Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Path We take-Beauspeak


My Mama follows me everywhere I go, she takes every step I take, this path is MY path, I made it, before I got sick, it took me 4 years to create it, and even if it gets covered with leaves, I still walk that path. 
Mama giggles because I am so routine minded that when she lets me out the door, she knows the path I will follow. Now it is a shared path. She does go out when i go out and walks a few steps behind me.
Daddy will say he will watch me, but he forgets and stands and stares up in the trees, or just goes and sits in his chair and lets me wander.  Don't fret, its good for Mama.
Due to her dogging my steps, each and every step since Dec 20th, we have both lost weight. She said to tell you all the walking has taken the swelling out of her ankles, since she started following me, they have not swollen a single time. She looked up home treatment of swelling caused by varicose veins and it said walking, walking, walking and put feet up for 20 minutes higher than her heart and do it twice a day or more. She walks and walks and then falls down on the sofa exhausted and puts her feet up, MORE than twice a day.
MUCH more! at least 6 times a day

. My nose is always to the ground, looking for possum/coon poop to eat or my own if she doesn't stop me. That is what made me sick. She says, all the vomit/poop things put infection in my bladder.
The good news is I can add cure for varicose vein swelling, for my resume.

Today is Thankful Thursday at Brian's home. I am thankful for my Mama and Daddy and for all the good ground round Mama fed me and Mama is thankful for being able to follow me. Daddy is grateful that he doesn't have to get up and down every time I ask. Daddy walks really slow now.


Ginny Hartzler said...

I think this varicose vein info will help lots of people! It is good that Mama lost more weight, but I don't think she needs to! She looks like she is not overweight anymore.

CheerfulMonk said...

We are so lucky to have you and your precious mom! Thank you so much for blogging.

DeniseinVA said...

Looks like you two are great for taking care of each other’s health. Good info Mama. Thank you!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Beau, this is a furbyoulush post; first it lets us know you just a little more; second it comes with health benefit knowledge; third it shines with Love! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

Ann said...

That is awesome that all the walking has helped your mom so much.
I had a neighbor years ago who had a little dog. He would let him outside and the dog took the exact same path around the yard every single time.

eileeninmd said...

Beau it is good you and your Mama are taking good care of your health. Walking is good exercise. Take care, have a great day!

Mari said...

Good for your Mama for losing weight and walking, walking, walking! It's good for both of you!

My Mind's Eye said...

Beau I adored this post...please thank mama for walking in your paw prints with you and thank you for letting her snap.
Hugs Cecilia

Shug said...

Beau, I think you have a very nice walking path and it is so nice how clean it is for your mama to walk on. This is good exercise for you and for you Mama. You are a very lucky pet to have such loving parents....your mama is protecting you from eating things you are not suppose to eat. I sure enjoyed your post today.....take care.

Breathtaking said...

Hello Beau :)
What a good boy you are to write about your walks with your mama. It does you both good to get outside and walk. Lucky you to have such a good mama taking care of you, and many thanks for sharing the good advice about legs.

photowannabe said...

So happy to read how well you are doing.Kudos for all the healthy walking you are doing together.
There's much to be thankful for.

Mevely317 said...

Paw-sitivity!!! I think Tom needs to take a page from your mama for his ankles. Unfortunately, he's just like your daddy ... means well, but forgets to keep his eyes on the girls. ("What part of 'WATCH them!' don't you understand?") We laugh at Grace all the time because she has a favorite trail from the farthest part of our yard to the patio. Rather than taking a direct diagonal she takes longer, 3 right-angle turns. What do they know (that) we don't?

Anonymous said...

Great, nothing beats stories about eating poo.

Kristen said...

What a lovely blog post. I'm sitting here eating breakfast in my kitchen next to my new cabinet painting enjoying this great read. Thanks for sharing.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You are so sweet, Beau, just like your Mom.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Brian's Home Blog said...

Your Mama sure loves to walk with you too Beau and you have a very nice path! Thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

lexitheschnauzer said...

Any path that you stay on with Beau that also helps the swelling in your legs is a good path.

Chatty Crone said...

I did not know you had swelling too! Girl. Glad you have Beau to help out and that he has you to watch he doesn't eat poop and get so sick again!
Guess what - We got three inches of snow this morning - so exciting - first time in ten years!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

That is definitely interesting about Beau's path. I like that you follow him and the fact that you have both lost weight. Because of my ankle, I am not getting much exercise and it is frustrating me.

Millie and Walter said...

That was nice of you to help your mom with her swollen ankles, Beau. BOL!

Rose said...

Walking is good for us all, even if we feel good. I am so slow to read...just cannot get things done. I don't know what is wrong with me.