Saturday, September 14, 2024

Accidental Discovery/Caturday ART combo

  On yesterday's post, I left you with this sentence.

 I have little black socks that wick moisture and I hate wearing socks. It stops the sweat but still feel like walking in steaming concrete shoes. It ruins my outdoor nature walks... I MADE A DISCOVERY

to be continued.

GET YOUR PENS READY TO WRITE THIS DOWN (if you don't use windows 11, skip it)
 the discovery has nothing to do with yesterday's post about new socks, except I went to Amazon, snipped a picture of the Box of socks I bought and noticed something new on the Snipping Tool that comes with Microsoft 11. I use it many times a day. I knew I could click Edit and write or draw on it or add text. This time I noticed the words IMAGE CREATOR and found they have added AI image generator.

WOO HOO I quickly described a dog, and this is what I got
IT even let me Cut The dog outs, removed the background

A big orange cat walking with a great Dane on a nature walk in the woods. the first is photo realistic, the 2nd is Ink sketch... I did not get what I asked for, either time. 

photo realistic style  above and Ink sketch below

Great Dane Cat>?

Friday, September 13, 2024

Sunrise on Nature Friday PLUS


I took these two photos on 9/9/24 at the edge of our driveway, after walking Beau. We see the sun come up each day as we return home. What better to post on Nature Friday than sunrise, and shoes worn to a frazzle in one year walking in the great outdoors

Sketchers Go Walk and so comfy! I clicked on buy again on Amazon. 

2 days later I received them, they did not look the same, and worst of all, they were too big. same size, not same shoe. 

Next day I bought similar shoes at Wal-Mart, and I like them but can't wear them without socks, Socks in Florida make feet feel like they are incased in hot concrete.  I don't wear socks, ever except house socks for 2 months of winter.  Now I have little black socklets that wick moisture and I hate wearing socks. It ruins my outdoor nature walks... I MADE A DISCOVERY
to be continued.

Joining Nature Friday with Rosy and Sunny at LLB Life 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Roses Cow

I found this beautiful cow/bull on Roses blog, Pics & Pieces
and asked permission to draw it. 

I cropped the head to use as a model. Thank you Rose, for loaning me your photo

Mooooo 1st Try , 
How now, brown cow, 
When they removed your neck and body, did you say OW?

Mooooo 2nd Try, . I am quite proud of drawing a cow by looking at a cow and not trying to copy someone else's drawing.
If you think you have seen these types of your kids' drawings, on your fridge years ago.
IT might be TRUE

Hi my name is Mooo and I am her favorite. she said she enhanced me a little each time. 
I wanted to tell you a lot of cow jokes, but I thought you have proably herd them all.
“Moo-chas gracias for being my udderly great friends!”