For your prayers and POTP
for praying with and for me and my Bob and Beau.

Christmas day, I was so sick, my nose dripping down my face faster than I could catch it, so miserable and I had not cough syrup or NyQuil, nothing to make the nose stop dripping and the coughing and hacking got worse. All stores are closed, its Christmas, I asked my phone for a pharmacy open near me, and up popped Walgreens, .6 of a mile away, open 6 to 12, and its sister store .9 miles away, open 12 to 6.
I whined about whether to pay to have it delivered or go get something myself and bob said, write down what you want and I will go get it. I instantly knew that during the night someone had replaced him with another person. ho ho ho
He found the store, found the NyQuil, and used the cash I gave him
and I took a swallow and within an hour, the nose had slowed to a trickle, the headache stopped.
We marathon watched the first 2 of Lethal Weapon 4 movies and I laid there like a dead person. 7 pm came and I grabbed the Nyquil, downed the dose and fell in bed and slept for 8 hours straight, with one short potty break. I woke up minus dripping nose and thought
I took Beau out for his early AM and got my belated Christmas present. I wanted to take a photo, but decided it might be gross for non dog owners.
Beau pooped a PERFECT Poop! It was firm but not hard, brown not red/black, and easy to pickup without leaving any behind.
I said good boy 10 times and he raced off and around the pool yelling I'se a good boy! As I type this my sick dog is rolling on the floor upside down with his orange ball in his mouth, acting like his normal crazy self.
5 days of red slime and the day before black kind of almost formed.
if you are a pet owner you know what I was thinking.
I leave you with this scary thing to show you the Nyquil got my MoJo back.
Did I tell you all this was going on in the coldest temps for week before Christmas records for our town. Christmas day was dreary, cold, no sunshine, my son called and said Mom, I can't say Merry Christmas, Breeze, is dying, we found her almost frozen, in a hole she dug under the house, she went out the dog hole and buried herself. I said David she is trying to die, you need to stop her suffering, he said its Christmas, the vet is closed and we can't afford it anyway. When we hung up I ask God to let that dog leave his misery and 20 minutes later, I received the text, Breeze is gone, I found her dead in her bed when I got off the phone. and the other son and his wife told me they are expecting to lose their jobs mid January.
Hello New Year!
On the other hand I wanted you to admire my 20 year old flannel gowns that only get worn 10 days a year and this year I wore them 7 days before Christmas, They are January only gowns.
If a woman can go in Walmart in her PJs and robe, I can certainly show you tacky gowns. Don't miss the ugly socks.
I'm glad you and Beau are better - I'm with you on the poop.
Your poor son - what an awful thing to happen at Christmas.
Good to hear that both you and Beau are feeling better, and also that Bob was able to help you get the medicine. Sorry about the news from your sons. My own Christmas was quiet, and thankfully without any bad news on the family front.
It’s so good having you back! ❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕❤️💕
I know about poop! For over 30 years I became a children’s poop expert as I was a childcare provider/nanny. And as a dog owner and cat owner, if you’re paying attention, poop can tell you the health of your animal. So glad Beau is doing better.
Sorry you were ill but found relief later. So sorry about your son’s dog. Very sad. That’s too bad about the upcoming lay off in the new year. I suspect there might be more as they try to get this country back on track. Perhaps this lay off will be a blessing in disguise.
I am glad you and Beau are doing better. I am very sorry about the other bad news though…. Best of luck to everyone!
This is Kaitlin… I cannot seem to find a valid url to comment as me.
OH MY GOODNESS - you sound in a good place even with those additional issues. I am glad Bob went out for you. Glad you are feeling a little better - I HATE COLDS. Glad Beau is better.
I am so sorry for your son's dog - dying on Christmas day.
And I hope that your son and wife find a new job soon!!!!!!!!!!!
Sounds like things are better. Well except for you runny nose. Nyquil works well for sleeping and stopping the runny nose.
More prayers for you, Beau and Bob. Love you, Sandra. ♥
I'm so glad there is some good news at your place, finally. I'm sure sorry to hear about sweet Breeze though. Hugs and love from all of us.
Hallelujah, that's the best news I have heard about you, Beau and Your "new" Bob...
So sorry about your son's sweet dog and the jobs of your other son and wife being eliminated. Life is hard a lot of the time.
Glad your cold is better and things are back to "normal". I love your once a year gowns too.
PS sad news about Breeze and Dan's job but it might just be the start of new chapters in a longer story with new happiness in it. Your son sounds like the inventive type who wonbe unemployed for long (or at all).
I am so happy for you!!!! And you look so cute and well rested in those nightgowns!!
That is good news for both you and Beau. Great that Bob did so well getting to the store and getting what you needed too. I think the gowns look warm and cosy.
Sorry to hear the bad news for both your sons. Sad that they lost their dog on christmas day
Why does news like this seem especially acute around the holidays? Thank goodness, God heard your prayer and brought Breeze home. I hope these doors that seem to be closing are, like the old saying, making room for new windows to open.
I think your gowns are wonderful, and I've a pair of socks just like yours!
testing use name
We're so glad to hear you are both feeling better. Those nightgowns are so cute, and you are too.
So sorry to hear about your son's dog and your other son's job losses. Life sucks sometimes. We will cross our paws for them and Mom will keep them all in her prayers At the same time we are so glad you and Beau are both doing better. Stay positive, 2025 might just surprise you.
