Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Wordy Wedensday Hydration


I saw this quote online. Typed it in Procreate because Sometimes I talk so much I wonder if the person I am talking to wonders if there is a way to shut me up mute me.
I also often wonder if any/all of you think I need a mute button because I write like I talk.

My doctor asked me if I am staying hydrated and I said yes, she said you need electrolytes, I said I get them twice a day. she said excellent and she would try it.
this is how I get the water and electrolytes. 
Frozen berries, mixed, and 1/2 cup of cranberry juice, the sour kind, no sugar
1 cup of Vanilla Soy, blend into an ice cream like Electrolytes Bonus
I buy mine frozen or freeze fresh to make it like ice cream. or you can use fresh and drink it.
I am getting all the water/electrolytes I need daily by eating at homemade ice cream.  I do mixed  berries for 10 am snack and Mango/strawberries with peanut butter powder at afternoon snack.  Mango and Watermelon are really high in water and electrolytes.   Eating fruit hydrates and gives electrolytes.

Dear Myra and others who don't eat fruit, you can hydrate with veggies, not sure how it will taste like ice cream though...


Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
Yup, smoothies are an excellent all-round hydrator and balancer of micronutrients! YAM xx

DeniseinVA said...

Never on the mute button! Thanks for the smoothie recipe plus. I love my smoothies.

Rose said...

Me, too, on the never mute button. The smoothie sounds good.

eileeninmd said...

No, on the mute button. Your smoothie sounds delicious. I drink lots of water with lemon and I love most fruits and salads. Take care, have a great day!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Most of the time there is lots of hydration going on here too!

Mevely317 said...

Noooo on the 'mute' button; we love you just the way you are! (Except for days like today when your post didn't make it to my reader.)
I'm so glad you shared the link of alternate ways to hydrate. #s 6, 7 and 8 I love.
I need to dig out Tom's machine and start brewing smoothies of my own. Spinach, anyone?

My Tata's Cottage said...

Never mute your button! When my husband was so ill this weekend I was asking a bunch of people for prayer I noticed I was rambling. One looooonnnggg sentence. My twin down in Georgia, my sister from another set of parents said simply, I get you! I am having a breakfast smoothie with frozen dark cherries and my protein powder . It has my favorite Almond Coconut milk with zero sugar! This summer has been a rough one heat wise. Praying for some cooler days. Thanks for being here. You often say things that are so relative that I am not sure what I would do without them! Thanks for being here !

DawnTreader said...

I'm not all that familiar with "electrolytes" - but I do eat a lot of fruit and salad vegs, so I'm probably ok in that department...

photowannabe said...

My Doc. doesn't want me to eat fruit because of the sugar which isn't good for my pre diabetes. I have gone off the wagon and do eat some fruit still. I have been trying to boost my electrolytes. It does help with the leg cramps when I don't hydrate enough..mostly water, plain soda water or water with lemon.
No MUTE button for you... I love the way you communicate.

Ginny Hartzler said...

You are so creative with food. One thing I love about you is how you write like you talk. It is honest and you are being YOU. Just like we were sitting over coffee for a chat.

Shug said...

I definitely do not drink enough water and am most likely on the verge of being dehydrated most of the time. I like this idea!! I know I could handle such a fresh drink like this. Thank you for sharing!! I often wonder if my family thinks I need a mute button. LOL

David M. Gascoigne, said...

I should make smoothies more often. They are very enjoyable and filled with nutrition, too.

DeniseinVA said...

A lot of great info here. Thanks Sandra! I love my smoothies but have never thought to put cranberry juice in them. It’s on the shopping list now.