Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Egg, the frying pan and 2 lizards

Poo (perfectly ordinary objects) Egg and Lizards, what is more ordinary.
I just wanted you to see where I put the egg when I make my egg, vegan mayo, French bread breakfast sandwich. Cool Egg Holder, Bob's breakfast cast iron skillet.
Below was a funny story, I was standing throwing dish water out on the weed patch when I heard a loud rattling sound, stepping 2 steps to my left, there was a battle going on between two very large male brown anoles. They were fighting and by the time I returned with cell phone, they had parted and having a stare down. The second photo on vamoosed when he saw me aim the cell.
Guess now what they were fighting over..


here is the answer, the above photos are from last week, the below are from Sept and I never used them. we have a colony of thousands, and we love them. a cheap source of entertainment.

Cuban Tree Frog with sucky feet.. we love our wildlife, picture from the archives, none last year or so far, no rain. 


CheerfulMonk said...

Nice! 😊

Ginny Hartzler said...

So there are different kinds Anoles! The tree frog is so cute. What a neat egg holder trick. I just pit eggs where they will lean against something. OOHHH, the header, I just love it!!

easyweimaraner said...

we once saw a lizard and we ran away in a wild stampede... our middlename is probably not braveheart LOL

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
Well done on getting some snaps! Nothing really beats nature teevee. YAM xx (who leaves the egg in the box until use...)

eileeninmd said...

That is a neat egg holder. I just sit my egg on the counter. I love the lizards and the frog. Take care, have a wonderful day!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I usually place the egg in a small bowl to prevent it rolling around. Congratulations on your very appealing wildlife. Enjoy them and protect them. I know you will.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh, this was fun fun fun!! First of all, I put my eggs in the spoon rest on the counter while waiting to be cracked. Then regarding the anoles/lizards...yes, we have tons of them here too, although they haven't really started showing up yet because once again, it is very cold! So they are still hiding in their hidey holes wherever that may be. One loves to live inside one of the bird houses, and that may be why the Bluebirds are still contemplating whether or not to boot him out so they can build their nest. We usually name our lizards "Lizardo" and some other variation of that. We've had some that guarded our front door step that we called our guard lizards...Yes, they do provide cheap entertainment for sure, especially when they start the mating game. LOL. I just don't want them to get inside the house. That is a big NO-No!!! If I can't get them back outside in a reasonable manner...they may have to find a quiet spot to shrivel up and die, but they'd better do it without letting me know where they are or the chase will be on again. We've had some hilarious chase scenes in the past. The lizard usually loses his tail in the process, but it will grow back. OH yes, we do have fun with our lizards here in Florida. Thankfully these do not get any bigger!!

Ann said...

I have a spoon rest sitting on my stove and I always set my eggs there to keep them from rolling away.
But of course they were fighting over a female. Nice photos you have of all of them. The frog is kind of cute.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We have lizards too, and we love them!


Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra :)
I love this nature post. super captures of the lizards and frog. Yes, they are free entertainment, and lovely creatures. It's still raining here. Very inventive way to hold an egg Sandra. I have a spoon on the counter top near the oven.where I pop my egg.

Mevely317 said...

Your title sounds like that C.S. Lewis book! (The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, I think.)
We love our lizards and tree frogs, too, but I've not seen so many this year.
Your egg 'holder' is so clever? What size eggs do you get? With current prices, I've afraid to experiment.

The Happy Whisk said...

You are funny with the egg. Hope it was yummy. Glad the two lizards stopped fighting.

My Mind's Eye said...

OMDs this was an award winning post, romance, food, fun.
I have usually do most of my prep work by the sink. I have a spot between the paper towel holder to keep the egg from rolling off.
Hugs Cecilia

Linda said...

You never cease to find ways to entertain yourself and all of us, as well.....

Chatty Crone said...

I have to tell you that seeing all those lizards near me - would scare me to death!

DawnTreader said...

I keep my egg from rolling off the counter by putting it in the "handle" (hole) of a wooden cutting board... (lol)

photowannabe said...

Love this post Sandra. My 2 eggs every morning sit along side of the burner while the pan is getting ready. I love where you put yours.
We have a lot of lizards too and will begin to see them when it warms up a bit more. I think they live under our shed and they use the stump of the tree that "fractured" Dave's leg as their lookout and to play "King of the mountain".
Some of them are so small, measuring just an inch or so. Boy do they skitter so fast too. I guess when the cement on the patio gets so hot that's the only way to go..

DeniseinVA said...

You have wonderful wildlife! Those lizard shots are great as is the sucky feet frog (love that name). I love ALL of your posts. Even enjoyed what you were cooking and where you left the egg. You can do more of those as far as I am concerned. This is the kind of stuff I really enjoy.

Sandee said...

Awww on the lizards. They are so cute. We have lots here too.

Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to handsome Beau. ♥

Shug said...

I don't guess I've ever thought about where I put my eggs before them going in the pan. I usually put them on the grate of my gas stove. You captured some good pictures of the lizards. That one is a fat little booger. Lizards remind me too much of snakes for which I am deathly afraid of. We have one that stays on the foliage of my cannas. Good picture of the tree frog too and those suction toes.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Love seeing the life of the lizards:). We keep trying to catch one, but they are SO fast. Mom usually puts the egg in a bowl or on a paper towel, but her problem is getting it in the boiling water without having it crack:)

Woos - Misty and Timber

Millie and Walter said...

We don't have any lizards around here, but they sure sound like lots of fun to watch.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Our yard is full of lizards. Mainly small ones. They come and check us out, then run away. There is a very pretty type that live in our front yard. They are bigger and colorful. It's fun having some entertainment in the yard.

Debby@My Shasta Home said...

We have many lizards here - big ones, little ones and they’re all friends!


That egg holder is a clever idea, and your breakfast sandwich sounds delicious. The anole battle must have been quite the sight—nature’s little dramas are always entertaining. new post: www.melodyjacob.com

Sparky said...

Cool way to hold an egg. Steve uses the spoon rest for the 3 we have every other day.
That's a Brown Anole, a native to Cuba. They're pushing all our native Green Anole's out of existence in South Florida. They are invasive but not harmful to anything else. I just think lizards are so neat. Our invasive lizards are Argentine black and white tegu which give a nasty bite and get quite large. They prey on birds and their nests. It will decimate our birds if not stopped.

Rose said...

If I put an egg some place like that you can rest assured I would manage
to send it hurtling to.the floor.