Saturday, April 9, 2022

Guessing Game

Guess what this is.. Now, scroll down a ways for another hint


Can you guess what is in the glass? Scroll down again

I saw ants in the Moss Rose Cracked Planter. I chatted with  GG better known as Google Girl,
asking how to get rid of ants in a planter with out harming the plant.

The answer is, boil orange skins in water and water the plant with it, NOT while its hot! Ha Ha
I ate one and made Bob eat the other so I could have the peels.

GG also said to sprinkle crushed mint leaves on the dirt.
I had none so she took 2 bags of peppermint tea, which IS crushed mint leaves and sprinkled on the dirt.
It also said Spray the plant and the planer and dirt with peppermint oil in water.
To cover all the bases, I did all three.
We shall see if the ants go away.
IF that doesn't work she will try the spray with soap and water..


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
I know that peppermint is supposed to repel mice... so all the best with that! I thought those might be apricots at first, which I think you might understand. But orange skins are a good disinfectant so here's to successful ant eradication! YAM xx

Ginny Hartzler said...

Really good things to try, and cheap and non-poisonousness. My guess for the first pic was salmon! I also read ants do not like coffee grounds and talcum powder.

Tigger's Mum said...

Like Yam we guessed apricots. Good luck with the ants. We had them all over our lawn, tried endless things (no poisons as we also had beehives in the garden) and never really found a good solution, so we'd be pleased to know your results/success rate. Maybe you need yo do some science- 3 planters with ants and a different trestment on each one. xxx Mr T

Hootin Anni said...

I would've guessed apricot. Lol
Yep, water, heavy with soap worked for me, but thing is, the ants moved a bit away and showed up again...but not where the soap was sprayed. Good luck.

Ann said...

LOL I thought the first one was peaches. I've heard of using peppermint oil but not the other things. I had read once that an ant won't cross a line of dish soap. I tested it once and it's true.

Ann said...

Oh I forgot to add that when I read that you ate one and Bob at the other at first I thought you meant you ate the orange

Rose said...

I could not even think of anything to will have the results of your efforts.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

You learn something new every day! Great tips!

My Mind's Eye said...

MS you are one fun Mad snapping GG friend. I love it.
I hope it works. I have also heard equal parts of white vinegar and water is good for eliminating weeds. I don't know if it works on ants.
Hugs Cecilia

DawnTreader said...

From the first image, I thought peaches. I'd never have thought of orange peels to repel ants - aren't they generally drawn to fruit? Peppermint I'm more inclined to believe might put them off. Good luck!

eileeninmd said...

Great tips for getting rid of the ants, I'll have to remember boiling the orange peels. I did know about the mint, I have a spray bottle of mint I use for ants. Have a great day!

Mevely317 said...

Nope, never would I ever have guessed those were orange peels. (Mutant peaches, maybe.) Who needs Heloise when you've got GG and Sandra!
Years ago my SIL told us about Terro drops, but I like your solution better. Let us know if your tri-fecta works!

Ginny Hartzler said...

I am so impressed that you found the antenna! Hey, we just bought a Roku. It is rocking my world!!

photowannabe said...

I thought I was looking at dried peaches.
I hope this "natural" way of getting rid og ants will work.
The soap and water thing seems to work pretty well too.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Hope it worked. Good to know!

Ruth Hiebert said...

With the combination of orange water and peppermint, the plants should at least smell good.

Linda said...

All very good information and was especially timely as I have the same problem! I shall do what you have done! Plus I have lots of mint growing so I will dry some of the leaves and sprinkle with those! You are so clever!!!

CheerfulMonk said...

I thought the orange skins looked like apricots. They sound like good things to try...fingers crossed. 🤞

DeniseinVA said...

This is great, I am making a note of this. I guess it works outside too? I think we'd have to eat a lot of oranges for that though, lol!

Catherine - Mixed Media Artist said...

I too saw soaking dried apricots!