Friday, July 5, 2024

Another Curb Side Find


Above is the sidewalk Beau and I were walking on, the house that had these plants at the curb in a pile of trash, is the big trees right center. The corner on the left under the big tree is Beau's PeeMail box. Every dog in the corner leaves a message there sooner or later.

While walking Beau, I found three pots with palms in them, sitting on the trash pile. they had been in the yard for years and were not doing well in the shade under the trees.
 They were looking pitiful. I came home and took the car back and had Bob lift them in the back. The middle one is a Pony Tail Palm, the two others are palms but there are five similar and to ID will have to wait until they grow a little. It could be Cane Palm, Areca, Fantail, Coconut or a Cat Palm. I am leaning towards Cat Palm Or Cane, very similar.
 All of them will live indoors in pots, or grow to be trees outside.

Cat Tail Maybe

Each of the these 2 pot had many dead fronds and i forgot to take photos before I cleaned them up. They will all remain in pots, since it is easier to care for them.. They like to dry out completely and have easy to drain loam or the dry sand of Florida. They will get root rot if to much water. Perfect for drought and now I know why drought doesn't harm all our palms.
Below is what the pony tail will look like in yard or indoors. the pony tail I found is worth 45 dollars as it is.. the bigger they get the more valuable. 

Below is Cat Palm indoor and outdoor in a pot and if you plant it in the ground in Florida it will take over the property in a few years. taller than the roof line.

Joining Rosy and Sunny for Nature Friday..


Ginny Hartzler said...

Plus these look like good plastic pots. Big ones which cost a pretty penny. I see they also have a pretty little green decorative pot! Wonder what was wrong with it.

CheerfulMonk said...

That's quite a find! And they should provide plenty of blog fodder in the future.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Not only a dog rescuer, now you are a plant nurse!!! Brava that woman. YAM xx

Ann said...

Awesome finds. LOve the looks of the pony tail palm. Will be fun to watch them grow and see how they do.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

That really was quite a find. I am sure you will nurture them and they will become fine palms for many generations to enjoy.

eileeninmd said...

It is a great find, I love the palm trees!
They would be house plants here, I looked for the ponytail palm here I could not find one. I am glad you adopted these plants. Take care, have a wonderful day and happy weekend!

Tigger's Mum said...

Scored! What a great find. I hope they thrive for you and green up another corner of your yard.

Rose said...

I cant wait for you to show us their progress.

Sparky said...

Good rescue on the palms and pots too. Well done. When we lived in town I would bring home trash finds. It was a lot of fun and economical decorating with items like that. Keep us posted on their progress. I know with your loving care they'll fare much better. 💙

My Mind's Eye said...

TLC works wonders...great find all thanks to Beau's EMW
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

They say one person's junk is another person's treasure. That is awesome.

Mevely317 said...

What a heroine you are to those sweet greenies! I've little doubt they're so grateful to be spared a fate worse than death, (that) they'll flourish. (Can I send you my pothos?)
I'm looking forward to seeing how they grow!

PS - Whenever I hear about your curbside finds I want to put stuff of my own out there ... but I'm afraid Coosada's cops would frown on that, not to mention the neighbors.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What great finds. I always love seeing what you find and can't wait to see the plants in a couple of months!

photowannabe said...

What a terrific find. Your Green Thumb will nuture them back to health and you will be the pride of the neighborhood.
We never find treasures like that around here.
Stayed home and hunkered down inside all day yesterday. Too hot !!!
Today its suppose to be 110F. I cancelled my day with Lynne. I just couldn't handle the temps and her and all the stress we have been under. I will take sick pay and be "well" for next Friday.
Take care and I hope that Beryl won't be a problem for you.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was a good find and a good save too. I hope they will grow most happily!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

You have a good eye for a "bargain". I am sure those little potted palms will be blessing you with their beauty for years to come. I'm afraid they wouldn't do much better here at my house than where they'd been, so I'm glad YOU found them since you know what to do with them! Thank you for sharing your bounty with us!! Keep us posted on their progress!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

What a good find. Enjoy taking care of them.

Linda said...

Good for you! Glad you rescued them!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great find, and we bet they will be looking lush and healthy under your TLC.

Woos - Misty and Timber

DeniseinVA said...

Great finds and long may they thrive!

Ida said...

Wow I'm glad you rescued those plants. They are pretty neat looking, I loved seeing what they will look like in the future after your tender loving care.