Saturday, July 27, 2024

Sarhara Desert and EPIC Thunderstorm

Above is Sahara Desert thousands of miles from us, in Africa. The weather map shows the Saharan dust that has covered us for the past few days.

 Who would believe, the Sahara Desert would break the drought in Central Florida? Not Me! 

It's True... the dust is causing Thunderstorms this past Sunday and Monday we have a storm each evening at 8 pm. Both storms, typically evening storms for Florida in summer were irate and loud and gave us an inch of rain. Gone in 20 minutes.

Mid-day, you can see on the map, Our beach was taking strikes, My son who lives in the white circle was taking strikes, we live on the white x and it was east of us but we got a quick shower and a few rumbles. Oh boy, we missed it I said... Along about 6 in the evening, the sky darkened, the wind howled and right over the roof to our house 

 a Flash, a Boom and a CRACK hit and shook the house, 4 times it did that. Rain came off the roof in torrents. 15 minutes of this and it was gone, and we were ok... the house did not burst into flames, (there have been 2 houses struck and burned this week) none of us was struck dead by lightning ( 2 were killed this week by lightning) and I heave a sigh of relief.

the next morning, our weather guy said We had an EPIC Thunderstorm last night! 150 lightning strikes in 15 minutes broke the record for the most ever strikes in that amount of time.  I think Epic might be an understatement.
There is good news though, we are in a giant heat dome, filled with Saharan Dust causing these thunderstorms, but the sand is blocking the ocean and gulf from Creating Hurricanes? 
I will take a storm a day against a hurricane any day..... Bob and Beau did not even flinch, I ducked my head every time it happened. Bob said if you see the flash and hear the boom, you are safe, if it hits you will not know it. Thanks, Bob
PS Friday Morning, 7/26 on the news i saw the damage done on Thursday evening T-Storm. The Fire Chief below is my 1st cousin once removed. he is the son of my 1st cousin Bonnie, who some of you might remember. a few miles from us, Lightning hit and burned this shed, split the giant oak tree and no photo but 3 people standing under a banyan tree were hit when a strike hit the tree and had to be transported but are alive.  

Friday, July 26, 2024

Finding JOY

I stopped and took this photo of the banana trees at a neighbor's house, while giving Beau his Sunday Ride and park visit.

 We had banana trees and bananas before the drought. This neighbor must have a well to water with. Enlarge to see the hand of bananas. everything is GREEN and that brings me joy. We have had 2 weeks of rain almost every day. 

Beau, my greatest source of JOY. Some of you might not know Beau, he has his own blog. He loves his grazing buffet, at the back yard faucet. Also all of our dogs have pages under tabs on this blog. The sidebar has my 3 blog links. Beau and all our angel dogs are on FourpawsEtc and today has a Dear Beau Letter of Joy

The Moses in the cradle gives me joy 

Moss Roses give me Joy

the thorn tree at the building next door to our vet's office gives me joy each time I park under it

Winston gave me Joy when he sat on my lap, Beau gave me joy with his head on my tummy. Sunshine gave me joy in our backyard. Beau is Dane/Catahoula and Winston is a Great Dane/Mastiff and belongs to my cousin Shari.

Today we join Final Friday Feature and Nature Friday

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Sharing my findings

 Check out the size of the box from Amazon that contained the extension pole for the pool. Wow!

Delivery time on Amazon said Monday between 4:45 and 9:45.
I am thankful Amazon delivers this 40 pound box right to our porch. I shop alone an no way to put it in a basket or the car
 Bob goes to sleep at 7:30 and I read until I am sleepy.
 At 8:30 light bulb over my head popped up and said, you did not check the porch for the pole. As I opened the door to peer on the porch, I almost knocked the shocked delivery driver over with the door and nearly fell down from how hard I startled. He also startled. 
He slid the awkward BOX to the door and while I am reaching out to bring it in, he said wait, I need to take a photo. 
Ha ha I hope he did not get me in my nightgown in that shot. Don't Fret, I am more covered than women who shop in Wal-Mart and certainly show less than the movie stars on the red carpet.

I am thankful I finally found a moisturizer that has absolutely no scent, non-greasy, and nothing in it to make my allergies kick. 
I can wear it under my makeup, put it on twice a day and I can tell you my wrinkles after a week are slowly disappearing and the scaly skin on eyebrows and the edges of my ears are Gone.

 Joining Brians Home Forever for Thankful Thursday