our backyard gate |
I used monochrome setting, Canon Rebel. out of the camera above and using grunge texture in PicMonkey below
I took the color to compare, and I find of the three I like the grunge.
Why are Babies like hinges? they are things to adore.
I like the grunge here too.
Cute dancing bears. :)
You have the most picturesque hinges I've ever seen!!! lol
Hugs madi and mom
I like the colour one best but that's me I like colour over monochrome anytime except with genuine old photos.
Loved the teddy river dance
You do such interesting things with your photos. Great hinge!
All are cool shots but I'm stuck on the color ~ I love the pop of rust! Great capture!
Black and White and Red/Rust, all over.
I know. Silly old joke for a newspaper. I couldn't resist commenting it though. I know. Silly!!! LOL
Yep I like the grunge one too.
I generally don't go for the grunge look,but it works very well on this hinge shot.
i like the color - can't resist those bits of rust.
i'm not much of a teddy bear person, but that was cute.
those bears are adorable little Irish dancers...love love love the hinges...my black and white is rubbing off...lol...
I also like the grunge version, but the plane monochrome is neat as well. That's one of the nicest versions of River Dance I've seen.
Those little bears made me giggle!!!! So cute!
I like all three pics because anything old (like the hinge) is right up my alley. Each pic has something else to see and fascinate me. Good job, once again, Sandra!
That was a cute little dance and the hinges are gorgeous. I saw something out on the land that I wanted to take a picture of this morning, then, of course, I forgot. I'm grabbing my camera right now. You are an inspiration!
Woof! Woof! LOVE the Black n White ... it provides a different perspective look. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
Can't choose a favorite, all are awesome!
Cute bears!!!
We saw Riverdance at the Fox in Atlanta a few years ago. The bears are cuter!! ha!ha! Great looking old hinge!
I love that hinge shot...love the Riverdance, too!
What a fine, fine post today!!! So many cool things. First the header...how in the world? It ROCKS!!! Then the fancy hinges, first my fav was the second one till I scrolled to the last one with just a bit of color, now that is my favorite. I like the joke too. And the Riverdance bears, don't even get me STARTED!!! The girls will go NUTS! And we also love the step dancing. We had every tape that was available of Riverdance and Lord Of The Dance and such. But now DVR recorder, no more tapes and no more Riverdance.
I love your header! Of the hinges, I think the last if my favorite, but I like them all. Cool photos!
The dancing bears are cute!
Yes I like that middle one. But the colour one brings out the rust better!
I love all three versions of your hinge. But I think I like the second one best. They are things to adore.
Well since I'm a huge fan of the grunge look that one is my favorite of the three.
Call me slow but I don't get the joke about babies and hinges.
I "adoor" the grunge hinges too.
Cute little video too.
Thanks for your loving words on my post today.
I have got to get off the computer and start packing!!
I have a canon rebel. I sure do need help though. What setting do you use most of the time? Your pictures are awesome. I've been lazy and just using my point and shoot. Love the bears dancing. Have a great week!
amazing shots, i really like that b&w!
but also the other ones are great too.
very nicely done:)
now i'm off to watch that video.
loved the video.
sooo cute!!
Forget about those hinges, Sandra, which by the way ewere a great study...but I really like that bunny header. And, of course, teddy bears are very "in" here at The Frog & PenguINN.
Better get out my Canon Rebel manual. I didn't even know it had a monochrome setting! Yikes!
Cute dancing bears! I like the last picture the best!
You know what I am going to tell you don't you? I love those dancing bears! So cute.
That is the best version of River Dance I have ever seen, love those bears.
That cool hinge is perfect for B/W. It has so much character in monochrome that doesn't come through in the color version. I like the grunge too.
Cute Riverdance... Love the bears.
I would choose the monochrome as my favorite.
Cute, cute! Love that first gate photo especially. And now I have to go figure out how to get people to follow my blog on Feedly. Look what you started! ;-)
OMG! I love the Teddy Bear River Dance. Cracked me up!! All 3 photos are nice but the variations in the color and the rust just call to me - have no idea why. Well done my dear!
Great use of black and white! Love the way the light picks up the textures.
I like the coloured one because you can see the rust on the hinge, although the grunge one shows the grain of the wood really well.
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