Saturday, May 11, 2024

Window World- generator


We are once again in a chapter of  Window World, our version of Rear Window the movie.
Our view is the house of 7 cars and Big Guy, he once weight 400 lbs. and now is less than 250, thus the name, gave us a couple of hours of entertainment. They rarely do anything outside, pay to have grass cut and I was shocked while doing dishes and said Hey, Big Guy is up to something. He dragged out a small generator, jockeyed cars around and back and forth putting air in tires, hoods and trunks went up and down and we watched amazed because we have never in 3 years seen anyone do anything outside.

Bob is not in the phot, but he was while I was cooking and doing WIFE stuff in kitchen.
Bob, look, he has a ladder, 
Bob, he came out with a CHAIN SAW!
Look! and I walked to the window, HE"S trimming the hedge! and back to the kitchen
BOB! look! he's putting the ladder under the tree, this got Bob to stand up, we watched as he climbed 4 steps high and stood on the TOP reaching over his head to cut limbs. This man is ill, as in at Christmas was in hospital for 30 days.
We go back to TV/kitchen and I said LOOK! he dragging out a bigger ladder! 
We both stood at the window, I prepared to call 911.
Alas! he went inside. 
An hour later, while passing through living room between Bob and TV I said, Big Guy just put the generator ON THE CURB and hung a sign on it. I run for the camera, zoom in and it says FREE, needs work. We walk over to look at it, Bob says he can fix anything. In the past, before he was 87.
We try to move it and it will not budge. I said forget it, we don't need it, you are to old to fix it or move it.
 OUT COMES Big Guy! we chat, he says what it needs and I said we can't move it, so we don't need it, HE says if you want it i have a roller mover and you can have that, he goes in the house, Bob and I squabble like children I DON"T WANT THE THING AND WHAT WAS I THINKING WHEN I SAW IT?
Above is the dead generator. Big Guy and Bob pushed it through traffic and left it in front of the garage. It sat there all night. I came home from shopping and there it was IN the garage, in the corner that has had junk in it since 1989 when we moved in that has never been moved. He SAT on a BUCKET for 2 hours trying to get fix it and could not figure out why he had so much pain the next day.
I may have said to Bob, yet another thing I will have to pay someone to move out of the garage if you 


Ginny Hartzler said...

What a story. Well, maybe he will Suprise you and fix it yet. Otherwise, too bad it is even more junk, and HEAVY junk, too!

Ann said...

Oh my, all that entertainment. So did the generator die on big guy while he was out there or did he drag it out and discover it didn't work? Leave it to a guy to take something like that.

Rose said...

I am wondering why he was in hospital for 30 days!

eileeninmd said...

You do have a lot of entertainment outside your window.
Sounds like BIG GUY, is more energetic since loosing a lot of weight?
We have a generator like the one you have now in your garage. It is way to heavy for one person to move, even on wheels.
Take care, have a great day and Happy Mother's Day!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

You do have quite the entertainment from the neighbor, Sandra, and hopefully the generator will be able to be fixed or else maybe formerly big guy can help Bob move it back curbside.

DeniseinVA said...

I live vicariously through your neighborhood tales. Good luck with that generator!

Mevely317 said...

Boys and their toys! This sounds exactly like something Tom would do. ('Free', it's for me!)

Before we moved I thought we'd have to leave the big 2-ton television we had in the family room's (built-in) cut-out space. Finally the much younger/stronger next door neighbor and his sons came and took it away. Another 'free-for-me' guy; I should have gone and apologized to his wife.

photowannabe said...

My Dear!!!
You are the master story teller.
What an adventure from your "rear window"
Wonder if that thing will ever work. Maybe Louis Dean needs to come and the two of them...Bob and LD ... could take it apart and put it back together again. It would get Bob away from the TV..haha..
Sorry, I just couldn't pass up the remarks.

My Mind's Eye said...

Well the good news is maybe the generator will get Bob out into the garage for a few hours here and there and the house will be totally silent no tv.
Hugs Cecilia

Chatty Crone said...

Oh goodness I am rolling on the floor laughing my brains out. Great story.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Oh my, that is an interesting story your shared. I wonder why he was doing all that work. Anyway, I'm sorry that the generator didn't work out. You were right!

Brian's Home Blog said...

HA! I guess I'm glad that our neighbors are nearly as entertaining!

CheerfulMonk said...

I agree with My Mind's Eye. If only Bob got interested in trying to fix it it could be a plus for you. It doesn't matter if he succeeds, at least he would be out of the living room and the TV set off. We can hope. ❤️

The Happy Whisk said...

You wrote this story- very funny. Oh my gosh. You are a hoot.

crafty cat corner said...

I can identify with this. I often go upstairs to see what neighbours are doing in their back gardens lol. This is what happens when you have time on your hands. Lol. Briony x