Wednesday, January 3, 2024

The To DO List, Part 2


Bing AI and I the MadSnapper

continued from prior post The To Do List, part 1

I took two days off with The Do List, which list all the things I put off, because I don't want to do them.

The List has 14 jobs listed. I started with the one I hate the most, UPDATE the important papers box and 2 file drawers that are the most daunting for me, and could/would be a nightmare for Bob or our kids.

 #1 The metal box we are supposed to grab if running out the door from flood/fire/home invasion or if for some reason I forget to pay the taxes and get evicted. (think senior moments) 

4 years ago, I created a folder, with a bright yellow tab. 
Open this in case of death. 

 I created a list. It is all monthly bills, how they come, when and how they are paid, auto charge or online. I listed Retirement info, who it is with, and how to reach them.401k info, who has it, how to get it, beneficiary.
All info needed if one dies or both die at same time, it is there to direct the person/persons left to deal.
I also added a list of people to be contacted, names, phones, who they are, what they need to know.
 Details matter. If it is a spouse, they need to know what and when and why and how.
If you both die at the same time, the family needs to know. I added several of you to the list to receive phone calls and/or emails in order for you to pass it on. I chose my niece as the person for Facebook notifications. So far, I have not figured out how someone would post on my blog. 

I rather play with AI....


eileeninmd said...

We have a similar metal box, with all the important papers.
I leave that to hubby to take care of, at least I hope he is taken care of all of it. Take care, have a great day!

Ann said...

You are very organized. I have a book with all passwords for accounts I have but I never thought about needing all the other info. I need to get that started.

David M. Gascoigne, said...

This is a nice cheerful post to start my day! We have done none of this, and I suppose we should. Maybe tomorrow, or the the next day, or……..

Breathtaking said...

Hi Sandra :=)
You did a lot of important things which will make things easier for family members in the event that both you and Bob pass away.My late husband left everything written down in an organised way, and it was most helpful,and passwords to this information were kept separate, and a password to get to the other passwords was also separate, it sounds complicated, but it wasn't.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
This is stuff I have been half-pondering myself... well done for tackling it!!! It's one of the reasons I want to shift entirely into the van; simplification. And thanks for saying you are thinking of we, your blogging pals - nothing worse than folk just dropping off the radar and never finding out!!!!!!!! YAM xx

DeniseinVA said...

I am impressed and so thoughtful of you to think of us out here. Thank you!!! You are an inspiration for me to do better and get more organized.

Tigger's Mum said...

I have booked marked that post and put it at the top of my to do list - Mr B would have no idea where most of my bill paying, property documents and so an are (I'm not entirely sure that I do - so it needs dealing with) and I know how horrible it is doing that paperwork stuff. Reward yourself now that you have tackled it. xx TM

Mevely317 said...

Wow. Here I just THOUGHT I'd most of this done already. Your first part (about the monthly bills) makes me realize how poorly I've presumed. My "In the Event of" red file folder is now moving to the front of the tickler file. Thank you!

My Mind's Eye said...

Oh yes indeed a necessary chore. I try through out the year to keep the files updated with the past 6 months info.
Hugs Cecilia

Velva- Evening with a Sandwich said...

Happy New Year! Cheers to getting the list done!


Ojo said...

Hello human friend, this sounds very organized! I would rather eat the papers! Also, my person thinks Gen AI is fun too! I would rather she play with ME!

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's one of those things that nobody wants to do and many keep putting it off, including me.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

My husband also keeps a metal box like yours....with similar things. He also keeps a safe deposit box for passwords and such.
Thank goodness, because I haven't put anything together...and suppose I should put this on my list...of lists.

photowannabe said...

Great accomplishment there Sandra. Its hard to do but so necessary. I am so glad my sons got most of the vital info done and things are all in sons hands. I do have to do the password thing and bills etc. Never thought of that being something someone else is going to have to tackle.
Finishing the lights on our tree and dismantling the tree today. Then our living room will be back in order. Love it when its up but glad to finally say good bye to it. Of course the room will look so dull and drab after its gone.
Love your AI pics.

Rose said...

I need to settle myself to do some of these things...I would hate to to have to go do all I need to do at one i sit listening to Lynryd Skynyrd all because of the email you sent....LOL

Jim and Barb's Adventures said...

First, so sorry to hear about your friends passing. Great idea on the folder, everyone should have one regardless of their age.

CheerfulMonk said...

This post is a public service. I need to update my folder and include passwords. I have asked Kaitlin to post a goodbye on my blog, but I probably should write down the instructions again and put it in the big folder. Thank you! ❤️

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Just reading this post overwhelms me. I am overwhelmed with all that I have to do around the house yet I can't even take Christmas down because I am sick. Almost all the things your are talking about Mark does. I don't have a clue on any of our financial stuff, just my accounts. You rock!