Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Textures by God

God's textures in our backyard

 Conversation at lunch...

Bob: "Tony Stewart broke his leg"

Sandra: "Who's Tony Stewart?"

 Bob: "Sprint car"

Sandra: "in the car?"

Bob: "what?"

Sandra: "did he break his leg in the car?"

Bob: "yes."

Sandra: "For Pete's sake, what are you talking about?"

Bob: "he flipped his car."

I kid you not this is exactly what was said... in my head I was saying DO I CARE? I don't even know who he IS....

Above is photo without fill flash and below is with fill flash, Fill flash makes a big difference in macro photography...


DawnTreader said...

Love the collage! Sometimes I miss having someone to talk to at lunch. Sometimes I don't ... The TV I can turn off if it doesn't make any sense, LOL

Tammy@Simple Southern Happiness said...

Yep on the fill flash, some say you dont need flash outside but I find it sure helps. you can adjust the flash power too so its not so bright taking it down (-) or (+) direction. GOD sure knew the color of green would be soothing to the eye, what lovely colors.

Yes, I have had conversations like that too.

Unknown said...

That was hilarious, had to laugh out loud at my desk. Love the photos. Have a great day

Anonymous said...

Such pretty green photos today. They look cool and soothing.
LOL on the conversation.

TexWisGirl said...

i do like the way you two communicate. :)

but i really love your ferns!!!

Ginny Hartzler said...

So funny! I did not know you can use flash on macro. In fact, when my camera is on macro, the flash turns off! You must have used your big fancy camera for these shots. I LOVE leaves that are just barely starting to unfurl, in fact I took some this week, really big leaves like yours. The fern pattern is gorgeous!!! And your collage of it is just perfect...the way you put the sunny bright heart leaves throughout.

My Mind's Eye said...



Marie said...

Your ferns are so pretty! Kyle's favorite color is green, I'll show him the post later today.:)
I do know that Tony Stewart is a Nascar driver. You two are so funny! Thanks for the laugh! :) After Kyle having bronchitis and now stitches I needed it. :)

theconstantwalker said...

Beautiful images of the ferns... and your conversation made me laugh out loud xx

Susannah said...

You guys are sure silly!!! But I enjoy hearing you go back and forth! I love your photos...Really. I don't know about fill flash but can see the difference. I thought the first pic was really nice until I saw the second and had to marvel over that. The ferns are fabulous!

Inger said...

Gorgeous pictures and I love your conversations. Hilarious! And I left a comment to your comment re female vet on my blog.

photowannabe said...

This sounds like some of the conversations Dave and I have...(:0)
They become like the hamster in the wheel.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Great conversation....LOL! Love the pictures and I adore ferns.

Cranberry Morning said...

Judy: 'What's fill flash?'
Sandra: 'in the car.'

Anyway, don't know about fill flash. Enlighten me (pun intended).

My husband and I often have conversations like that, but as they drone on, our voices tend to get louder, each of us thinking that if we just 'heard' it better, surely we'd understand. LOL

EG CameraGirl said...

Yes, there's quite a difference between the photos using fill flash and not using it.

Ann said...

The fill flash did make a big difference. Love them. Love the collage you did too. It's awesome.
I do know who Tony Stewart is but I didn't know he broke his leg. I had to go ask Wade about it

Miss Debbie said...

God is very creative, isn't He? I love ferns! Sounds like a lot of conversations around here! ha! ha!

Deb said...

Mars and Venus.... Lol.. Great photos

Chatty Crone said...

Well what I got out of this today - besides pretty photos and you two cuties was TEXTURES BY GOD - isn't that the truth!

Ruth Hiebert said...

Gorgeous green textures,courtesy of God. These are the best kind.

Rose said...

Sitting here wanting to crack up...we should start a blog where everyone contributes these conversations...they are just hilarious.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Cute post. I love reading your conversations with Bob... Sounds like some of mine with George... ha ha ....

I do know Tony Stewart --although I don't watch NASCAR. I've just heard his name alot. Must be a good driver... Too bad he broke his leg. I'm surprised that there aren't more injuries in those races...


George said...

I enjoyed both God's textures and your conversation with Bob. Thanks for the demonstration of the advantage of using fill flash.

LC said...

Loved the textures, shapes and tones of your green. In conversations with my hubby, I am more like Bob. And it gets worse the older I get!

Dee said...

The first photo looks like the patterns. I need to check my flash...i have been playing with my macro like you told me...still not anywhere near as good as yours. :) LOL on your conversations with your husband. My conversions with Frank always have HUH? inserted in them.

Betty Manousos said...

LOL! literally on your conversation with bob!

but i really love your ferns! they look so mighty and beautiful!

gorgeous shots as usual:)

Gail said...

We hear some funny things here too. I still don't know who Tony is but I guess he races cars.

Photos are beautiful...the texture, the lighting and the drops.

SquirrelQueen said...

Gorgeous greens! I love the fern collage. Yep, fill flash can come in very handy for macros.

I do know who Tony Stewart is and that he broke his leg. He pretty much blew his chance at the Sprint Cup title this year. I know way too much about NASCAR, blame my dad for taking me to stock car races as a kid.