Thursday, March 27, 2025

Parking Lot Photography


As part of my exercise program, anywhere I go, I park as far away from the door I will use and that makes me walk more. The shopping center here, has 5 stores, Dollar Tree and Publix, the two I visit most. See that bike? it is in my parking spot. there is never anyone in it, because I go early.
Publix is at the other end of the shopping center; it is a long walk there and back and again to return the basket.
Do you park in the same spot each time you shop or visit somewhere? I do it at all places I visit. It also helps to find your car if you have that issue

These were taken in Parking lot of My eye doctor, we were waiting for it to open at 9, and
when I took these four, bob said, what are you taking a picture of. When I showed him the photos he said I did not see those reflections until you showed me the picture and now, I see them.

The 2 above, are the last two I took. 2 below, are the first two. Notice how much difference there is them.
Below I got the dashboard of the car and just aimed and clicked and above I LOOKED at what i could see and moved the cell phone to get the top of the tree and no dashboard,
poked the screen and adjusted the f-stop with sliding finger. 
Above are sharper and clear and more pleasing to the eye. there are many video on youtube on how to use a cell phone like it is a dslr camera

to  be continued

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Smile, a message by Copy Cat


To your left above, Ann from Ann's SnapEditScrap draws in her tablet and I Copy it on my iPad with procreate and in my own style.

The Lantern says, "Be a Light For All to See!"

Our simple smile can:
 brighten someone's day . 
Uplift and Inspire
instantly brighten someone's mood  
offer a moment of joy
offer Connection and/or Kindness:
make others feel seen and valued. 
break down barriers:

A smile on your face will have a Positive Ripple Effect, a chain reaction of love and kindness and it most certainly will give you, the Smile Giver, a feeling of self-care and well being.
Smiling can also have a positive impact on your own well-being, by reducing stress and promoting a sense of happiness. 

 give a smile, get a smile and Pay It Forward
It's easy, we all have one, its free and always with us.
our smile is spoken and understood in all languages, in every country on our planet

Monday, March 24, 2025


Multi Media is using photos and paintings/drawings together.
I cut the flowers out of the photo and drew on a layer behind them.
Because I could

somewhere I saw a heart that someone had drawn a half of a heart and then cut a flower out and shaped it as the other side of the heart.
my version is drawing the flower half and using a flower brush to draw the other.
My fodder barrel is empty and so is my brain