Sunday, June 16, 2024

Sunshine Makes Me Happy


What Rain Water Does to green growing plants.. The storm blessed us with filling the pool to the top and saved us the cost of adding to the pool and this was taken the day after local flooding that did not hurt us. I sat looking at this view out the sliding glass doors while eating lunch and 

Suddenly Snapped! 

It rained every day for a week and all our green is GREEN and Growing!

What Sunshine Does to my son Dan's Mastiff Zoe... She loves to watch her street and the fence is to keep 150 pounds off the blinds. 

not a harness, but blind stripes on her brindle coat


Ginny Hartzler said...

I love the little gold whirly thing with your name in it!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I'm so happy you had rain! I love the stripes on Zoe. 😊

Ann said...

Sunshine and all that green is enough to make me happy. Zoe is a bonus

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
These are special shots... nature at its lush best and Zoe wearing designer shadows! YAM xx

Rose said...

We need that fence! But it would sure mess with the room it is needed in...

eileeninmd said...

YAY for the rain! I know your plants are very happy.
Zoe is a beautiful dog, love the stripes.
Take care, enjoy your day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

It’s a cause for great happiness that the rain greened everything up. Too bad some people had to endure flooding though.

Donna said...

And now I have that John Denver tune in my head...lolol
Love the shot of Zoe!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Your yard certainly benefitted from those storms, Sandra, and glad there was no damage for you. News images I watched of FL flooding in other areas was unfortunate.

Sparky said...

It is so dry and dangerous for wildfires here. I wish it would rain but glad y'all got some.
Do a post on how to make the gold swirly thing with your name please?! I want one that says Sparky or My Thoughts Exactly. Super cool. You are so talented.
We had a big dog, a Boxer, I named Lucy Belle who passed many years ago. I also have a photo of her with striped sunshine laying across her. She was so sweet and special.
Have a wonderful Sunday! 💙

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh Zoe...Sunshine on my Shouders makes me happy too.

Mevely317 said...

Seeing Zoe in that cute striped 'bolero' jacket makes me happy, too!
Please tell me ... what do you use to clean your slider glass? It literally looks like there's nothing there; I'd probably walk right into it.

PS - Count me in loving that gold whirlie. Need!

photowannabe said...

Yay for the rain that gave you a full pool and Green everywhere.
Love the Shadow "harness" too.
Love your whirly name..very cool.

Linda P said...

Your photo of doggie, your whirly name creation and the good news that the rain filled up the pool and did wonders for your plants makes me happy. I'm sorry to know that elsewhere there was a lot of flooding.

DawnTreader said...

Glad you got a free refill of your pool :)

Chatty Crone said...

Seems like a win, win day. Free pool water. Green! And Zoe gets to look out the window!!!!!!!!!!!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It really is amazing how much everything greens up with a little water. The yard looks great. But sunshine is nice too. Just not TOO hot

Woos - Misty and Timber

Brian's Home Blog said...

It's nice to have the green back again isn't it? Hooray for the rain to brighten everything up.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh a swimming pool!! How wonderful! I've been wishing we had access to one so I could exercise in it. They say it's good for arthritis! Plus it would be so cool on a hot day. Do you swim much in it? I wish we lived next door and you invited me to come swim! LOL. I haven't been in a pool in ages. Not sure if I even have a bathing suit that fits. LOL. But yes, the rain we got, although not much, was wonderful. Our pond is trying to recover from the dryness. We still need a LOT more rain. But no flooding, please! So glad you were safe also. I enjoyed your views, and that dog is amazing!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

So happy to hear that the rain has helped all of your plants. That's awesome. I love the picture of Zoe. That's too cute!