Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Procreate Digital Art


The merging of different mediums, is called digital art. Above was created by one of my photos and taken into procreate on my iPad. Before you scroll down, can you tell what I took a photo of? 




Photo used in the art pic at the top.

I found a stick lying on the ground while following Beau around the yard. To me it looks like a cross between a snake and an alligator. I popped in in a photo, that was free to use in PicMonkey.
our yard is Dirt and not pretty.

I took it inside and sat it in 10 different places to take a photo.
don't you love it?

I love it and now it is sitting on the shelf with the bottles.

What ever he is, I love it and he remains sitting with my two bottles on the kitchen shelf.


Ginny Hartzler said...

It does look like a snake is winding around your things! I had thought it was a long rope of charcoal ash, like you get when you set off the Snakes Fireworks.

DeniseinVA said...

It does look like a snake. Fun to see what you can do with it.

easyweimaraner said...

yes it is s sneakygator... and with the green vase it is fantabulous!!!

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yes, I immediately perceived the stick (and made it into a mini dragon) but had not apprehended the bottles. It's a lovely wee find and I totally understand your fondness for it! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...

I could tell it was a stick, it looks like a snake to me.
Take care, have a great day!

jabblog said...

Sticks are interesting and have a story to tell, if only we can listen.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, I LOVE your stick snake/gator/mini dragon! He's a cutie! You did good. I would never have guessed the green bottles as being part of that picture! I could see the stick, but I thought there were blobs of some kind of liquid behind it. Very clever photography!! Yes, I love to see interesting things in sticks and branches and nature stuff in general. You did good!!! Thanks for sharing with us. I'm glad you kept the little fella! Did you name him?

David M. Gascoigne, said...

You are nothing if not creative, and the stick does indeed resemble a snake, or other creature of your imagination. I enjoyed every single picture. It’s remarkable that every day we receive such joy and inspiration - and education, too - from an eighty- year old woman, who mere weeks ago was recovering from the consequences of two devastating hurricanes. Amazing!

Ann said...

That is the coolest looking stick ever. I was able to figure out in the first picture that it was a stick but I couldn't figure out what the other was. I never would have guessed the green bottles.

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra :)
It looks like a snake or seahorse, and the green bottles look like liquid. Nice find, and it looks good on your shelf.

Inger said...

This stick had a story to tell and you listened and we got to enjoy your creativity. This is a wonderful post about so much more than the stick, it shows how wonderfully creative you are.

My Mind's Eye said...

Love the green vase OMDs that stick looks like a were brave to pick it up
FYI: YAM will be playing my song selections in March. You will find some I know you will like....George Strait for one.
Hugs cecilia

Mari said...

It's a very cool stick and does look like a snake or an alligator!

Mevely317 said...

Right away I guessed a serpent/snake, but couldn't discern those objects at the back. Your stick should be feeling pretty darn proud of itself ... and you for noticing!
AND now, drum roll ... I know the definition of digital art if I'm ever asked!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

How creative!!! To me...he almost looks like a Seahorse!

Sandee said...

How fun. You're most creative.

Have a fabulous day. Scritches to handsome Beau. ♥

Shug said...

At first I was thinking a baby gator, and then seeing the length, I thought snake...As I zoomed in, I could clearly see a stick. Very interesting find and it has made for a very unique photo. You did good...

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

That is a very interesting snake. The digital art first made us think it was a snake winding from a backpack on the left to something on the right that we couldn't figure out:)

Woos - Misty and Timber

photowannabe said...

Absolutely fantastic !! I would have picked that up too. I hate snakes but this one would have found its way inside and on a shelf too.
A+++ and 3 gold stars for this one.

Chatty Crone said...

I am telling you in some of the photos it really looked like a real snake. I hate snakes they scare me to death.

The Happy Whisk said...

That is a very, very cool stick. Love the shape. So much personality.

Brian's Home Blog said...

It really does look like a snake!

CheerfulMonk said...

That stick has personality! It’s a keeper.

Rose said...

It does look like both!

Betty Manousos said...

it does look like a snake. I’m afraid of snakes. I love the shots of him. just wondering…do you feed him?

Sparky said...

Glad I could stick around for this post. 🤣🤣 It does look like a snake or maybe a dragon on a diet.
Anyway, I figured the one was a stick but surprised the rest of the photo are bottles. Super cool. You're so creative.
Blessings. 💖

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I remember you talking about the sticks outside. I would have had no clue it was those bottles. It does look like a snake or alligator. It's a great stick.