Thursday, February 20, 2025

Envy Drama Past and Present

HP Envy 5660
Envy Drama Feb 3, 2016
My printer QUIT... died when I needed to scan, print, sign papers and email them.. I rushed to Staples and said "I want the cheapest all in one printer you have as long as it is not a Canon"

They had two.

I said to the salesman... "Which one of these has the cheapest ink?"  he grabbed his calculator and Said The Envy E printer is what you want....  you can.....Easily connect this e-printer to your internet with 3 quick steps.... HE DID NOT SAY

 The EASY ENVY part comes with using you SMART PHONE (I don't have one), 3 clicks and you  and can print from anywhere in the world from your phone to you home printer.... Even if I had a smart phone why would I print at home from where ever I was.

Bob came to see why I was saying WORDS! Being The Male he said Let Me Do It...

She says...If you think you can go ahead..... Think DRAMA! Words and More Drama! LOUD Drama!

I end up slowly reading the instructions from the PC screen, while he stands in front of the ENVIOUS printer following them.. DRAMA! then guess what happened....

THE MALE said I need Light! and reaching out picked up the desk lamp.... and..... and........
Sat it on the OFF Button To The PC...Shutting it down instantly.
Can you say Drama?
PS...the printer works beautifully..


I found the same printer only newer and better and did not like the PRICE, soooo I ordered a cheap printer, and it came same day, from Amazon, I COULD NOT GET THE THING INSTALLED.. it was a piece of junk, and I expected it to fall apart in my hand. I returned it to Amazon, they took it back even though it had the ink installed. Instant credit.
The credit was there, I put the one I wanted in the cart. I left it sitting there for 5 days, and, played with my brain/catastrophizer, 
if I buy it will I be able to install it, what if I have lost my tech skills, it says must be installed by phone, I don't want to do that. I don't know how to do that. 
I moved it out of the cart. Two days later back in the cart.. I was upset because I was afraid of a printer, will they take it back if I can't install it? Will I have to hire someone to come install a printer? What will that cost?

I dig out the manual. I dig out pounds of cardboard stuffing, ask Bob to lift it out and sit on bed, and I could do the rest. I said I may need help, I don't think I can do this. I started to panic, I showed bob the new breathing thing of 4 4 4 4 box breathing, Seals do it to focus their thoughts, the Navy Seals, not the ones that have fur and are cute. 
I remember the DRAMA from the first Envy 9 year ago.
I Pace, I plug it in and the little screen says pick your language and up pops the screen above.
it say you can install this with your Smartphone or Computer.
I choose computer, find and Big Letters come up Mid screen,
I scream in my head, I want it on the computer, I can't do this. I will have to take it back.
I read the instructions for using computer to install. OV VEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I give in and go get my cell phone and it says on
tiny screen on printer
Scan QR Code and tap screen..
THE PHONE WILL NOT SCAN the code. I read instructions before trying and it say Open camera, aim at Code and it will give you an address to TAP.
It would NOT! I get tears in my eyes.
I look to my left and see the same bar code on the GIANT  36 inches Monitor, which is why I wanted to do it on the computer,
I hold the phone out and it works.
It says download installer, I do and it says choose Wi-Fi and next add password.
I did remember to get the password but did not remember It is a Long one and I need a tapper
because my fingers do not tap well on tiny letters.
I race to other room come back and tap password
And Oh MY Word!
60 seconds and counting and it was done and printed a test page.
It came up and said if you want this on other devices

Woooo hoooo I grab laptop and sit at desktop and in 60 seconds  I can print from all 3.
I DID IT! I sang as I go down the hall to tell Bob. 

The easiest ever installation and NO DRAMA! No LOUD WORDS.. No Drama Words!

my new HP Envy Inspire 7955e

I LOVE IT! and this was my test print of a photo! Not on photo paper, just a sheet of paper. Wow
I did it and I did it well and my brain worked and brain did not die on me... All that catastrophizing for nothing.
Beau gives it 4 paws UP
Dear Kittie at Brian's Home Forever, yes I am thankful for the new printer and the fact I installed it.


The Happy Whisk said...

Glad you got it to work. That is wonderful. Great that you didn't have to send it back again. PS: I just got Tim a new printer for Valentine's Day. His old one was on the way out and it was time to upgrade to one that also prints good photos. Should be fun. Hope you enjoy your new toy. Now you can print all your groovy art. Hot Dog. Life is good. PPS: Still no access to email.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are a computer tech, and I had no doubt that you work be able to install it. There is always a phone number to call for help in the instruction book. That is what we do, and they talk you through it. But maybe they don't do that anymore. Now I want to know what all it is that you print!

easyweimaraner said...

you are a real hero... to bring it to work is like moving a mountain... all this modern things need a special magic spell LOL

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Hooray and HOORAY!!! Kudos to you for figuring it out all by yourself!

