Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Bob left the TV on


I sat with my phone in my hand beside Bob. He got up and went in the backyard, he left the car show on and I was to lazy to get up and get the remote to turn it off.
 the car above appeared and I took 3 shots with the phone, thinking he would love to see the car he missed.

None of the three were keepers, but when I viewed the taillights  dashboard above, I thought, I like this one and took it to PicMoney to PLAY...
NOTE UPDATEthank you to 3 out of 5 comments that noticed this is not taillights. 

I cloned out the Rose and thought, I have got to move that over to the side, it was left there when we replaced the 47 inch TV with the 65 inch TV and has been offending by OCD self for over a year.
If I take it down, it leaves a hole, if I move it over I have to fill the hole and make another hole and try to get it in the right place the first time. Just sayin... I don't want to fool with it but did take the time to clone it out of the photo and turn it into the below ART. 
Another day of adventure without leaving home. 


Ginny Hartzler said...

Your instincts were right. This is a very good photo. I never would even have thought of it, but you are creative. That picture where it is would drive me nuts. I would take it down and forget about the hole. The hole would be very small and not noticeable unless you know it's there

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
entertaining - although that is the dashboard panel instruments - not the tail lights. Crazy looking car. Can't help but think it would lose its good looks very quickly driving the sort of roads The Grey copes with; those low skirts would be frayed in no time! YAM xx

easyweimaraner said...

I love the taillight photo... with a frame it would be a great wall poster... no doubt...

Ann said...

Those taillights are really cool looking and the perfect thing for a piece of art. I would do the same thing with the picture. I have some that need to be rearranged after I took a few others off the wall. I look at them, think I should take care of that, and then I move on.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I was about to say what YAM said. It looks like the dashboard to me, not the tail lights.

eileeninmd said...

That is a huge tv, the car is cool looking. I probably would have taken the picture down. I would like to clone some photos, they need a little fix. Have a great day!

Rose said...

It is good you can entertain yourself...and us at the same time. Lol

Donna said...

Cool car! And maybe you could move the TV to the right a little more to try to center things better without taking said rose, down...? No clue.

Chatty Crone said...

I see what you mean - I would have to move it because I would see it each time I watched tv. I have one that is off about an inch and would love Rick to move it - but it is only upstairs! :)

DeniseinVA said...

I always enjoy your pics of photos to have fun with. Great choice! And we have fun seeing your creativity at work.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Such a great eye you have Sandra!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I do like that car, that's one cool ride!

Mevely317 said...

Cool car! I'm the same way about the stuff on our walls. 'Trying to resist the urge to rearrange my bedroom and/or the office because I'd have to relocate several hangings. And how do you cover/fill those holes nicely, anyway? (*sigh*, yes I'm bored.)

Sparky said...

When we had satellite TV we would watch those car shows. They are fun. I like what you did with the picture. That's cute. 💙

My Mind's Eye said...

My B watches all the car shows too. I see them as I pass to and fro and of course I love all the R E D
Hugs Cecilia

Tigger's Mum said...

You could just put up more roses - all over the place.🤔

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That's a very interesting photo. Oh my, I haven't got a clue how to clone something out of a photo.

photowannabe said...

I have to say that that rose picture would drive me bonkers where it is. Maybe the hole wouldn't be that big and easier to ignore.
Of course here I sit looking at my own "stuff" that drives me crazy too...and do nothing about it..
Great cloning job too.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

There is something called "spackling compound" to fill holes on walls. White toothpaste also works, as does caulking. But spackling dries best. I know, it won't match the paint...well then if you don't have any spare paint leftover, then just put a little butterfly or bird or some other small item/picture, or a small plaque that says something really clever on it, and then hang something else to balance it out above the TV, or I know, put a shelf all the way across the top of the TV and set things on it to cover up the spaces...I know, more work. Sorry. I'm just thinking out loud. Really that hole can't be all that big. Isn't it just a little nail hole?? Okay, I give up. Just relax and enjoy making cool pictures...that's what we all enjoy and you do too. I love the Car and dashboard, btw. really cool!! What did Bob think of it?

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Nice car!!! And great dashboard - you caught a great photo of it too. We didn't even notice the rose until you mentioned it. Mom thinks she has a framed work of art like that but in blue.

Woos - Misty and Timber