Monday, January 8, 2024

Button Button, Who has a Button


Bob stepped in the door holding out a button. He said the button came off my shorts. I said "again?" and he said look at it, the middle just fell out of it. The shorts are OLD denim and his favorite and the button I had just sewed on 2 weeks ago was off. Again. I said you wore out the holes from me sewing it on so many times.
Grabbing the newly organized sewing basket, pulled out the bag of every button that ever came on a garment in the past 30 years, dumped it out and as I dug through the buttons, saying Button, Button, who's got da Button" 
Bob said you will not find a match and I said Bet you a button I will! I won the bet. The button that came in the pocket of the shorts 15 plus years ago, was right there waiting! 

Bottom right is broken button and new button.
I asked Google for Button Puns. Wow!   I found over 200. Don't panic, I will only show you 2. the Rest are here, Buttons Puns 200 and this is their graphic. I love it. 
Do you save buttons? 
Where do you put them.

source Buttons Puns 200
4. Why did the button go to therapy? It needed help with its attachment issues.
5. I admire buttons because they always know how to keep it together. (butt not on Bob's shorts😋


CheerfulMonk said...

How clever of you to have the replacement! 😊

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari Om
I had hoped to inherit mum's button stash...but one of my sibs beat me to them!!! YAM xx

eileeninmd said...


It is good you have a great collection of buttons.
Cute button puns. Take care, have a great week!

Rose said...

I love the puns... I would be tempted to use velcro...

David M. Gascoigne, said...

By the time I was twenty, maybe even younger, I was sewing my own buttons on.

Ann said...

I have buttons that I purchased for crafting purposes. I also have a few stray ones in little plastic bags that came with clothing. Those are not organized in any way shape or form and I've never held on to them for very long either for some reason. I guess I get tired of moving them around and toss them. That's impressive that you still had a button to match Bobs shorts.

Inger said...

This post made me laugh, long before I got to the actual jokes, not sure why I was finding it so hilarious. I save buttons, but I have very few. And I don't know where they are, probably in my hardly ever used sewing basket. Thanks for the giggles, I needed them today.

My Mind's Eye said...

Attachment issues hilarious
I have a very very very x 100 old tin of buttons that belonged to Bryan's Mom.
And have several zip lock bags full of buttons off different blouses, slacks, shorts over the years.
Hugs Cecilia

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Silly Bob, he should have never bet you on that one!

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I can't believe you found the replacement button!

photowannabe said...

I too have a very rarely used sewing basket in one of my drawers. We did inherit a huge stash of buttons from Dave's Mom.
Maybe I will do a post on them sometime soon.
Great puns too. And, as someone said..Bob should never bet you one that button search..haha

Linda said...

I DO save buttons! But I AM surprised that YOU do!

DeniseinVA said...

I save buttons too, have them all in my sewing box. Can't remember where I put it mind you but it will turn up eventually, ha! Enjoyed this and your button puns. No. 1 and this to Bob, Sandra knows you know ;)

Mevely317 said...

How my mother would have loved you! She, too, kept buttons of all origin in a round tin ... the kind you often see containing fruitcake at Christmas.

Tom knows if any buttons need sewed back on, it's on him. Surprisingly, he just does it without complaint. Not sure I even remember how to thread a needle; that's probably why I still use a big safety pin to hold the back of my apron together.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I remember that button, button game. We always had a big jar of buttons around when I was growing up!

Breathtaking said...

You were lucky to find another replacement. I have glass jars full of buttons, each colour is in a different jar, then shirt buttons, and size of buttons in different jars. I daren't throw any away, because if I do, no doubt I will need one of the ones I discarded. However I haven't used any of them yet!:=)