Merry Christmas Woos - Misty and Timber
Your post has me smiling and crying at the same time. So glad your Beau is back, and Bob is kind of "back" and was able to help you when you needed him most...that's a Christmas miracle in itself, and I LOVE your flannel nightgowns! I haven't had one of those since we left Maine over 25 years ago! But I find myself wishing I still had one. I just keep wrapping up in more blankets! I am very sorry about your son's dog, but glad he is no longer suffering and that your son didn't have to do anything he didn't want to do. Also sad about your other son and wife that they could be losing their jobs. Oh my! That's not good. Praying for them to be able to find something else even better. Praying for all of you, and so thankful prayers actually have been answered already. Please continue to take care of yourself...and let God take care of the that way He's actually taking care of YOU! Happy New Year my friend!!
That’s real good news about you and Beau. So sorry about your son’s dog, and about your other son too. That a real pretty flannel you are wearing. I am glad it keeps you warm. I will continue to send you all my prayers.
I am just getting some visiting done...I did not do any today, and don't think I did any yesterday. So glad Beau is back to himself. That is enough to make me smile.
I do not have a single gown...always wear pjs now. I used to wear gowns, too, but haven't in years.
I am so glad you and Beau are both feeling better. I try to keep Nyquil in the house, just in case. I am very sorry to hear about your son's dog Breeze passing and your other son and his wife both loosing their jobs. It is good news that Bob made it to the store and back home safely. I wish you and your family all the best in 2025, a happy and healthy New Year.
It seems that the Christmas Fairy came by and tapped Bob on the shoulder and the spirit gripped him. I am sure you were happy to have him run the errand for you. I hope that 2025 will be a great year for you - with no hurricanes - not even a strong wind!
Sandra I am all kinds of happy and thankful to read that you, Beau and Bob are much better. Keep healing and remember lots of REST
Hugs cecilia
I'm glad you and Beau are feeling better, and glad the store was open to get the Nyquil. Take it easy so you don't get a rebound cold!
You have been through so much. So glad that you are feeling a little better with the meds and that Bob was able to get them for you. Great news on Beau. I'm so happy he is feeling better. Sorry about your cold weather. Your gowns are very nice. So sorry to hear about Breeze and your other son and his wife about possibly loosing their jobs.
So glad you and Beau areon themend...but so sad for your kids.
Sending lots of virtual hugs
I’m so, so glad to hear that you and Beau are feeling better. I continue to keep you all in my prayers. but sad to hear about Breeze and your other son. keep healing, take good care of yourself. lots of love ❤️
That is a Pretty nightgown you’re wearing ❤️
Hi Sandra :)
What great news, things are really looking up. I thought the worse when you described how ill Beau was, but miracles do happen. So glad you are feeling better after Bob got you the cold remedy, and you look cosy and warm in your flannel gown, take care of yourself Sandra. It's bad news about your son's dog however, and a pity your other son and his wife lost their jobs. I hope things improve for them in the new year.
Best wishes
So so sorry to hear how sick you and Beau have been. Hopefully you are both better by now. That was a bummer Christmas for you. Good on Bob for getting the medicine. Glad it worked so well. Bad news about your sons to boot. You poor thing. I hope 2025 brings you better cheer.
What a blessing that your Bob was able to function enough in your time of need.Praise the Lord!
So sad about the dog, Breeze. They do know when its time, through...sending our condolences to the family.
Asking God for another miracle/blessing for a new job for your other son's job. Maybe his next one will be a whole lot better? We can hope.
Way to go Beau!! We are happy to know you're feeling better. Keep it up!
We are pawyering that you won't have a relapse.
Good and bad news to read in this post, Sandra, and glad to hear that Beau and yourself are both doing better.
Precious Sandra, I'm sorry I'm just now reading all this and letting you know how much I care. I thought it had been bad around here with the flu and pneumonia and other drama. But nothing compared to what you've just been through as well as your family. Please give Beau kisses and good boys from me. And condolences to your son on the awful loss of Breeze. Oh, and if you want, you can tell Bob I said, "Well done." Amy
Praise God for His grace and mercy and the blessings of Bob helping you andyou and Beau are BACK and your prayers answered for that sweet dog. God always has a way of working things out for all of us and He will do the same regarding your son and DIL's jobs.
Love you, Sandra!
I've been off the computer for a couple of days so I'm happy to learn you and Beau are both feeling better. It was so nice that Bob was able to get that medication for you. Sorry to hear that your son lost their dog, never easy to do. We just recently went through that as well. Hoping that you have continued to improve.
Glad you got good puppy poo! I know what that's like for sure. Sorry to say I also know what it's like to lose a pup on Christmas. My heart goes out to your son.
We are sorry it was a Merry sickmas, but are glad to hear you are all doing better. More POTP. Lee and Phod
Oh, dear, so sorry you've been sick! I have too (head cold). It's hanging on too. My nose is so red from blowing & wiping it's sore.
Sorry to hear about the doggie and those folks losing their jobs. May the Lord supply all for them according to His will.
Belated Happy Christmas and a very Happy New Year.
Love ya. 🎉🎉
Wow that post is tough to read. Glad Beau and you got well but geez so much drama for the boys
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