A little while ago, I had a new fitbit to install...and I had to make an account with Google...sheesh. I didn't really want to do that, but otherwise my fitbit would be I had an old account, but they didn't like that...said It was already in use, well, DUH! I gave in and made another account specific for the fitbit...and voila! It came up. Hooray for me. Didn't need hubby the tech head to help, LOL! (He hates anything Google...)

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Gone are the days we just plugged stuff in....... YAM xx

eileeninmd said...


If only they made things easy to set up.
I have a cheap Epson printer, once I plugged it into my desktop, it set up easily. The ink does cost a lot of money, almost as much as the printer itself. Take care, have a wonderful day!

DawnTreader said...

I feel your frustration... And I'm happy for you that you managed to sort it out. I checked my own blog and see that it was nearly a year ago (March 2024) that I had problems with my own HP printer, but after a lot of headache managed to fix it after all - but without really knowing what I did right vs wrong! ... I *think* in my case it probably happened after some Windows update that the computer and the printer lost touch, and something needed to be reinstalled to make it work again.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

For some of us, there is something more intimidating about installing anything related to the computer than anything else. Seems like you came through it well, but I can sense the rising blood pressure as I read your account! All’s well that ended well, however, and you are set for a few more years (fingers crossed!).

Pamela M. Steiner said...

OH, I am SO happy for you! I know full well how intimidating that installation process can be. When I got a new desktop computer I had to reinstall my printer, and that was a challenge, and for a long time it never worked right and I had to keep turning it off and starting it over again, and then one day I figured something out, I don't remember what, and now it works fine all the time. I just don't like to buy expensive! Why can't they make that stuff more affordable? I am SO proud of you for hanging in there and figuring it out!! Hip Hip Hooray!!!!

Donna said...

Glad you got things sorted...I hate when, after all that, I'm in another room,,,see something on my IPad I want to print (usually recipes) and my printer is asleep and doesn't wake up!! Grrrr...

Ann said...

Wildly clapping for your success. I'm glad you got it all figured out and with no drama. It is so convenient to be able to print from multiple devices. No longer have to email things to myself so that I can print it from my computer.

The Happy Whisk said...

Got your message on my blog about the email. Back when this started I removed my old email from blogger reply.

Mari said...

Hooray for you! That tech stuff can be so hard and so frustrating! You did good!

Shug said...

Oh and gadgets can really get the best of me sometimes...So glad you got this looks like a really nice printer. I knew you could do it!!

My Mind's Eye said...

YAY you Rich would be proud. If I had to use my iPhone to set up anything I'd be a basket case. Just recently bought a new Kindle.
that was easy set up.
Hugs Cecilia

Mevely317 said...

You're better than "I Love Lucy"! In all seriousness, I'm so proud of you. We have a 3-year old Envy printer as well ... but I shamed Tom into installing it. If something should happen to him, I'd probably pay someone (a child) to do it for me.
For the record, I loathe those "Scan" bar code thingies. A while back we went to a nice restaurant with our kids where you had to do that to read the bar menu. My son refused, and asked the server to bring him a 'real' menu.

CheerfulMonk said...

Hurray! Time to celebrate!

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

I hear you! Good for you for setting it up. It makes ya feel good!
I remember my first printer - was very easy to set up. Now it’s gotten so complicated. Even setting up a new router can be frustrating. I’ve always been pretty good with technology so I try to keep up so I don’t lose any of those tech memory muscles. Once you’ve been too far out of the tech loop, it’s harder to catch up.
I print off my phone and my desktop. It makes it convenient when I’m too lazy to walk into the office to print. So I use my phone and pick it up next time I’m passing by. I call that just good time management! lol yeah yeah that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Have a Good day my friend.

photowannabe said...

Whew Sandra...I am totally out of breath reading this.
Bravo to being Queen of printer installations!!
You just don't give yourself enough credit. You are one smart cookie and don't you forget it !!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

WOOT! WOOT! You go girl!!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Great job !!! You did it!!! Mom has had Canon printers for many years after giving up on HP ones. She loves them and even more she loves the fabulous phone service they will give to help you get it all set up. We hope all goes very well with your new toy

Woos - Misty and Timber

Millie and Walter said...

Congrats on the successful installation. We just had to install a window shade, and the instructions were one of those damned QR codes, but it also had a web address. I hate that everyone thinks we all want to do everything with our phones!

Chatty Crone said...

Boy after all that I was glad it was you and not me. I never would have gotten it to work. But I knew YOU could do it.

DeniseinVA said...

Glad it all worked out okay. Amazing this technology.

Rose said...

I hate to think about anything new!

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra :)
How could you ever doubt that you can't do technical things, You are so smart at working out how things work. You just have to be calm and concentrate, even if it's challenging and you never fail, Well done my friend, I could not do it.

lexitheschnauzer said...

Yay!!!!! Lots of drama going on in your head and tension in your body, but YOU DID IT!!!!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

You are amazing. I know it was frustrating but I doubt I could ever do it. Way to go! Just reading this made me nervous for when I need a new printer.