Bob has cut my hair for 40 years, I cut the back of his, he cut his own.
Things changed, and now I cut mine, he does the back, and I saw this trimmer with all the blades a few months ago.
for several weeks I put it in the cart and added to the list and before clicking buy now, I would delete it because I figured it was a waste of money and I could not use it..
I must have removed it 3 or 4 times. Last week, it popped up and said on sale and I had rewards $$ of 9.96, and with sale and rewards I paid only 15.00 for it.
Woo Hoo.
It came and when I finally figured out how to charge, turn it on, put the comb things on and off, it was two days.
Several tries later with no success, I took the comb off and decided to use it to trim the back of my hair, it worked great on the right side, switching to the left side
I dropped it on the floor and it broke off the thingy that held the blades on. no way to repair, it sat on the table while I got up the nerve to throw it away and decide if I wanted to keep the bag of stuff.
I opened a drawer and saw a bright yellow roll of
Yay! i can't use the attachements but it work well on the back of our neck line, and that is why I bought it. If I disapear, you will know, the tape came loose and the blades cut my fingers off.
What If On the Loose~~ ha ha
Oh my goodness, what a story. But being so very clumsy, this is exactly what would have happened to ME!! Only I would never have figured out how to fix it with duck tape.
Hurray for duck tape!
it seems mark is right, duct tape holds the world together... and now you have the same trimmer like we have... ours had a gray duct tape belt ;o)
I hate to tell you this but Fergus and Jock get their hair cut with a thing like that. I thin Fergus's hair but the Boss gives Jock a short back and sides (and front, but for some reason leaves out his ears which makes him look like something out of Dr Seuss).
I trust my hairdresser more than I trust myself... ;-)
Looks like a great tool to use for trimming your hair and Bob's hair.
Sorry it fell, thankfully the duck tape works wonders.
Take care, enjoy your day!
When you come to visit southern Ontario, don’t forget to bring it along so that you can give me a trim. Payment will be dinner of your choice.
You are both brave to have cut each other's hair...Bryan has a Wahl
trimmer he loves
Hugs Cecilia
OK, so did you scream and drop it because of how it cut your hair and it broke, or did you scream because you dropped it by mistake? If you shaved your hair without any of the attachments, you must be almost bald on that side...I use that to shave all the hair off a dog, making it look even shorter than most short haired dogs. (Inquiring minds want to know.)
Duck tape to the rescue, yay! You're far braver than me. I still shudder, remembering my own episode with the cuticle scissors.
Now I wonder why it fell apart so easily. Are you going to leave a review online? Buyer beware!
Sheesh...I think I might still try to return it, Amazon is pretty good about taking things back no matter what
Wow, now we have the Saga of the Trimmer..I love the way you tell a story. I have been cutting Dave's hair for years and years. Sure have saved lots of moola. I do trim my own too until it gets totally out of hand and too straight to rescue. Then its off to Rhonda's for a cut and perm.
Good luck on the duct tape rescue. You will do fine.
Oh noooooo, what a story, be careful! I'm worried about your fingers now. I am too nervous to cut my own hair but I leave it so long between visits anyhow.
I am so sorry that you dropped it. Glad you didn't get hurt and that you are still able to use it, but what a bummer. Take care.
Drop happens from time to time. At least it didn't drop on your foot and bust your toe!
I love your story. I hope you didn't shave your side of your head half bald before you screamed and dropped it? What a story! Love the duck tape. I never had bright yellow duck tape before. Mine is boring gray. I use it for a lot of things too. I do have my MIL's ancient electric clippers. She was a beautician, and my FIL was a barber. They may have been his, I don't know, but she used them on my little boys before I figured out how to do it myself, and I cut our boys hair until they grew up and moved away and went to a barber for the first time. I still trip hubby's hair some, but it's getting so fine that I am afraid I will gap it too much, so now we both go get it cut at Walmart. Our son Scott cuts his own hair with the clippers and does a great job, even across the back of his neck. I've told him he should've been a barber, but he prefers to cut grass at the golf course. It doesn't complain when he misses a blade. LOL. I enjoyed your post as always. Never a dull moment.
Hello Sandra :)
You scared me when you wrote SCREAM I thought you had cut your head, and you may even cut your fingers, Do be careful Sandra Duct tape is good but it may come unstuck.I used to cut Americo's hair for years but go once a month to the hairdresser to have mine cut.
Duct tape is the handy man's secret weapon...
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