Friday, February 7, 2025

Florida Snow

Its been 3 months since the hurricane chaos and for the past month our yard and almost every yard in our neighborhood is covered in what I call Florida Snow. Early AM walks with Beau, is a breathtaking view.
Our snow is a tiny, star shaped flower, Ricardia brasiliensis, 
Richardia brasiliensis is a species of flowering plant in the coffee family known by the English common names tropical Mexican clover.

These white or light pink flowers attract butterflies and bees with their nectar. Topical Mexican clovers are used in treatment of diabetes. Propagation is from seeds or stem cuttings.  


I was shocked to learn that this can be bought and is often used as a ground cover  It's a low-growing plant that's drought-tolerant, blooms year-round, and attracts many pollinators. Butterflies and Bees love it.  We got ours for FREE. It doesn't need to be cut, but when we cut the grass, it looks like grass and comes right back up as beautiful flowers. Its always been here but never like it is now.

Thank you Milton for the spreading of our Mexican Clover also known as Florida Snow.

Joining Rosy and Sunny for Nature Friday at Living the LLB Life


CheerfulMonk said...

So some good came out of Milton? Thank you for telling us about it. ❤️

CheerfulMonk said...

PS I love your new header!

Tigger's Mum said...

That's really beautiful and possibly a tiny silver lining from that big ugly cloud.

Ginny Hartzler said...

Wow, we don't have this here. The closest thing we would have to snow is white clover. Been meaning to tell you how I love your Valentine header, it is gorgeous!

easyweimaraner said...

that has something sweet... and this snow fits to this valentines month

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
What a delightful wee plant - nature never fails to amaze. YAM xx

Sparky said...

The south end of our property sloping down to the "branch" is riddled with Mexican Clover. I've been pulling it up trying to encourage the Centipede grass to grow. That seems like a losing battle though as now all I have are bare patches and the grass isn't doing well. Guess I'll start encouraging the Clover. The bees and butterflies do like it. Good idea.
Blessings. 💖

eileeninmd said...

The star shaped flower is pretty.
It is wonderful that Milton left behind something beautiful.
Take care, have a happy day!

Donna said...

Love those little whire flowers!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Your Florida snow looks exquisite, and if it attracts pollinators it should be encouraged by everyone. After all, you get far too much of the other kind of snow job from those paragons of truth and justice, Trump and DeSantis.

Ann said...

I'll take that over Pennsylvania snow any day.
It's kind of like Milton is saying sorry for all the mess, here have some flowers.

jabblog said...

What a very pretty flower and free, too. Sometimes good comes out of bad.

Shug said...

It is very pretty and looks so delicate. Hope it keeps blooming so that you, Beau and others can enjoy all of this beauty as you take your morning walks. Happy Friday to you and I hope your weekend is overflowing with goodness

The Happy Whisk said...

They are so pretty. I love how low they are to the ground. Very nice. Fun Valentine banner too!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

How lovely! It's a bit chilly for wild flowers still at the moment, but in our enclosed porch, our Daphne is blooming and that is truly a heavenly scent!

Mari said...

I'd say your Florida snow beats our Michigan snow! Here we have that other kind coming down again!

Mevely317 said...

That's so cool ... blossoms of snow! Thousands and thousands of miles between Florida and Austria, nevertheless I first thought of the Eidelweiss from Sound of Music.
If you'd like you can listen here

Love the new header!

Inger said...

I've learned so much from reading blogs this morning and finding out about Florida snow has been delightful. I'm sure many people up North, wish they had this kind of snow.

Millie and Walter said...

We like your snow better than the stuff that will be piling up around here this weekend. This winter is the first in quite a few years where we haven't seen the grass for over a month or more due to the snowpack.

My Mind's Eye said...

That is the kinda snow everyone maintenance yet beautiful. It is a new plant to me.
Hugs to you and your B's

Chatty Crone said...

I love that snow and I am glad something good came from something so bad.

photowannabe said...

I too would prefer this type of snow to the other. Thanks to Milton for something good.

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra :)
It's a very pretty ground cover, I personally prefer it to grass and the bees and butterflies seem to prefer it too.

DawnTreader said...

Glad things are growing for you again :)

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

What beautiful ground cover, it is nice to see something good came of Milton!

Rose said...

It is beautiful...and love the name Florida snow....

Debby@Just Breathe said...

It look kind of pretty to me!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is Mom's kind of snow, not what we might get next week - yippee!!! Your header is so pretty for February.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Brian's Home Blog said...

Florida snow is much better than the other kind of snow!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Hmmm, I'm not sure if I've ever seen that here before or not. I will have to start looking. I noticed some of the early spring wildflowers are starting to pop up here and there. I love this time of year when they do. I like to make what I call little "Fairy bouquets" of them. I made a little one today! I didn't take a picture, and I bet the flowers are all closed up now. I'll have to check them in the morning. Thank you for this happy post. Loved it.

DeniseinVA said...

That’s great you have these growing in your grass. They are such a pretty flower.