PLUS Happy Valentine Day

  I stood and counted the blooms on the powder puff tree (known to us as The Bee Tree) and it now has close to 250 open and that many again ready to burst. Today is not about the tree but THE BEE Colony that is having a blast at the Bee Candy Buffet in our backyard. 

The bush/tree has long, about 4 to 5 feet long, sweeping limbs and blooms November through April here in central Florida.

There is not one flower, fully opened, half closed, that doesn't have 1 to 5 bees on it. Above is the best shot with my camera of the bees. You can see five in the two but there are 5 in one bloom and 4 in the other. The berries are the pods that will open as the other fall dead to the ground

This view shows just how many one limb can have. I can attest to the fact that there is a whole colony of bees in this tree. I water 3 times a week trying to make our Milton Deposit of Dirt Only Yard grow green to cover the dirt, and one day I lightly sprayed the Bee Buffet. 

They rose up and swarmed me, and I was standing 20 feet away, the followed the path of water straight to me. No Snapper was harmed, but I keep away from it now and it can die or not die for lack of water

When my son came to visit, he said Wow Mom, that's a lot of Bees, I said just don't touch it or you will find out how many.
Bees and flowers have mutual relationships with each other and spread the pollen needed to grow things. I don't have to like them though.
Today is Nature Friday over at The LLB with Rosy and Sunny. 

 and this tree fits with Nature for sure as do these Moss Rose flowers that are growing on the stump in the back yard. I know you will love them Rosy

these flowers are being watered 3 times a day with dishwater and short sprays of a hose.

Happy Valentine Day All You 'all... I made all these valentines for you, while learning in Procreate on Ipad. is that werid? 

Happy Birthday to my son Dave, 60 years old today and
Happy Anniversary to Dave and his wife Deanna. 

I am so weird I laughed and loved it when my cousins 160-pound Mastiff sat on my lap. is that weird?

Winston gave me Joy when he sat on my lap, Beau gave me joy with his head on my tummy. Sunshine gave me flowers and joy in our backyard. Beau is Dane/Catahoula and Winston is a Great Dane/Mastiff and belongs to my cousin Shari.


  1. we love your bee tree... it looks like strawberry candy... a happy valentines day to you ... with lots of love

  2. The tree is beautiful. I wouldn't like all those bees though. When I had the pool in my back yard, the bees were always so bad it made it hard to spend time out in the back yard.
    Happy Valentines day.

  3. Hari Om
    From one weirdo to another, Happy Eccentrines Day!!! YAM xx

  4. I know bees are capital-letter-Necessary, but they still give me the heebie jeebies. As soon as I read "swarm" da goosebumps rose up.
    Thank you so much for creating these photo cards ... best ever!
    Happy Birthday and Anniversary blessings to Dave and Deanna!

  5. Oh, I miss seeing Powder Puff trees. They won't grow here in SE Georgia.
    Bee's are one of my favorite insects, along with dragonflies, crane flies, and butterflies. They are all essential for a healthy environment. I wish I was better at identifying bees. I can't tell what kind those are. Possibly Honey Bees? Just guessing.
    That is one HUGE dog! I couldn't afford the Vet nor the food bill for something that size. Yipes.
    Happy Valentine's Day! ❤️

  6. We need the bees! Long live the bees.
    It's a privilege to have a dog sit on your lap, and the bigger, the better.😁

  7. That's an amazing tree! And so good for the bees.
    Happy Valentines Day. It's our daughter birthday today too. She is 39 today, just a few years behind your Dave.

  8. One sting from those bees would send me to the ER. Riley had Catahoola Leopard Dog in him, too! And happy birthday and anniversary to David. And finally, happy Valentine's Day to you, Bob and Beau.

  9. I love your bee tree, it is good to keep the bees happy.
    They are beautiful blooms. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary to Dave. I love that big dog too. Happy Valentine's Day to you! Have a great day!

  10. Happy Valentines Day to you too. I love all of your valentines and the things that bring you joy.
    Going to our favorite burger joint when I get home from Lynne's today. Celebrating that Love Day with a burger and fries.
    Its a perfect ending to a day that can be filled with a bit of stress.

  11. Winston is ginormous. but he is a cutie. This is a beautiful puff bush/tree. reminds me of our mimosa tree. My oldest daughter is so scared of bees...she would probably not even come around if I had it in my yard. Hoping you all enjoy a lovely Valentines Day and I must tell you, I think you did a great job creating the cards....Hallmark just might want to hire you. Hugs to you and hugs to Beau as well.

  12. MS
    Happy Birthday to Dave
    Happy Anniversary to Dan and Michelle
    and thank you for the most beautiful photos on Nature Friday
    Hugs Cecilia

  13. I love this post! It has everything I love, including you!! Your weirdness is wild and wonderful, and not really weird at all. It is a beautiful lady who is a dedicated animal lover and loves to snap! Just my kind of person! I would be so scared of those bees. What about watering it after the sun goes down, when the bees are gone? Your shots of the bees on the flowers almost looks like they are a part of the flower. I love your red valentine with you and Beau the best!!

  14. Seriously, that's a lot of blooms. It looks beautiful. Obviously the bees love it. I can't believe they followed the stream of water up to you. I'm loving the moss roses too. I remember my dad having them everywhere when I was growing up. Happy Valentines Day to you, Bob and Beau.

  15. That wasn't very friendly or smart of the bees! Fingers crossed for the poor plant.

  16. How lucky to have a tree blooming so beautifully this time of year! We love all your Valentine's and wish you (and Beau and Bob) a Happy Valentine's Day!

  17. Roses are red, violets are blue, just like how you love bees and dogs too! You're the bee's knees and the dog's bark, the son's pride and the flower's spark.You're the pollen to a flower, making you honey to the bees. Here's to a Valentine's Day as sweet as honey and as joyful as a wagging tail. Cheers to a Valentine's day as special as you! Keep being AWESOME! Marvelous Marv and Barb

  18. Your Powder Puff tree is just amazing. We love it. Thanks for the beautiful Valentine creations.

    💕💕💕Happy Valentine's Day!!!💕💕💕

    Woos - Misty and Timber

  19. Such fun photos! Happy Valentine's Day from all of us!

  20. Happy birthday to Dave and happy anniversary.
    In one way you are lucky - we NEED bees to survive!
    Happy Valentine's Day.

  21. That is a lot of bees and a lot of dog.

  22. I love that you made that for us. Thank you! Love those pink flower bushy things on the berry bush. So cool looking.
